Reminder that club football is for casual plebs. International football is for the true aficionados

Reminder that club football is for casual plebs. International football is for the true aficionados

Support your country or go back to /r/eddit.

I just wante to say I love sucking cock, there, I say it.

But my national team is a fucking meme

The thing is that national football only happens a few times a year.
Also most Euro teams are cucked beyond saving, the players playing aren't even members of their ethnic groups, or in extreme cases, their race. I would stop watching our national team overnight if a black guy would've been invited as a forward or something, it would be a huge disgrace.

Can't wait for the nations league to get more national games instead of the meaningless club garbage where you just pretend to root for a club

Judging by that flag, it makes sense that you don't give a damn about club football or your league or european competitions

In countries not plagued by war and genocide, you root for the club your father does. Maybe he even takes you to a few games.

t. shamelessly bandwagons Liverpool.

Is fishing cod a sport?

Judging by that flag, it makes sense you want people to watch your league.

Judging by that flag, it doesn't make sense that you are posting on this board

Supporting local "(((footballers)))"? Yeah, I will pass Mr. Mc'O'Mac'Flanabradypatricknagh

What's the point if those clubs are filled with negroes and latinos and are nothing but a shadow of their history as in your (EPL) case?


The World Cup is literally the most popular tournament for casuals and plebs though

Because you want to see the best players in the world play each other? What kind of stupid question is that?

Judging by your flag, it makes sense that you would say that.

Because club football is about building a team, it doesn't matter where they're from when they're in your shirt. No need for third world tribalism in a global game. Also i support a championship club.

>plebs like that, therefore I obviously can't enjoy it too, what am I, a pleb?
Enjoy rooting for capitalist owners
You're literally a fan of a brand, a team name, players go if they're offered more and players come if they were offered less somewhere else and there is no connection between you and those purchased players other than the brand name
With ethnicity it's entirely different. Tribalism isn't a third world meme, it's the primary pillar of our civilization
I don't, it's a game, a game is always about who is playing and not how they play. Your little brothers junior league game is more important than the game of your national team for the same reason the game of your national team is more important than Halal vs. Buyern

I unironically agree OP, good post

I unironically disagree with you
It's pointless to root for the US national team just like any other multiethnic national team.
What's your ancestry? If you're Irish then it's more logical to root for team Ireland e.t.c. you get my point

WTF, I'm a fan of the English, German, Irish, Mexican, and Kenyan national teams now??

Lel nigga...i root for Mexico. Viva Mexico Cabrones!!!!!!

First of all I can probably track you with just that information
Second of all you were unlucky to be born a mixed breed so all of what I said doesn't apply to you

He still has better genes than an Arm*nian lmao