Hello lads, I'm a mexican american and have the option to either go to Britian or Japan

Hello lads, I'm a mexican american and have the option to either go to Britian or Japan.

Which one gets me a better chance with the ladies?


Go to Japan to piss off sexpats.

kek this.


no one likes chicanos sweetie

Kys brown beaner

Japan. Given that you are 'white' Hispanic

>implying Britain has ladies worth pursuing


Keep hating, it just makes me stronger

how so?

out of question

fuck you motherfucker(^^

why are you proxyposting

but i'm japanese

Yes all our women are ugly please stay away

>mexican american

>mexican american
Good looking brapanese remigrants have monopoly though

You have good chances in bth places. Brits will find interesting the fact that you're mexican adn jap girls generally like anything coming from the new world


Like, Japanese people who fart a lot?

If you can't get women in America, you're not going to get women elsewhere.

800% incorrect going by first-hand experience

No but they really are though

I've been all around England and it seems that the beauty standard there is caked on makeup and gigantic foreheads

Fucking inbreds

Yes I agree you're right, no one come here

white sexpats in asia get mad when they see non-whites sexpating it up


both are not famous for beautieul female or cheap stuff.

>not famous for beautiful women

I'm sure, buddy.