You got your zionist, Sup Forums
You got your zionist, Sup Forums
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Sup Forums says israel is the biggest threat to the world then goes and votes for the single biggest supporter for israel out of all of the candidates
yes, Americans are actually THAT retarded that they will willingly enslave themselves to kikes because it's contrarian and edgy
Yep. Israel First. America? The hell is """""America"""""?
Supporting Israel is win win win for me:
1.Jews half quarantined to their promised land
2.Kills muzzies
3.Who kill jews
Bonus that it divides political factions because who to support is murky, and I don't actually give a fuck about either of them.
Fun Fact: Trump and Netanyahu have nearly identical positions on every issue.
This is your average "alt-right" cuck everyone. Keep your distance as to not be contaminated by his pure and utter degeneracy and lack of principle.
They both rather keep killing Americans in favor of Israel
I dont think you know but it's secular Jews who control the wealth.
Not Israel. Even Hitler wanted an Israel.
israel is paid for on your dime idiot, including paying for all the blowback due to retarded foreign policy
>Implying shitskins killing each other is a bad thing
>Implying their hatred doesn't fuel redpilling
>based Hitler wanted everyone to have a homeland to be proud of
Fuck I miss Hitler
We spend like 2-3B a year to israel and it destabilizes the entire region. Well worth it when compared to an entire defense budget of 0.5-0.6T. It also forces out competitors to ally with muslims or stay silent in the mid east.
>yes, goy, I control ALL your choices at ALL times, no matter what you do
how is destabilizing an entire region beneficial?
Israel is good.
Zionism is good.
We need somewhere to put the Jews
End of story
*throws kerosene on an open flame*
>this is fine
Actually, the war cult known as Islam is to blame for the Middle-East's hatred and warfare. Israel is just pouring petrol on a fire that is already out of control. It makes the problem worse, but the problem will still be there regardless.