Failed my exams in 1st semester

>failed my exams in 1st semester
>try them again
>second semester
>do my exams and failed them
>now have to do a shitload of exams in august


i thought white people were smart


may be you are not in the mindset for uni? have you tried getting some menial job?

i remember when you posted this a few days ago about having to stay indoors when it was sunny outside. seems like you wasted your day and shouldve just said fuck it until the test nears


Ha, listen to this, I had to get a 4.6 (10 being the maximum score) score in my last biochemistry test, andddd I got a 2.6

I failed this same class last year so now I will have to quit my college career, and the funny thing is, medical school is the only career that I enjoy, so I don't know if I should just kill myself now or become a male prostitute.

whites btfo

what's your major?

become a dentist

Nah I already wasted three years of my life in college for nothing, I guess I will have to pic a not so difficult normee career related to business and finance

>Failing to get even a bachelor's degree
Might as well kill yourselves tbfh.

>western europe
Whites are rare as fuck even around here, I guess they still live in some tiny villages or whatever.

>tfw have to repeat 5 exams in August

At least I'm not out of college (yet)

I have to retake 3 exams in mid July. Not too bad.

Will start tomorrow

gosh user you are such a loser.

32 year old here, working fulltime and going back to school for a phd in an engineering field.

tbqh, i find you millennials a bit dumb. i grew up and went to school when the technology we have today was at its nascency. the ease at which i can access articles, reference others etc has multiplied a 1000 times, at least.

so, even when having all these resources at your disposal, being not able to get through an undergraduate degree is pretty pathetic imo

haha alri gramps time for your meds

papaw stop posting on Sup Forums and go to bed

& --->

tfw in same boat

>Failed out of college for a Finance degree
>Work at starbucks full time now

i know

Considered studying?

Biochem is not that hard. For medical students, look at the readings as symptoms. Do mind mapping. Link them with physiological phenomena. Frequently, if one analyte goes up, another goes down and vice versa due to homeostasis. Conditions arise when your body loses this homeostasis, a bit like driving on the highway in first gear. Eventually something will break. Memorise the important analyte normal ranges (pH, glucose, sodium, potassium, O2, CO2 etc) but beware of special cases such as old people or children in exam questions. Good luck user. Don't give up.

at least you have a job

>live in a numerously claimed #1 country to live overall statistically in the world
>""hahahha my life sucks because I failed exams"

you're so privileged it hurts i bet you have never suffered strife in your life while your government gives you neetbux you faggot

>graduated from university two years ago
>been a NEET ever since

I know people that have graduated and are doing the same thing pretty much.