
Okay, so what are you trump fags gonna do when hillary steals the election from you with voter suppression and voter fruad?

Go back to feeling hopeless and just accept it.

This is our last chance.

We'll cross that bridge when we get to it.


Party hard

>Trump drones make fun of bernie supporters as Clinton cheats her way to the nomination
>Clinton continues winning via cheating in the general
>Sup Forums BTFO
I don't wanna hear you faggots whining when it happens.

this is a clinton rally with big name musical acts and its this empty.

>bernie supporter mad and lashing out at the only other non establishment candidate instead of rightfully lashing out at hillary stealing the nomination

bernouts, what are you doing

probably the same thing I did when Dubya and Jeb! stole an election... sit around depressed for a while and then play some vidya.

A Hillary victory is a civil war.

>thinking Trump would roll over for fraud

Who is he Al Gore?

Race war

There are no supper delegates in the general
If there us fruad or supression we will take to the streets abd demand her head

Start digging and live stream her hitmen killing me.

i am just going to enjoy it so much

>inb4 amerifat hate

you're acting like this is a good thing...That's NK shit

Enjoy watching the world burn.

Continue living my life

we're used to losing. we usually lose even when we win.


voter "fruad" huh?
I am sorry but I don't speak retard.


I'll laugh at all of you to hide the fact that im crushed

>voter fraud

Like that's even necessary.
You do realize your vote is nothing more than a suggestion, right?
