Metal loses most...

>Metal loses most, if not all of its charm and mystique when you realize that the majority of its creators are twenty-something middle-class white men who have existed outside the realm of suffering and despair that their music revolves around. It's laughable to me that people who grew up in affluent families, in American suburbs or countries like Norway, which has one of the lowest crime rates in the world, sing such vulgar songs about death and hell, torture, and killing. They adorn their album covers with grotesque pictures showing burning churches and dismembered corpses, and they do this because they want to portray themselves as being hardcore, death loving badasses who revel in the sight of brutality and gore, but the reality couldn't be farther from what they want us to believe. They come from loving and wealthy families, went to schools in good neighborhoods. The last thing they should be doing is screaming about tortured corpses and beheading angels in hell.

Other urls found in this thread:

>wahh I hate white men
this was written by a democrat

>only niggers have a hard life

>muh toxic masculinity

I like metal but he's right

did you just assume xir gender you shitlord

Typical commie materialism and ridicule of white men. If you ridicule teenage boys for "wanting to seem badass" in a world completely gutted of honor and danger I can't say much for your understanding of human drives or especially white human drives.


it's also completely irrelevant

the only argument the (obviously self flagellating white) author makes in favour of it's relevance is "yeah huh!" He states it's wrong, so it must be wrong, because he is the All Mighty Author.

the entire OP post is literally the same "assume xir gender" bullshit but without the self awareness, why not go spam ironic xD to that?

He's right. Separating the art from the artist is a huge meme.

Let's forget metal for a moment. How could anyone like Slim Jesus (suburban raised kid from Idaho or some shit) seriously?

If you don't know about Slim Jesus...

>uhhh muh breakups, uhhh muh didnt get into my first choice college

Those are legit problems, and what Christgau is saying that they should sign about actual things they experienced rather than role play as serial killers. Same shit goes for rappers. Not a white/black thing. A lot black rappers never seen the hood and still rap as if they were on the front lines of a Crip/Blood streetwar.

>Someone pointing out the statistical fact that whites on average have higher living standards than most other ethnicities triggers me


You idpol bullshit has no bearing on artistic merit and belongs in the trash. Sorry if that upsets you.

>They adorn their album covers with grotesque pictures showing burning churches and dismembered corpses, and they do this because they want to portray themselves as being hardcore, death loving badasses who revel in the sight of brutality and gore
this is objectively true and it's what so cringey about a lot of metal

I bet you're the kind of person who thinks a meme of a white homeless guy disproves white privilege

He's right desu. Metal is al will always be edgy shit for teenagers and manchildren.

>wahhh white men
using big words and coopting right wing memes doesn't change the fact that all you have is whining about "deh white debil"

It literally does, sorry your entire world view crumbles on a credit card joke sweetie

I like how Christgau stirs the pot here (and he knows he's doing that), but what's the difference between a group of suburban white kids making music about frightening content and white movie director from the suburbs making a torture porn (Hostel, etc)?

A lot of metal artists seem real chill and I don't think necessarily have a desire to role play as badasses, but just like creating horror/scary content, like Stephen King likes writing horror novels.