My flatmate and I both love cooking and cooking shows and wanted to start a youtube channel with this new video camera...

My flatmate and I both love cooking and cooking shows and wanted to start a youtube channel with this new video camera I got. (I'm pretty good at video production and editing, and we both love cooking so why not)

What are your pet peeves of youtube cooking shows? What would you like to see more of?

More about the science or chemistry behind ingredients? More about the technique? More narration/description, or no narration/description? Do you like hearing about the history of the dish?

Basically I have a few ways to approach this:
>Talking, bantering, displaying our personalities
>Just one of us speaks and the other operates
>ASMR-style, no talking at all, just cooking
>Host-style, like on TV and Jack
>Themed like "Bachelor-friendly cooking" or "What was in the fridge"-kinda style

I'm doing this for a hobby and not for money so I'm open to being creative and fun

Basically - what would be your ideal cooking show?




This is an American board faggot. Gtfo.



>what would be your ideal cooking show?
Kidnap a different person every week and teach them how to cook a healthy meal at gunpoint.

Jesus fucking Christ

The next superbacteria will come from Jack's anus

Something that provides clear instructions but also has a focus on process and the 'sentiment' of the dish if that makes sense.
Also as far as all youtube content goes just don't have the obligatory "THXGUISBESURETOLIKANSUBSCRIBE" self shill at the end, the buttons are right below the the video, people know how the system works, you don't need to do this.

How did he survive over 40 years

Three things reel me in as a cu/ck/:
>Sensuality/Food porn

I wish more YouTube chefes used PISSMANS MUSTARD in their dishes

This. Have some big titted woman on your show throwing her cleavage around.

I really hate it when they drop the camera in the sauce pan

don't do that

>More about the science or chemistry behind ingredients? More about the technique?

Why do Britfags always have the most cringe blogposts?

so fucking disgusting. i refuse to eat any chicken that has still traces of blood on it

create the food that Hannibal made

YASSS!!! omg!! i LOVE that show, it's awesome as FUARK yo. Very cultured. very cute. Hanngraham. tumblr ftw!

Is that intentionally done or?

Anything that I can have a good ol-fashioned NUT to