One historical event

OK Sup Forums

Pick one thing from history you would force every history book and public school to tell the truth on if you had the ability to do that.

No Holocaust

Other urls found in this thread:–19



The history of Communist subversion during the Cold War and its effects on contemporary American culture.

Good answer.

addendum: Featuring the distinguished scholar, Professor Yuri Bezmenev.

White Australia's black history

i really want to know what bill got to do on that pedo plane

>Pick one thing from history you would force every history book and public school to tell the truth on if you had the ability to do that.

>No Holocaust
The truth about the Jews.

If that is known, all else will follow.

the great leap forward

The true story of Brown v Board is some real /X/ tier stuff. That story is a little too wild for most people to comprehend. Should I start?

I like you.



go on....


Abraham Lincoln's dismantling of the Constitution during the Civil war, including the unconstitutional income tax he levied.

Socialism has failed everywhere it has been implemented.

interested. civil rights during that time period are boring as fuck to read about.

The Potato Famine was an inside job by the Empires Warlocks

the truth about the finngolian empire.

That was talked about pretty heavily in my AP US class actually.

Continue, user!

Lets start!

Well, the supreme court looked at segregation at least eight times before the 1954 Brown V Board. Each time, they decided that even if it is unpopular, a state is allowed to segregate the races in various areas of life (segregated swimming pools, businesses, buses, schools).

Brown v Board was a class action lawsuit. It was five combined cases of individuals suing against segregation, not just Oliver Brown against the Board of Education of Topeka. This gave legitimacy to radical groups of a few to claim they represented all black people. A predecessor to the subversive so-called civil rights movement of later. Civil rights broke down into black power, with the rise of the violent Black Panthers that claimed to represent all blacks and threatened blacks that spoke out against them.

The federal government in Washington DC is barred by the constitution to regulate education. This was a state/local issue. Except for in times of war, our government did not do it. This court decision gave the government the precedent to regulate the schools to no end. Quality of education and literacy has decreased rapidly among whites and blacks ever since. When the army did a civil service examination of all men drafted into the Korean war (1950-1953) the army found 99% of whites passed the literacy portion and 80% of blacks passed. 80% of blacks dont even graduate high school today.


The last time the court decided on segregation before Brown V Board, the majority decision wrote that the decision of segregation should never be brought to the court again. In Brown v Board, the high court looked at sociological tests, so-called modern science that didnt exist the last time the court decided on segregation. They looked at "the doll test." Google that shit! This test showed black children rather play with white dolls over black dolls. The test concluded that segregated schools make black children feel inferior to the white man because he cannot share schools with him. They concluded that segregated schools give the negro a sense of inferiority and retards brain development. Essentially, a nigger needs to sit next to a white kid to learn. Bullshit science that insulted. off a lot of blacks and whites alike.

The most controversial of all sociological tests was a 1500 page book written by a swedish socialist named Gunnar Myrdal. Financed by the Carnegie corporation with 60+ assistants contributing, the book "An American Dilemma" recommends that in order to solve the racial problem in America, there needs to be
>population control so limited resources do not lead to racial conflict
>birth control (abortion) facilities need be extended more to blacks than to whites and eventually blacks should be wiped out
>Abolishing the constitution and replacing it with a more egalitarian system

Myrdal also oversaw the sterilization of tens of thousands of Swedes in a eugenics program over there. in 1957, the UN members he was working with found him to be obnoxious and kicked him out of his position working in the UN.

When the supreme court said "separate but equal isnt feasible because niggers cant learn in the absence of white people" they cited the fourteenth amendment which stated the states must treat all races equally. However, only weeks after the US congress drafted that fourteenth amendment, they segregated schools in Washington DC.


Atlantis was a Serbian land from where we escaped before sinking it to hide our technological progress from other plebs.

Average IQ amoung racesa and its implications.

This wouldn't change shit drastically in the US but I do so dearly wish that our schools told kids about the time the US said NO TARDS ALLOWED

All segregated schools in America were not integrated at once. They were done one by one, with the kids being used as pawns by sociologists in their own little experiments.

One contributor to Gunnar Myrdal's sociological project was Stuart Chase. He actually wrote the book, Myrdal was simply the director of the project. In 1932, Chase wrote a book named "A New Deal," which FDR stole the name from. In Chase's book, he writes about socialism being needed to "save" America and prescribes a firing squad as a cure to those who wish to keep too much wealth.

Most of the sociologists cited by Brown v Board were involved in American Eugenics. Once Hitler made eugenics wildly unpopular in America (it was always seen as bullshit crack science by normal people to begin with) these "Scientists" were losing legitimacy. Brown v Board helped them reclaim legitimacy, though they had to be less open about their beliefs in eugenics, obviously.

A lot of contributors to Myrdal's project had communist front records as well. The book recommended that the negro had to bring publicity to his plight. It recommended "breaking the law" to advance their struggle. In the sixties, it was perfectly legal to hold a protest for race equality or integration in the US, even in the south. These "civil rights protesters" did shit like throw garbage into traffic, blocked entrances to shops they were boycotting, vandalized shops, etcetera. And that was only the "moderate" civil rights protesters. They would then get arrested and bring publicity to their "struggle." They were seen as "moderate" because groups like "Revolutionary Action Movement" and the Black Mozguls were a boogeyman compared to the "moderate" SNCC and the NAACP. Obviously, these "civil rights" groups were familiar with "An American Dilemma." Liberals today cite "An American Dilemma" as the birth of that movement.


The Brown v Board decision caused a great social upheaval across America. Blacks enjoyed segregated schools because they wanted black teachers to teach black kids. Hundreds of thousands of black teachers lost their jobs due to Brown v Board. Also, whites feared mixing their kids with negroes. Racial violence exploded in America and fifty years of progress was reversed. A first edition of the Guiness Book of World records noted how in the previous year there was no lynchings in America, the first time that had happened in decades. It would be a decade before there would be another year with no lynchings again.

Schools all over America saw their class sizes double as they were forced to take in more and more students from other schools.

The spike in violence triggered a fuse, where violence escalated up until the eighties when violent crimes in America were more frequent than in the prohibition era.

The violence started in the fifties and continued to the sixties. The "civil rights" movement and anti-Vietnam movement, along with degeneracy attributed to "sex drugs and rock and roll" led to violent crime doubling between 1965 and 70. The Supreme Court can also take some of the blame for decisions which "handcuffed" police in their ability to do their jobs. They did it with bad decisions, like "the Mallory decision" or "the Miranda decision." They claimed the constitution was "a living document" whose interpretation could change over time. The publicity of Brown v Board helped legitimize the idea that interpretation of the constitution was "constantly changing" and only the supreme court could interpret it correctly.


The supreme court does not have police powers to enforce its decisions. To enforce Brown v Board, Eisenhower came to the rescue. In 1957, the federal government nationalized Arkansas's National Guard. Took away the authority of the state to regulate her own militia. Simultaneously, President Eisenhower ordered troops to invade the state of Arkansas and forcible integrate nine students into the high school there. These nine students faced an onslaught of bullying at the white school but didnt have a choice in what school they went to.

As they were being integrated, race riots broke out in Little Rock. The military did nothing to stop it because officials in D.C. stated it was the job of the state and local government to deal with it. Pretty hypocritical. The national guard is a state's job, running schools is a state's job as well.

The general that led the troops into Arkansas was named Edwin A Walker. After doing so, he stated that the next time the federal government was to invade a sovereign state he'd be "on the right side." A few years later, he got word that Mississippi would be the next state to be invaded. He stayed in the town that would be forcibly integrated. When the day came, whites on the college campus to be integrated rioted. In a lull in the rioting, he stood atop a statue and urged students to not riot. Corrupted local police officers pulled him down from there and arrested him. The AP ran a story that Walker was inciting the rioters. UPI ran the truth. The AP's account was the one republished in most newspapers.

Walker was released a day later. But sociologist with their phony science had for years been theorizing that support of segregation was a sign of mental illness.


Though id end it in the last post. Story ends here for sure.

After Walker was released from jail, he was taken into custody by a Federal Marshall under orders of attorney general Robert Kennedy. He was shipped away to a federal insane asylum in Springfield Missouri. The psychiatrist whom confirmed Walker to be mentally insane had never met the man in person and based his decision on newspaper accounts. Walker's friends pushed to have him released. Eventually he was and a court found him to have been innocent of inciting riots and totally mentally competent with an above average IQ.

Walker would go on to be a speaker of the John Birch Society. He lived in Dallas where he was able to get tens of thousands of people to join that group. The false account of him being a racist riot agitator is used til this day to smear the Birch Society. Walker did so much to russle the jimmies of communists that Lee Harvey Oswald attempted assassinating the man.
This video is pretty red pilled

This documentary on eugenics in America talks about Gunnar Myrdal
Go to 37:40. Segment is five minutes.

STORY IS OVER though I could throw in much more info anyway. Im done typing.

does Sup Forums like?

interesting, is there a source? or did you write it yourself?

also I would recommend this as the most important book to read about demographics and race in america

Pretty good read user, thanks for the info.

None dare call it treason has the story is Walker. I ain't spending twenty minutes making a bibliography

Read "it's very simple: the true story of civil rights" by Alan Stang

just saying I liked it and want more

i'd rather build a wall around california than mexico desu. all sewage would be rerouted from the real united states and pumped into california through poo blasters in the wall. they would literally start drowning in american poo.

Not much on the supreme Court nor race relations. Very detailed chapters on sociology though. Book is fifty years old. It was updated in the nineties with a separate edition. You might want that

You're a pretty cool guy user. Fuck commies.

thanks, will check it out

is tehre anything about the CRA and ACORN/Obummer in it?

The fact that the greatest monster of WW2 was Churchill and not Hitler

Black slavery in the US

In the "25 years later" edition, no. Original was written while Obama was being born. ACORN is definitely not in the original but I've yet to read the updated book

Everything's connected to what's going on now
>first wave feminism, abolition of slavery
>second wave feminism, civil rights
>third wave feminism, black lives matter
Weapons used to slowly cuck and fuck this nation. At each stage, they add more artillery.

Birth of the Federal Reserve, in great detail and with all appropriate context given with the entire event covering at least two solid weeks in school.

Aside from that, alternate pre-history, ala Graham Hancock/Randal Carlson. Even purely as a thought experiment, such a lesson could get kids thinking more about the deep past of humanity and our place in that grander context.

I also wish basic orbital mechanics were taught, at least as a broad outline, so that understanding specifically how objects travel in space would be more common than now.
>inb4 taught already as laws of motion
Yeah, but how many kids readily apply that to a deeper understanding of orbits? Just reading the cannon/mountain thought experiment once doesn't really show you all one should know.

Abolition of slavery was good. Not all abolitionists were good. They believed humans should not be owned as property. They believed also there was no right to property anyway.

World War 1.
Teach why it started, what each nation wanted to achieve, and how the outcome set the world up for WW2.
Failure to understand WW1 is failure to understand the rest of the 20th century (Particularly why Hitler gained power and why WW2 started) and schools blaze through it with little information besides "Archduke Franz Ferdinand, machine guns, trenches, planes, Lusitania, Zimmermann telegram, US entry into war, Versailles".

It's not that it shouldn't have been abolished. It was the end result. Keeping them here did nothing but harm both whites and blacks. This was the intention.

Freeing blacks was a mistake

>Failure to understand WW1 is failure to understand the rest of the 20th century
Man, you could spend a whole semester really getting into the rich context needed to glean greater understanding, but it would crank out redpilled students left and right.

That was interesting, thanks for that, but can I get the TLDR?

I read it all, just don't understand how that is such a huge red pill...

really interesting
I like

No holocaust.

Literally everything else can be touched and revised with time. They will never drop the lie.

Agreed only on the basis that they weren't sent back. If the union was so empathetic to black slaves, they would have at least transported all of them north.

There's a reason they're 90% concentrated in the south. As more and more freed and escaped blacks went north, that's when slavery in the south started becoming more of an issue.

Hmm, I would say either the fact that the majority (if not all) of American slave traders were Jewish or the atrocities against German people that took place during WWII. Still, neither of those things is as significant as the communist subversion crap, so I'd go with that guys answer ultimately.

The American Civil War and the endless lies Northerners and their shills put out about it.


>the majority (if not all) of American slave traders

plus I would make it clear that approximately ZERO white europeans or white americans ever enslaved a black african; that was done by other black africans, before, and long after european slave traders came on the scene.

but that would make blacks feel bad, so no.

Abolitionists overwhelmingly opposed slavery on economic (slavery got in the way of the industrialization) or political (dislike of Slave Power) reasons. Not moral ones. Those who opposed it for moral reasons were mainly concerned with it's effect on the morality of the white man, not the plight of blacks.

John Brown and his type were a fringe minority.

The German Bolshevik Revolution of 1918-1919. If you actually read Mein Kampf, you'll find that aversion to Communism was one of the biggest factors behind Hitler's ideology, much of this was due to the revolution. Students have a poor understanding of Hitler's rise to power, leading everyone to think that national socialism was some sort of random movement that spring up due to eugenic sciences, but that is a very incomplete view of why he came up with his ideology.–19


>majority (if not all) of American slave traders were Jewish

>hurr durr another blame the Jews for everything meme

Look, slavery is a crime the whole of humanity is responsible for. It was the status quo of human civilization worldwide up until 200 years ago.

Whites had it, Blacks had it, Asians had it, Native Americans had it, Muslims had it, Catholics had it, Protestants had it, even the Jews of the Bible had it.

Assigning one group blame for slavery makes about as much sense as sacrificing your daughters to a volcano to appease the fire gods.

He's talking about the American slave trade, he isn't saying that Jews are responsible for all slavery throughout history...

>reading comprehension

although you just have to look at parts of the bible where "god" okeyd them enslaving people from other tribes, and a few dozen genocides.

if they were doing it 6,000 years ago, with gods blessing, what makes you think they haven't done it whenever they can get away with it up til present?

>It was the status quo of human civilization worldwide up until 200 years ago.

It still is the status quo in some parts of the world today.
