Why are sons generally presented as useless fucks in media? Why are daughters almost always the intelligent ones?

Why are sons generally presented as useless fucks in media? Why are daughters almost always the intelligent ones?

Please back up your claim with facts and evidence.

AJ Soprano
Bart Simpson
Family Guy
Don Draper's kid

just off the top of my head

there's nothing good in a teenage boy
at least teenage girls are sexy

It's the Jewish conspiracy to emasculate whites and destroy their race in a genocide of course.

You can put your dick in teenage girls

Walt Jr

These guys are useless fucks because their fathers are terrible pieces of shit.


Men won't be "men" until they are older, went through the phase of becoming a man which happens later in a mans life

Women are girls for a short time before they have to start dealing with bullshit from the world

>inb4 someone says girls live on ez mode

man, this bait sucks

women do live on ez mode, fag.

Don didn't make bobby autistic

Meadow is also fucked up, maybe not the same level of AJ, but is older so has had more time to get over her problems while we never get that far with AJ
original Simpsons had Lisa just as likely to do dumb shit and Bart with a definite intelligent streak that he simply underused because he was lazy. later Simpsons is shit so who cares
>Family Guy
Meg is a complete retard and punching bag for the family. The only smart one is a son, Stewie
>Mad Men
haven't seen lol

honestly in most TV shows that I can think of, both the daughter and the son are worthless idiots. Kelly and Bud in Married...With Children. Gene, Louise, and Tin on Bob's Burgers.
I don't watch that much family stuff but honestly beyond modern day Simpsons' Lisa, the overachieving daughter thing isn't that common

read some of the stuff by (((Christina Hoff Sommers))). She discusses the role of feminism in creating tropes like this

>inb4 someone says girls live on ez mode

Dude scientists have already shown parents are nicer to daughters, more accepting of their failures, less critical etc. etc. then when they get to college they are less judged on their academics, more likely to have professors be lenient on grades. In the world of work if they are not explicitly helped along by "positive discrimination" they still have the advantage of being less likely to be fired, and 20-30 year old women earn more than their male counterparts now.

And if all else fails just marry a man to carry you through life.

Like, what?

I have two sisters that frequently spill spaghetti to me. Womyn believe they have it harder than men, that men have it "easy". I tried to explain how this probably wasn't true but they couldn't comprehend it or something

Women never grow up.

The son in The Hunt was a good guy. Stuck by his fathers side regardless of what everybody else said or thought. I want a son like him.

>scientists have shown
why is it that the results of gender studies research only counts when it agrees with what you want, and the other 99% of the time it's pseudoscientific drivel?

>Family Guy
Meg is treated like shit and is a dumbass.


How many extended correspondences have you carried on with the individual in question to know their behaviors like that?


This, to a point. Arguing over which gender has it worse is childish. Life is hard. Sometimes it's really hard for a man, sometimes it's really hard for a woman. Sometimes it's comparably easier for a man, and sometimes so for a woman.

Admittedly, feminism seems to have a stronger foothold right now in politics, the courts, academia and the media, but it would be just as bad for masculism to occupy the same position.

This gender-based partisanship is as pathetic as BLM.

so i wasnt imagining it.

Art imitates life


This "gender-based partisanship" is basically just because of feminism. Feminism was accepted by everybody for like half a century, and now it has become so damaging that "masculinism" has emerged solely as a reactionary movement.

Right now in Sweden people are flipping their shit because the "gender-neutral snow plowing policy" that was made because POLICIES ON PLOWING SNOW were considered sexist BY FEMINISTS, has put the metropolitan areas in utter shit as vital roads remain buried because "women don't drive as much as men durrrr so prioritizing paving roads is sexism."

I mean I don't see how people think that this phenomenon of men being portrayed as stupid in the media isn't real. The son is always a clueless fuck-up and the dad borderline retarded while women are always portrayed as the voice of reason, rarely ever wrong. From TV shows to even commercials where men can't comprehend what yogurt is because lel men are so dumb right? And it's really tiring.

I stopped watching TV because of it. I can only take so many shows where the wife is the pants wearing smart one and the husband is a bumbling buffoon that screws everything up.

>Guys guys things are just bad sometimes so like we shouldn't point to general social or behavioral trends as a means of trying to discern what is normally true

You proved my point. I criticised feminism, and then you criticised feminism.

So being a woman is easy and being a man is hard, and it's as simple as that?


Yes. A man will always have it harder than a woman.

>watching Family Guy

kill yourselves

I don't see how making them intelligent is in any way relevant, on the contrary.

women have to have periods and childbirth forever.

i'll take being a man if all i have to deal with is some whiny blogger strangling the journalism industry with their self-indulgent, sub-par content.

>inb4 some beta who got fucked in his divorce rants about how women are all evil and shallow creatures that exist purely to inflict misery on themselves and everyone around them

learn to control your woman, you cuck.

Most boys and teenage males are basically worthless garbage until they grow up. They're on the same level as most of the adult female characters except you forgive less from them because they aren't attractive.

Girls are much less likely to improve a whole lot but they start out closer to their maximum power level.

Also Ray Donovan

because they're failsons
if you post on Sup Forums you are probably a failson

you see that shit even in anime when MCs like Shinji get shat on for not being "manly" enough

>muh periods and birth meme

>women have to have periods and childbirth forever.

They wish. Menopause is natures way of telling women they're useless past their 40s

This is objectively not true, though.


It actually is objectively true, white knight.

Men are portrayed as dumb/evil in the media far more than women.
Men suffer homelessness far more than women.
Men are treated worse at every level of the court system than women.
Men have far less programs to help them than women.
The problems of men are often treated as a joke or "not that bad" while the problems of women are trumped up to an absurd degree(muh gender equal snow plowing) and actually affect laws and policy.
Men are always the one who have to achieve something, be something, get something, fight for something, work for something, die for something, and when they fail, no one gives a fuck.
Meanwhile the worst thing that can happen to a woman is she remains unmarried/without children... which is something men get shat on for, too.

Same as why they portray fathers as useless in many cases.

Thr media wants you conditioned to believe that is reality.

>every time cancer is brought up it's about cancer that affects women

Waiting for some foot fetish fag to post about her feet

>where men can't comprehend what yogurt is because lel men are so dumb right?
Fiction does mirror reality. When men were more likely to work blue collar jobs for long hours, it's understandable that their wives were experiencing new shit and experimenting.

You could argue that even that is grounded in the inequality of gender today. Women are encouraged to find a product and show their man because he makes the big decision, rather than just enjoy it for themselves.

Culture has changed since the 50s though, but media just hasn't caught up. It's easier to rely on tropes now.

if you feel you need the amount of leg-ups that women do you can check your man-card in at your local gay bar and start taking cock whilst wearing your mothers dress any time you want, sport.

Well you sure folded quickly.