He called Draymond a bitch.

And Draymond is a bitch.

HE also said he lost respect for Curry for letting KD cuck him out of his team

Which is exactly what happened.

When Skip bayless calls you a bitch and a cuck, your life is over. Fuck Steph Curry.

Glad the media isn't ignoring this. I'm tired of hearing how Curry, Draymond, Klay, etc. are "redeeming" themselves in these finals.

They haven't redeemed shit. They added the NBA's best scorer to their already stacked team so their team is even MORE stacked and those "elite, alpha-male" players that were talking shit when they were up 3-1 have even LESS individual impact and responsibility now.


Nice "sport" you got there. What did dwayne the rock johnson have to say on twitter about this? What do you think will be the impact on next year's fashion show?


>We came to they house, drink the wine, ate the food, put our feet up, and didn't say thank you.

NFL needs a Shannon to make it great again.

Is that girl only there for her tits? Literally useless. She's not even pretty or anything.


she has great tits, and she SKEEUP-posts


That's dumb as fuck because Curry's always deflected the leadership role when the media tries to pin it on him. He's never wanted it for much outside of the money.

Green's been the leader since he earned his starter spot. Which is why HE made the call and got everyone, including the front office, on getting Durant.

Those aren't tears of laughter youre having my friend. Its ok

>I would have taken that to my grave
okay I laughed

I hope KD enjoys is ring*

ALL sports have drama you dumb queer, it's a side effect of the social media age

Sweeping lebron will have some tasty tears tonight.

>draymond green is the leader
Dude fuck off.

>le change the narrative to fit the momentum-shift man

Not even that guy but caring about anything besides the game itself makes you a de facto cock sucker

The first guy clearly cares about it as well though.

The warriors are a team. None of them want to be a leader really. The whole team has a role player mentality and its partially why one apenig isnt going to run them over.


What do those cheeks look like though?
I've never seen her standing

He clearly called KD a bitch too.