Ayn Rand and King Wallis Vidor made the greatest pro-liberty film of all time...

Ayn Rand and King Wallis Vidor made the greatest pro-liberty film of all time. It's called The Fountainhead and it starred Gary Cooper and it was released in 1949.

The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.

Ayn Rand:
>"fuck off its all mine! Sharing is wrong! Down with free healthcare You should make it on your own!!"

Gets ill:
>"Medicaid! Medicare! Help me!!!"

Yeah, no. She was an ex commie who loved money more than people.

>King Wallis Vidor
I've never seen him referred to this way before, it gives the impression he was an actual noble.

Whoa! What's the story here? Was she forced to pay into social security and other government programs her entire life at gunpoint or was she just a huge leech like welfare recipients in the inner cities?

If she didn't want to pay into Social Security she could have fucked off to a different country.

No, she was an old asshole who took a moral and political stance against something then reneged when death started to creep up on her. Same with Mother Teresa saying pain was god's blessing but getting the best medical treatment in her old age so she wouldn't suffer

>The smallest minority on earth is the individual.

>but there are 7 billion individuals. how is that a minority? all humans are individuals. it's like saying a letter is the smallest alphabet. letters make up alphabets.

>REASON is a sterile box made large
o.. okay

This has got to be the most retarded thing she's ever written. No wonder Paul Ryan is such a derp.

Drain the Swamp 2017 - MAGA

The other way around.

She wanted to pay as little to no tax as possible because she thought people should look out for themselves. She made a big thing about it all her life. Anyone who couldn't do for themselves were literal lazy scum in her eyes and needed to die.

Then she got ill and started claiming social security and medicare. Because reasons.

Wait, so she didn't advocate taking advantage of government programs so long as one was forced to pay into them? Is this really true??

>her entire life at gunpoint

Name 10 people who were shot, in the last 50 years, for not paying taxes. I'll wait.

Didn't Wesley Snipes have to report to federal prison because of tax evasion? Why would he have cooperated if the threat of force didn't exist, do you think?

Baiting but I'll bite.

>While she was rich she wanted everyone to fuck off and leave her and her money alone.

>But when she got poor she wanted every handout imaginable

Ayn Rand, everybody.

>report to federal prison
>the same same as being lined up and shot

because she paid into them her entire adult life

had she not paid into them she could have saved that money for her own long term care

What would be the result if this person refused to report to federal prison, do you think?

>trickle down
>free markets

The difference is that in a fascist state you get a bullet whether you comply or not

The tea party is over faggot, go home.

When was Ayn Rand poor, in her adult life?

>look how smrat i am
>i read the fountenhed

>What would be the result if this person refused to report to federal prison, do you think?
Please stop evading this question.

That's not what I asked. Who cares what the theoretical consequence is when it never comes to that in any practical situation. You're living in a society. There are consequences for breaking the law.

I bet you're the same faggot who thinks BLM is terrorists and that niggers should be gunned down for not following directions but god forbid some white person has to pay 15% income tax for "fear of being shot." better break out the mid-century casual philosophy that's just an over-reaction to some old woman growing up in a communist country.

and zack snyder is going to shit in its mouth with his remake

just like he did to batman and superman

The answer to this question is not relevant to the original point.
>randroids claim they can argue

Now there are posters calling other posters faggots and randroids and invoking BLM. This is hiliarious.

If the tea party is over, why are there more of those faggots in office?

Where the fuck is Orson Welles when you need him...

And you're so intelligent and awesome for being above it all! No one is going to trick this MENSA member into taking a position on anything!

My position is that Ayn Rand openly called for Objectivists to take advantage of government programs they were forced to pay for, well in advance of her death, and that she was never in poverty, which seems to be an idea claimed by the retarded left who hates her but hasn't explored anything she wrote or said.

Also, Mensa isn't an acronym and shouldn't be capitalized. It's Latin for "table".

You're intellectual cripples if you don't understand that every single law is enforced by the latent threat of violence. You can refuse to obey the law, sure, but then you will in fact be forced to go to prison.

Actually letters make up languages.

T = {a, b}

Defines the language T

There's nothing violent about a minimum security prison for people who torrented from tpb



This is wrong. We need a genius to rule us as a king.

Bunch of commies ITT.

>A Randroid is a follower of Objectivism, a phallocentric religion designed to turn basement dwellers into self-righteous zealots devoted to the worship of a dead soviet hag.

>tfw can't respond to any posts ITT because already BTFO

The fact is you don't know what's best for you. You think you do because you are stupid.

feels bad doesnt it

The thing about Randianism is that pretty much every attempt to implement it in real life implodes in short order.

Take a look at Galt's Gulch Chile, what was supposed to be a real world community based on Rand's ideas quickly spiraled into a cluster fuck of backstabbing and outright fraud that is still being fought over today.

I know what you mean, bro. Rapture turned to shit pretty fast too iirc. The wife and I used to love vacationing there back in the day. Not so much now though.



It's worth noting that Ayn Rand was actually a huge mooch, just off of private funds rather than public ones.

She was a professional party guest who sidled up to rich socialites and would stay in the guest rooms and summer homes, eating their food and drinking their booze and all she had to do was stand around with a cocktail and a cigarette and explain how her philosophy made them good, righteious people and all their critics and enemies evil, jealous leeches and monsters.

"It's OK, you're in the right, nothing is your fault, everyone else is trying to tear you down. What's that? Why yes, I'd love to spend the summer in the Hamptons! I'm sure your friends are very excited to hear about my revolutionary philosophy! I'll have another champagne, too."

It's a wonder that she was surprised and outraged when she found out her lover was cheating on her with another, considering that he was married and cheating on his wife with Rand.