Why should hate speech be legal? By hate speech I mean saying "Gas the kikes...

Why should hate speech be legal? By hate speech I mean saying "Gas the kikes." and "I hate all the stinky niggers and want them deported to Africa" in public.

Liberals tell me that if we don't allow bigots to spread hate then there will be less hate crime and we don't risk discriminatory legislation.

I'm honestly very divided on this topic. What do you think? How will society benefit from allowing people to say these hateful things to each other?

Should put downs and verbal bullying be illegal too? The more I explore the topic the less sense the laws make.

It shouldn't be. Hate speech undermines freedom.

How so? Does casual verbal abuse undermine freedom as well?

The only thing that should be illegal are verifiable physical threats to your life. Everything else is fair game.

If hate speech ban only marxist propaganda i'm all for it, its only retribution since its the communist that created that notion

I wonder who could be behind this post

It's only hate speech as defined by the Left. SJWs say many hateful things about White males, but it's never called hate speech because the Left doesn't believe White males are human.

calls to action, that is conspiring to plot real violence is completely distinct from the seemingly "hateful" expressivity of politically incorrect speech

learn the difference

Hate speech is too broad of a term. If you don't like what someone says, you don't have the right to shut them down. Just walk away.

This, no homo

Hate speech is NOT the same thing as saying hateful stuff like "fucking nigger"

Hate speech IS directly inciting violence towards a group or a demographic like "gas the kikes"

gas the kikes

i hate all the stinky niggers and want them deported to africa

i want you deported to africa you canacuck

offense is taken not given blah blah blah

Loose defnintion of what constitutes "hate speech"
Many people believe that protecting your borders and prosecuting foreign criminals is considered hate speech
It is literally just a "silence the opposition by playing into identity politics" card

because love speech needs no protection

>Why should hate speech be legal?

'Cause my body my choice?

If what you're concerned about is the reduction of actual hate, then you're making a hypothesis that hate speech laws are effective in countering said hatred. That actually need to be demonstrated.

Do you think that if you send me to prison for saying "gaz the kike" that I will now like them more? Or do you believe that there isn't some other way I can use to communicate my hate? (That I don't actually have.)

Then you have to think of the misuses of the law itself. If there is hate speech, then there is a person determining what that speech is gonna be, and this can be abused or change at the whim of the majority. It's inherently an insecure position. If you restrict "obvious" hate speech, at which point people start to resort to very (((subtle))) form of it, will you then also ban all of these other (((subtle))) forms that are almost indistinguishable from ordinary speech?

Also, if hate speech is so wrong, shouldn't you be able to disprove it with more speech? If we're gonna use the hypothesis that falsehood such as hate speech can spread, shouldn't we also make the hypothesis that truths will spread even more?

Hate speech laws are shit.

Because then it becomes a slippery slope.
Who defines "Hate"?
You can criticise Islam without a single shred of hate and still be called islamophobic and a hating bigot.

>costs a person a part of his or herself
>costs self-respect, sanity or other

Right... Listen.. Weak little bitches will be weak little bitches.

If motherfucking.. ETHER hurts you? Then you seriously need to work on your force field generator (Heart). Because no man or woman's words should hurt you that bad.

Now if you are talking about humility... that's another story. I believe humility builds the truest form of pride. When one fucks up, and gets ripped on for fucking up, they'll feel humility, it is the precurser drive to not fuck up, to accomplish. Once you accomplish, you feel true pride.
Seriously... why has this been lost to people under 25? Shit i'v met 30 year old fucks that have yet to feel a true sense of pride in their lives.

I'll use hate speech, i'll use it to the most extreme extend, not against a race or a religion or sex.. but against the individual. I'll actually attack a motherfucker for being a dumb stupid daft motherfucker. I'll drive the nail right into the fucking cross if that's what it takes to make you feel humility (as was done with me, and my father before me, and his likely before him).
I fucking hate you, piece of shit, you don't work on yourself, you don't work to better your situation or the situation for others around you. You complain and bitch about the world, but refuse to voice the opinion when it matters the most (at actual town/city meetings, or gatherings in general). You're the type of cunt to complain about being hungry, but refuse to get your hands dirty planting a garden. I hope you either fucking wise up or die shriviled and drowning in your own tears.
That all goes for a white male, a black woman, a trans bear wold helicopter. I don't give a fuck about identity, I give a fuck about character.

Smash the weak. Let the strong rule the planet. If they want us to cater to the weak, we will serve them with hot servings of ass-hurt in the form of reality.

Now, my projectionist rant is done with.

GAS THE KIKES! Race war now!!

I hate stinky niggers and want them all to be deported to Apefrica.

Fuck you leaf, you cock guzzling, syrup sucking faggot. Your mom cucked your dad with a moose.

Not allowing hate speech breed cuucks and affeminated men

Also OP is a faggot and Hillary is a raging lunatic cunt. A filthy cunt

Moderated speech is the anti-thesis of free speech.

Go fuck yourself with a cactus

In other words, Canadian males

>why should hate speech be legal
Because freedom is more important than "muh feels"

my rights shouldn't end where your feeling begin

Actually it is free speech. The Supreme Court agreed, don't bother them about it.

Because it is fun. And i dont really care if they told me build wall. I'm not a sensitive faggot who cares what others tell me.

Holy fuck this could not be any more correct.

What kind of would do we live in?

100% truth


Because Hate Speech changes depending on who is in power.
In Iran Hate Speech is anything against the theocratic government.
In the UK, Hate speech currently only applies to speaking against Islam and what is not popular. What if that changes?
Are you a Trump fan, if he takes power then hate speech would be classified as things promoting socialism and Islam.

Why in god's name would I trade the ability to speak my mind with the threat that my words could be illegal based on what party is in power?

>god, family, tradition, heritage pride

let's not kid ourselves, Sup Forums isn't really for the former.

The problem is that these overly coddled millennial faggots don't want to mature to even the level of a third grader of past generations where "stick and stones may break my bones but words...."

Lurk more

Controversial language is exactly what free speech laws are designed to protect.

If everyone already agreed on it, it wouldnt need protecting in the first place.

"Hate speech" is just a newspeak word used to describe anyone expressing wrongthink.


>wants to restrict speech
>but still somehow call it "free"

Idiot, if speech is free it means ALL speech including hate speech. If you restrict free speech you're restricting free speech and it's no longer free, which defeats the point of having free speech.



Yeah. The leftist who made the meme is retarded. Bomb threats are free speech too. Can't people just admit that free speech isn't perfect?

Hate speech laws are pretty stupid though.

From previous user.

>Hate Speech has a such a loose definition that virtually any statement could be classified as it.

>Also, to deny someone their right to speak because you don't like it is an act of hatred unto itself.

>Founding Fathers and Constitutional Principals>Left Wing "muh feels" Faggotry

Whitney vs California
Brandenburg vs Ohio.

Asia for Asians
Africa for Africans
Middle East for Sand-Niggers and Kikes
South America for Wetbacks
Abo-land for shitposters
And everywhere else for whites.


remove leaf, dirty moosefucking syrupniggers

We honestly need to stop sheltering people so much.

People growing up in such a soft environment become weak. Do you think it's healthy that a random person hurling a few words at someone else can emotionally scar them?

What does that say about the 'victim'? It's their choice to take those words to heart, to give them weight. Which seems healthier to you, a person that can be called every mean thing in the book let it all flow past them like hot air or a person who hears one opinion they disagree with and needs to run to a safe space?

Which would you rather have populate society? Which kind of person do you think would be able to build a more rational, free and resilient society?

Cry about it you sensitive shit, free means free and your misunderstanding of the notion of obscenity is little more than sidestepping the issue. Your emotional hardships due to words are little more than interpretive, with no provable damage and the dilemma that what is offensive or upsetting to some, is irrelevant to others. If you're going to follow the notion speech should be restricted based off of internalized input, just go ahead and ban language since as we know with even modern notions of "hate speech", even presenting to another they may be unhealthy can be construed as "hateful". It's either free speech or no speech, you don't get to have both.

Hate speech encourages violence and discrimination against its targets. It undermines the freedom of those individuals.

GTFO commie.

The are free to stop being hateful.

The "victims" of hate speech are always hateful, that's what they all have in common.

Canucks, kikes, niggers, faggots... you name them.

Why should hate be illegal?

>muh feefees
fuck this infantilized faggot generation, you should all be gassed.

sage this horseshit. why are you cunts even replying?

Free Speech is a human right. Fuck your Nazi ideology, kike!

Hate Speech, just another one of your verbal abominations. You really all need to die sooner than later!!!

Besides getting the obvious first amendment argument out of the way, you answered your own question by arbitrarily telling us what hate speech constitutes. This is the problem. What is and isn't hate speech? In today's hypersensitive world, people can find offense at just about anything. It can effectively be used as a form of censorship against opinions that people don't like. We've already seen some of this in Europe with Holocaust denial.

Free speech is freedom from persecution from the government for all the stupid shit you say.

There is no such thing as real, legitimate freedom of speech and there never has been, people just get the script flipped.

Having said that, people should still be free to say as they want, and if it causes a problem and you get your shit hit, then you knew the dangers ahead of time.

>There is no such thing as real, legitimate freedom of speech and there never has been

Do you think this place is the closest thing to free speech there's ever been?

Not only can people say really fucked up shit (and they do) they are say it to an audience of thousands.