You do know that nobody uses the term 'Anglo' in real life, right?

You do know that nobody uses the term 'Anglo' in real life, right?

Other urls found in this thread:

Chicanos and Mexiboos do

that monkey looks delicious

Quebeckers do

In Italian and Russian they do.

>be me
>go to England
>go to first pub I see
>the people look up but seconds later they mind their own business again
>some guy who's on the way out looks at me and says "what's ya bloody problem mate?"


i hope for your sake this is bait

Just a stupid ironic post I pulled out of my ass, like 90% of all content on this board. Why would you take this seriously?

We just use the word "Saxon"

You're genuinely retarded for thinking this might have been serious

I just call them "Ingleses/English", desu.

People here often use the term "Anglo-Saxon Australian" interchangeably with "white people"

Don't you lot either put Anglo or Celtic down on the census? Sup Forums-tier desu

we use the term "anglophones", which is pretty much the same thing

They do here

Also "Anglo-Saxons"

In spanish we got the phrase "hijo de puta" as an equivalent.

What's ya bloody problem mate?

I never heard of the term until I discovered Sup Forums
Anglo-Saxon I've heard at school as conquerers of England after the Romans left, and then the Normans conquered the Anglo-Saxons at 1066 Battle of Hastings
I've never heard of the term "Anglo" being used on it's own

Wasp is used when discussing politics.

le eternal angloooooooooooooooooooooo xd

Only time I heard anglo was to decribe the culture of the U.S back in school. God only knows what the lefties are trying to push these days though

I was watching London Has Fallen with my dad last night and he said that he couldn't fully believe it because there was no way that so many Anglos would turn would turn on their country like that

Doesn't your dad know that pommie girls are fucking Paki guys en-masse?

They probably are trying to push the America = Hispanic meme
I fucking this timeline, I wish manifest destiny was completed

Before the Normans they were simply called the Saxons. Once the Normans came they became Anglo-Saxons. Not sure about the roots of the word though because I always thought Anglo meant people from the Isle of Britannia. Maybe the Normans were Anglo but before them England was definitly just Saxon

Normans were Northern French with a bit of Scandinavian blood
Anglos and Saxons were north-western German tribes
Britons were the natives of England
Modern English are like 2/3 Briton 1/3 Anglo-Saxon

I despize usage of that term in modern con
text, is it the fucking 9-th century after Christ (?!)

Correction, modern English are 2/3 Celtic 1/3 Anglo-Saxon
Celtic genes in modern English come from both native Britons, as well as Celtic French immigration over thousands of years

Wrong, we fucking call you Anglia officially.

I don't think so, it'd never be believable, It's probably some melting pot bs

So Anglo

that’s just for England.
nota bene. for Ivan: England ≠ Great Britain
Great Britain ≠ United Kingdom

On Rossija 1’s Vesti, they seem to use «Beликoбpитaния» (“Velikobritanija”) for all of U.K., despite the geographic inaccuracy.

its "anglosajones" en español (J as in strong H), but its pretty rare to be heard

They do use UK occasionally (Coeдинeннoe кopoлeвcтвo) but I guess Great Britain evokes the location better

yeah, literally everyone uses the word anglosajón (anglosaxon), especially in more serious situations

jkakjaakjjkajkakjajkakj the gay chinese misters """yes anglosajon literally end in me""" """ahhh yesss mister i like your jogurt'"" ajkakjjakkjakjakjajk
