What kind of food do Europeans eat in order to not be fat?

What kind of food do Europeans eat in order to not be fat?

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things that are not 60% sugar and 39% oil

Literally just eat less.

Just less Food, my fat friend. Additionally, i cook it myself


I live in a rural place and get my food straight from a nearby farm, I don't eat processed factory food and I'm fairly fit

gib jagerschnitzel bitte

Europe is almost as obese as America

Anfetamines, twice a day

Just eat less is the most stupid advice you can give to a obese person.

Just eat the stuff wich has low calories in high volumes, like potatos, chicken breasts, broccoli and so on.
And make sure you exercise a lot.

Some people also drink too many calories without knowing it.

Bro I was fucking fat at one time, I cut out soda and ate less food suddenly I became a normal weight over time.

It's not my fault a lot of fat people don't have self control.

Burger with chicken.
Gyros with oil-less pitta and no potatoes.
This kind of stuff.
Just modify out the junk from the junk food

How to lose weight:
1. Stop drinking excessive amounts of soda/alcohol
2. Eat filling, nutrious foods like meat, potatoes, most veggies.
3. Avoid sugar.
4. Walk.

Oh I though he asked "What food Europeans order" nvm.

Just cut carbs and sugar and you will be fine.

t.guy who lost weight

>eat potatoes

You know obese brains are different to normal brain. They think they're hungry when they're not.

They literally can't stop.

It's like me telling you stop lusting over traps


potatoes have some of the best filling/calories ratio
250g of potatoes have around the same amount of calories as 50g of rice, and they'll make you feel full and help to avoid overeating

The true answer is to eat less but that won't happen.

The best answer for you is to only drink water and only eat distateful food so eat less.

stop being fat

share it with poor ones

Okay, I'm going to tell you the Euro's secret
Be ready, because it will BLOW your TINY YANK mind
The secret of Europeans being thinner and more healthy is they EAT. LESS.
What they eat has almost nothing to do with it and apart from sugary drinks there is no part of the Seppo diet that particularly leads to obesity and health problems.
A combination of historic poverty, relatively low agricultural output and a cultural and gastronomic tendency toward smaller portion sizes means they shovel less food of any sort into their maws.

Rice and turkey

Make it. Don't order it.


>read the comments
>mad fatties
>some actually think that this video is a joke
top kek
also what's up with the accent?

Drink only water (maybe juice without sugar aded for the morning) and a LOT of water.
Don't eat between meals, don't eat chips or cookies.
Don't eat dessert ( you can eat like 1 small portion of chocolate a day).
Don't order anything or eat anywhere (exept for specials occasions)
Eat less,maybe you can start counting your callories there is very usefull apps for that.
Europeans eat like one pizza and one fastfood a month max btw.

Fake South African

Potatos are filled with carbs dumb kraut

Potatoes are bad for weight loss. They are a starch food and are full of carbs.

to put things into perspective
300g chicken fillet + 200g baked potatoes + 300g veggies +1l water: ~600 kcal for a large filling meal
100g of chips + 0.33l can of soda: ~650 kcal for small snack
you are still supposed to eat carbs even when trying to lose weight you dumb fatass

Holy shit no you are not. I'm amazed at your confidence when its common knowledge that if you want to lose weight, you cut carbs down to a minimum. Then you're body uses fat for energy instead of carbs. We learn this in middle school here in the U.S.

this look into ketosis and don't call me fat I'm not fat. Potatoes and all other nightshade vegetables cause allergies.

Eat rubatagas instead.

>Holy shit no you are not. I'm amazed at your confidence when its common knowledge that if you want to lose weight, you cut carbs down to a minimum. Then you're body uses fat for energy instead of carbs. We learn this in middle school here in the U.S.

>full of carbs
1/4 of rice/pasta/bread of the same weight
> I'm amazed at your confidence when its common knowledge that if you want to lose weight, you cut carbs down to a minimum.
yes, and potatoes help with cutting it to minimum because they are very low in carbs, comparable to other sources like rice, bread or pasta
>We learn this in middle school here in the U.S.
and yet you are a nation of fatasses

It's not just Europeans, you stupid, fat fuck. Do you live in the south or something, you piece of shit?


>Burger with chicken
What the fuck is that?

i figured , you're almost as bad as vegans

It's Joe Rogan-tier advice.

1 potato has 37 grams of carbs that's the same amount as a can of Coca-Cola. Just recognize you're wrong.
Who said I was a kwtofag I'm just saying it's doable

Dutch people eat lots of carbs and dont get fat. Just like Japanese.

But our breakfast and lunch are always two sandwiches. And our dinners are always heavy on veggies. So its hard to eat the wrong portions.

Eat less, and be aware that there is utterly delicious food everywhere you go.

That is the plight modern man, we built to hunt food actively, but we got so good at civilization we ain't gotta hunt food that doesn't run away

Eat a small, protein-rich breakfast, then drink massive amounts of water all day until dinner, then eat whatever you want. You'll feel full and still enjoy food while losing weight

you are literally retarded
100g of potatoes: 70kcal, 15.9g carbs
a very large serving of 250g potatoes has less than 200kcal and is very filling, which is what you want from food when trying to lose weight

there is nothing wrong with carbs
kcal is what matters in the end of the day


The reason why Dutch people dont get fat as often is because we sport and bike a lot.
And the calories get cut down on smaller portions of meat.

Throwing all conventional dieting wisdom out of the window. Eating lots of carbs, sugary and fast food.



Gallons of semen a week.

Yup a steady semen with sperm diet.

lol do other cunts have a "fries day" every week?

I fathom that American foods contain excessively heavy oils, sugars and chemical treatments. just avoid intake of them and find imported stuffs.

>implying you have to "eat clean" to lose or maintain a healthy weight
1.90m 74kg here, pizza at least once/week, schnitzel+fries too (sometimes twice)..., lots of fatty stuff in general, but no low carb either (I did cut the soda though)
Just the amount that matters

getting rid of soda and fast food can do wonders
a bare minimum of exercise helps too

The problem lies in making potatoes palatable without anything fattening.

That why he asked to european, he don't want a dumb fatass american answer.

I eat whatever I want and don't gain a pound, just lucky genetics I guess. American food is terrible for you but god damn is it tasty, and so is soda. I eat fast food probably 5 days a week, its really cheap. I eat pizza and chinese food, tacos burritos chicken wings everything. Sometimes I get drunk off like 18 beers then I walk down to the all you can eat $10 chinese buffet and clear like 8 dishes. I've eaten 2 large pepporoni pizzas and hot wings too. When I drink I can eat anything. I'm 180cm and 68 kilo.

Like "burger" but with chicken instead burger.

That is not the most american thing I read, but could be in the top ten.

just add some salt?

We just call that a chicken sandwich. Its one of my favorite, spicy fried chicken on a bun, pepper jack cheese, lettuce, tomato, some waffle fries on the side

Nigga I just came back from Spain no one is obese there compared to places I've been in the US like Philly and DC where everyone is fat as fuck

pretty much this

More plants less meat, and drink just water or alcohol

baked potatoes with even most basic spices like pepper are already good, you don't have to drown everything in fatty sauces
also, decent quality young potatoes are delicious as fuck on their own, what is wrong with you
that's the spirit, you just have to believe in yourself

Spain, Italy and Greece are thin because they're very poor and cannot afford to eat much. UK is fat as fuck, Germany is very very fat etc.

Mediterranean food is healthy

>More plants less meat
terrible advice
i can assure you that at least 95% of obese people eat too much sugars and fats, not protein

Been eating weetbix for breakfast with half a banana and some other piece of fruit like a kiwi, pho for lunch at a Vietnamese place and i eat half a chicken breast and half an avocado + lettuce etc later on

I don't even know what I eat, I just eat in moderation, I feel physically repulsed when I see an obese person eating too much food.

oh and a lot of coffee

>very poor
This is bait
Palau is poor as fuck and has like 98% obese, while Switzerland and Japan are rich and have less than 4% obese people. Its mostly due to typical diets and lifestyles, people in Europe usually walk more and have less transformed bullshits to buy at the grocery. In the USA the grocery is full of Oreo, Poptarts, sugary cereals all with 20 different flavours and its cheap as fuck. Also a lot more inequalities in the USA, along with a gap in education, thus uneducated states like Mississippi have over 40% obese.

Its amazing real italians are so thin, but over here the italians are the king of fats. They will sit around for hours drinking case after case of wine, eating multi course meals over the span of about 4 hours just constantly eating italian dishes. Nobody can out eat these italians, they will eat until they throw up.

that's because there's no such thing as real italians and your italians, there's only italians and americans, and americans are fat.

we have small portions

Lots of greens, and avoid HFCS, don't drive for distances you can walk
This Baked potato with some thyme, coriander and some ground rosemary is lovely

They have money thats why, they turn into gluttons

I can quit my trap addiction anytime I want, okay?

fucking retard, thats what you are

you have to drink tea instead of juice.
and…I think American sweets are too sweet!

no they are americans, it's normal to constantly stuff your face with grease there, our rich people are thin, it's a cultural thing but it has nothing to do with Italy, it's American.

I have been to the midwest and fucking hell the people are huge, blacks, whites, mexicans, everyone is fat.

this better be bait

no dude haha ur just fukcijng poor haha dumb europoor lol

Bullshit. Tons of rich italians in italy are fat as fuck, pavorotti is a great example. There are lots of big fat italian men in the north like him. Its easy to be thin when you're poor and have no choices.

You should take off your proxy you aren't fooling anyone murifat

>Americans really believe the reason they are fat is because they have the money to afford the food
what the fuck man have you ever left your country?
anyone in a 1st world country can "afford" to get fat, in fact it is poor people that are fatter than the rest

"we don't have fat people in italy, that's an american thing"

retards lol

Kaj si stopram rekel o mene pizdek jeden balavi? Da si znal, završil sam škole za grozdja brati vendi v Oroslavju! Berem grozdje i prek v Slovenije i prošlo leto sam svojimi rukami pobral prek 300 veder. Tučem se z sakojačkim jopcima i najbolši sam če treba nekaj brzo spiti. Ti si hohštapler, niko i ništo. Te zgazim kak črva, vrak ti mater jebal na strnišču da još i denes jafče. Misliš da moreš tak nekaj pripoviedati na kompjuteru kak se setiš!? Božja strela vu te pukla! Jebate bik pa čul sam se z babami v Bočakima kaj prate se do Lobora! Saki čas te budem našel pa buš videl koji je cajt! Više te nebu prcknedlin! Z bicikljinom morem biti de god oču i kad god oču. Natambural bum te da buš zube pobiral ko jagode posle branja! Primem te za gege i hitim te v mađarske brege! I to samo z rukami! Čkomi smrdljivec! Kad se setim zemem od deda botu, baltu i kosturu... Spikal bum te! Da si znal kaj bum ti složil bi se delal bedast! Posral bum ti se v bunar i pofundal te. Crkel buš!

nice anecdotal evidence

pavorotti gorged on fast food

no, our poor people are fat, in the poorest parts of the south you will find that virtually every male over 40 is fat, also stop trying to epig bait retard.

Just become a vegesaurus brah

He was an opera singer, you literally have to be fat to be one.


french and italian food are 90% oil and butter though

we have fat people in italy and they are the poor people who can't afford / don't care about eating healthy and in moderation.

another thing that pisses me off is these italian and spanish types call us unhealthy then they smoke a pack of cigs a day and constantly drink espresso. Retards. The fat ass american is going to out live you.

>in fact it is poor people that are fatter than the rest
this desu

ah yes, entertain us some more