


for me, it's Roo Mania

more ewwmania am i rite :dDDd



Ebin diss! XDDddD

iredentist imbecil
Romania interbelica a fost corupta si slaba

Insinuezi ca Romania azi nu e corupta si slaba?
Si care este problema in a fi iredentist?

we say rroo-mah-nee-uh

Iredentismul si pannationalismul sunt boli mintale

Salut Gypsybey

Our flag is better

Tell me why is your language partly latin?
What century does it date back to?
Has it changed a lot?
Was Ceausescu good leader?

Si banuiesc ca tu esti un centrist radical sau ce?
cumva harta asta te provoaca?

It is [romɨˈni.a] in Romanian and [roʊˈmeJniə] in English according to the IPA.

>Tell me why is your language partly latin?
Before 1780 we wrote with the cyrillic alphabet but gradually we had a romanization reform (adopting roaman words and getting rid of some slavic ones) and by 1860 the roman aphabet was adopted.

>What century does it date back to?
the 1st written document dates back to the XVI century (1521) but it it widely believed that the Romanian language dates back to the II century B.C. it forming after the Second Dacian War (106), of course it was a proto-romanian with elements from Dacian and old Latin but it can be considered Romanian.

>Has it changed a lot?
Language-wise yes, from Dacian to Daco-Roman to Heavy Slavic influence and now to a Slavic-Romance language.

>Was Ceausescu good leader?
There were some good thing he had done like the "Palace of the Parliament" or getting rid of our nations foreign debt but in doing that he starved a whole county and hungry people are angry people.

>before 1780 we wrote with the cyrillic alphabet
Outside of Transylvania

>forming after the Second Dacian War
Stop wewuzzing please
The language you call Romanian is actually Transylvanian in origin, the mongrel offspring of the Thracians and the countless nomadic invaders merely adopted it

>Outside of Transylvania
Yes because Transylvania was under the Austrians then, of course they wouldn't write in cyrillic because they had Hapsburg influence.

>Stop wewuzzing
You tell me to stop wewuzzing but right after that you do it.

>Romanian is actually Transylvanian in origin
Yes, but remember in 105 B.C. we were all Dacians not Transylvanians.

Serious question now do you really think that there is a cultural difference in Romania between Wallachia, Moldova and Transylvania as big as the one in idk.. let's say the United Kingdom?

>Tell me why is your language partly latin?
roman colonisation in the balkans and carpathia
>What century does it date back to?
First document in 15th century but it probably had been brewing for wayyyyy longer since a Byzantine historian or something noted that a soldier said something similar to latin
Our presence had been attested longer tho
>Has it changed a lot?
like all languages do
but for a less merkel-like answer, we relatinised the language because ouiaboos
>Was Ceausescu good leader?
not really
while he did make sure that the country had no external debt, which was good and helped us in the longrun, way too many people dies
at least it wasn't the soviet union
for comparison, see the differences between romania and moldova, which is a post soviet republic

inca nu te-am vazut sa dai vreo sursa, laszlo

Boss, 1521 e secolul 16.

Apropo, pe laszlo asta il vad mai mereu comentand la altii ca Transilvania ar trebui sa fie independenta... crede ca daca o parte a tarii este mai evoluata ar trebui sa fie si separata, dar baiatu uita ca Tara Romaneasca si Moldova au fost violate in cur de turci si de rusi si uita ca Transilvania a fost ajutata de Austrieci si Germani la inceputuri :/

>Boss, 1521 e secolul 16.

>Transilvania a fost ajutata de Austrieci si Germani la inceputuri :/
eeeeee, discutabil
in mare parte a fost lasata in pace
era aproape un regat separat care platea tribut la Pesta
parca Sigismund sau care-o fu avea tronu in transilvania
in fine, tot o duceau mai bine decat Loldova si Tara Rumenita ca Kebabu
nobilimea era maghiara si taranii in principal romani. cred ca singurul loc in care taranii erau tratati mai rau era imperiul rus in timpul vremurilor grele
cred ca d-asta vrea transilvania independenta nebunu

oricum, nu este tinutu secuiesc printre cele mai sarace zone ale tarii?
il pastram daca se separa futui in gura
nu ma las de kurtos :<
smr avem nevoie de inca un vlad tepes
tipu era un psihopat atat de obsedat de palituri ca se uita la oameni suferind cum se uit cocalaru la acces direct
dar macar nu prea avea crime si coruptie

>Loldova si Tara Rumenita

>Țara Rumenită

>Language partly Latin

Survival of some local romanized peoples and migration from Balkans after Avars invaded. Avars fucked up the Balkans good, it's what helped the Serbs and Croats manage to make the land theirs. They came, fucked the Avars and took the land for them.
The language eventually evolved after heavy Slavic influence. I'm onestly impressed that we just didn't adopt it. Culturally we are Slavic.

>What century does it back to
No one knows but it formed sometime in the 1st millennium.

>Has it changed a lot
Heavy Slavic influence, coupled with a huge linguistic reform in the 19th century. A lot of words have been replaced and except for neologisms, most words have an archaic, usually Slavic variant.

>Was Ceaușescu a good leader
Partly. He continued industrialization but his importance faded as the USSR opened to the US. When he decided to pay all denbts to the IMG and World Bank he started rationing and even though he paid it in the start of the 1980's, he had a plan of making Romania some kind of 3rd financial reserve after the former 2 that would finance countries with weird regimes such as Libya, Cuba, Iraq, etc. We never got that money back. We had billions (which didn't mean that much) of dollars but he didn't spend it. It signed his demise.

Moldova Mare, Transilvania și Bulgaria Mare e singura variantă posibilă.

sa va iau pe ciocan

>Culturally we are Slavic
>Moldova Mare, Transilvania și Bulgaria Mare e singura variantă posibilă.


>Moldova Mare, Transilvania și Bulgaria Mare e singura variantă posibilă.