Villain quotes Shakespeare

>villain quotes Shakespeare

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Hes the good guy

what villain op?

>villain listens to classical music
>villain sniffs wine before drinking it
>villain wears a suit
>villain gets raped by the hero
>villain does something weird

the show is cliched bollocks, not even Hopkins can save it


>Shakespeare wrote in old english so the quote is some meaningless gibberish anyway

>Old English

Kill yourself


ye ol' english then?

is this yellow facing?

Shakespeare wrote in Middle English you fucking pleb

whats this guys problem?
and did he actually do anything wrong?

Did nothing wrong. Theresa was a conniving bitch who was going to destroy his empire that he spent his life building. She deserved it

>villain cuts deep

He did not. He wrote in regular English. Chaucer wrote in Middle English.

>plebs calling plebs plebs

lol nope. Early modern English. Much more understandable than Middle English. There are lots of lines in Shakespeare that are almost 100% what they would be today.

Such as

not doing all that, but read third paragraph here:

God this show sucks absolute shit. I couldn't give a fuck about any of the characters or their 'conflicts'

>The course of true love never did run smooth.
>Nothing will come of nothing.
>We have seen better days.
>Brevity is the soul of wit.

[Life] is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury
Signifying nothing.

Nothing about the words or usage here is archaic. A poet today could us the same word to express the same meaning with modern readers remaining perfectly comprehensible.

lmao kill yourself

>fighting corporate cultural marxism

Then I don't think you're watching it. Every scene with him is beautiful.

Only problem with Westworld is Maeve.

>villain listens to opera

But her body is so nice.