How does this country even function ?

How does this country even function ?

reading just news headlines is not the best way to really gather what is happening in a country. People want to read shocking, scary, and important headlines.

With violence

We're slowly killing off the blacks

no defending the dumb white guy but if you arrive to a crime scene with no uniform and a gun out (assuming this because theres no way he would had been a threat otherwise) you should realize that you are put into the "against us" category by adrenaline pumped officers instantly. i dont see this as a race driven crime, rather its just another case of dumb americans shooting dumb americans.

with pussies?


And legally, even

>a country crippled by strikes on a seasonal basis asking how another country functions

>assuming this because theres no way he would had been a threat otherwise

Have you ever seen an American police officer in action?? They're truly low IQ chimps with guns. I remember this one video where a guy was agonizing or something and he had his arms crossed on his torso (this was a natural reaction that happens when you suffer a severe concussion to your brain like when MMA fighters get knocked up) and the American officer shot at him because he thought he was reaching for a gun. American police shoots first asks questions later.

Forgot to say that the guy was involved in a car accident that's why he was in that state, he wasn't a criminal or something like that

well, they are not having strikes 24/7 and actually get shit done for the most part

do you know those Americans who make threads about Europeans getting raped non stop by muslims? you are the equivalent of that

ofrcourse i can understand because in France you really do get akhbared nonstop

It's a big country

By letting your women fuck them to death?

Europeans just want their biases confirmed as they continue to stare down their noses at le uncultured americans. you won't find a more smug, arrogant people

I know a few older police officers, they think that too many new officers don't know how to assess how much danger a situation poses and are getting way too jumpy with their guns. The "shoot first, think later" mindset is getting more common, and is giving a bad name to police officers. Essentially a lot of new guys aren't as capable of keeping their cool as a lot of older guys could.

Kill anyone under 42 when?

>people killed by islamic terrorists in Europa 2016
>people shot by police in America
NNA, based on newspaper reports it's atleast around 1000
I don't claim the latter should be zero, but the same number in Germany is less than 10, for example, so I'd say it's statistically bigger problem.

>comply with all orders
>they assume you didn't and shoot you anyways
lmao this is funnier then that time the cop shot this guy three times in the chest then called him noncompliant for not moving

The next world war will probably take care of that.