What is this expression trying to convey?

what is this expression trying to convey?

Pockmarked Geisha?

>look at my tits

>Is that a penis I smell?
>I do believe it is!

Regret from too much plastic surgery. Watched Apocalypse yesterday, and she looked hot as fuck as Psylocke despite it being clear they cut all of her lines because she can't act.

>doesn't look like anything to me.

What the fuck has she done to her lips?

>I have no self worth besides being viewed favourably by men

>"I destroyed my face so look at my boy tits"



>another """""""hot"""""" popular woman fucks her shit up with plastic surgery

pure pottery

Looks like a mongoloid Catherine Zeta Jones

she's smirking at your 3 inch penis @76502316

I still would eat her shit
and megan fox's shit too

foreskins are disgusting

How do you have a turkey neck in your 20's?

shoop da whoop


>look at me

she's 31

i think it means she wants to put her feet in my mouth

Leaving Attack of the show ruined Olivia Munn

Imagine being a Packers fan who lives in Wisconsin who has to deal with your Quarterback dating Olivia Munn.

That's me.