I still don't understand why he offed himself?

I still don't understand why he offed himself?

He didn't seem miserable and was sober for over a decade at that point, also he was on tour with his band. Cobain was a bipolar junkie when he blew his brains out

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Depression isn't always as apparent as you think, not even for a public figure such as a famous or semi-famous musician. And it is not necessarily connected to drugs or alcohol. A lot of misconceptions about this topic.

*keys have been added to your inventory*

>He didn't seem miserable
how do you know that???? when you've never met the guy or spent a day with him. its so easy to fake being normal its called public relations. look at robin williams

RIP nigga


I don't get it

Meh, what we agree/disagree upon here isn't gonna bring him back. I choose to go on valuing the music left behind. Worry about it and ya only make yourself suffer twice.

nigga got sacrificed

It's like if you got big in the early 90s you have to die sorta young.
I'm looking at you Eddie Vedder

>look at robin williams
he as assassinated

We need to stop seeing suicide as some sort of moral failure, a moral weakness. It might have been a conscious choice, you know. Suicide isn't always related to depression, and even less to some "demon" that haunts the person until he offs himself. Even seeing his wife trying to justify the suicide by the medicine he was taking is just an example of how we tackle this issue today.

Self-destruction is fundamentally dysfunctional. It's pretty much unheard of in the animal kingdom. Among people, even, suicide is a problem mostly just among the prosperous.

I still miss Robin Williams

>his wife
you mean that vapid, greek witch that just got a nosejob?


GOAT never forget

Robin Williams wasn't funny and his "serious" acting was mawkish and amateur. .

I'm not gonna explain my lame joke to you, user


It still fucking hurts, and I have this suspicion that it will never stop feeling bad every time I get reminded of CC.

What a fucking voice, what fucking beast.

Nickelback really were quite underrated

Yeah, but this that just proves my point. Symbolic language, which constitutes the capability of consciousness and the capability to attribute significance to reality and to position yourself within it, is also unheard of in the animal kingdom. I know that suicide is self-destructive and that it is dysfunctional, but animals only don't commit suicide because they're not conscious about their being in time and they can't do language (at least the one mediated by signs and by symbols, which constitute subjectively our perception of reality, our surroundings and our inner life). Certainly suicide is a problem, but not one we must measure with moral standards, since it could very well be a conscious choice of not wanting to live anymore and not finding meaning in life.


Life goes on and great music lives forever!

People conciously choose to rob liquor stores, don't make it beyond the issue morality. You are so smart you're stupid; educated into insolence.

He OD'd on something that made him want to off himself more than usual? That's what I remember the story as

Yeah, but suicide is a different matter than robbing a store, what the fuck. I was surprised with his suicide and was very sad that we lost such a major person in popular culture, but people were fast to jump into conclusions about why he committed it and didn't even think a second if it couldn't be his will not to live anymore. Sorry if my argument seems insolent or rude, it wasn't my intention, but I'm tired of seeing people justify suicide with extrinsic matters. But hey, would you mind explaining why you think it's being educated into insolence recognize some aspects of suicide that not many people think about? Just to clarify, I'm not saying that people don't commit suicide because of mental problems, but that there are many more facets to it than it's normally recognized.


Cornell was involved with an organization which attempts to stop child sex trafficking.

a girl told me I look like him recently

is this a good thing or what

It depends if you find him good looking or not. I think he was fine.

Wasn't it auto-erotic? Only Chester's death seemed like an actual suicide

I heard it's actually pretty difficult to start an organization against human trafficking nowadays.

good thing. In high school everybody told me I looked like a Jonas Brother.

He was handsome af, despite the beggar-style that he adopted in his last years.

Yes; it could get you killed.

Willing to do something dysfunctional doesn't make it beyond reproach or magically unrelated to morality. Please stop replying to me, you are an imbecile.

I thought he took to much medicine that had suicidal thoughts as a side affect?

Calm down, dude, it's all good, there's no reason to be rude.

it's better than being told you look like ellen degeneres

i remember hearing that he died accidentally during a bout of erotic autoasphyxiation. choking the chicken with a belt around his neck in the bathroom


same as every other celebrity "suicide"
he was gona name the eternal zog

chris cornell was handsome af my dude.

You didn't know him


You do realize Robin Williams had cancer and decided to offer himself before the cancer could right?

Quality thread

That's such a stupid thing to say. Yeah, it's not something animals do, so what? Animals don't drink milk their whole lives, they don't own cellphones or build machines that can fly either. Stop comparing humans to animals.