Tropes Fans Have Ruined

>you're watching an awesome sci-fi movie
>suddenly there's a badass space battle scene
>ships warp in and out of lightspeed, cruisers fire massive beams of energy that tear molten holes through the hulls of enemy ships
>the unlucky ships explode into cosmic dust when hit
>ships are deploying translucent energy shields to block the enemy lasers, or even reflecting the lasers back at the enemy ships
>despite all the carnage and chaos unfolding on screen, everything is completely silent
>there's not a single sound as ships crash into each other, blast each other into bits, or absorb/deflect enemy fire
>not a sound, its 100% silent
>this is all for the benefit of autistic nerds who screech and cry because "EEH--HEMMM! MUST I REMIND YOU FOOLS? THERE IS -NO- SOUND IN SPACE!"

In a fucking science fiction space battle with events that operate without any regard for rules of math, physics, or science as a whole, these autistic dorks obsess that THERE MUST BE NO SOUND IN SPACE, BECAUSE THAT WOULD BE UNREALISTIC.

If the film's creators wouldn't have to pander to these slavering losers, imagine how much cooler these space battles would be with full sound.

The worst part is I bet the nerds who adjust their glasses and remind everyone about the aural properties of space have no understanding of math or physics, apart from what they're picked up in TIL posts on Reddit.

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Please tell me someone did this because I can't think of any

There shouldn't be sound in space.

There shouldn't be sound in space.

>epic space battle scene with accurate silence
>suddenly you hear every sound in the theater as people cough and chomp on popcorn
>pulls you out of the movie

I can't think of any tv show or film that does this.

you can if you think hard enough

Only one I can think of is Battlestar Galactica

And the blossoming explosions and fields of flak accompanied by nothing but sombrer instrumental music was amazing in that

You're a scientifically illiterate tosser. End yourself promptly.

Why didn't it divert more power to the shields!?

>going to the theater

firefly didn't have epic space battles, but iirc their exterior long distance space shots were always silent

I feel like space battles would actually have a lot more impact if they had a minimal amount of sound. You could alternate between scenes of tension and frenetic chaos on the ships themselves and scenes of the greater, silent battle.

Imagine a missile silently thrusting forth on a successful firing path into an enemy ship, whereupon impact it causes a major hull rupture, all without sound and a modest explosion. Then the audience is suddenly bathed in the sight and sound of fleeing crewmen devoured by advancing nuclear fire, blaring klaxons, strobing emergency lights, screams, the howl of evacuating air, as other crew members not consumed by the missile's payload are thrown into the black. Then we cut back to the silent battle at large, with a massive salvo of missiles from both sides impacting hundreds or thousands of each other's ships.

>the scene is completely silent from the space view
>inside the ship alarms are blaring, people are screaming and you can hear the muffled impact of projectiles and the groan of the hull

What sort of weapons was Firefly armed with?

BSG had sound in space

There are no shields in BSG

Colonial ships are protected by massive meter thick titanium plating, Cylon ships are protected by better maneuverability, larger fighter squadrons and better point defense systems plus the fact that Cylons barely care when they die

To begin with we never had realistic spaceships in TV shows

>Fuckhuge easily spottable bridges with 1km x 1km wide glasses to look outside
>Thrusters always on
>Thrusters only on the backside
>Close quarter combat instead of using long range missile warfare

Realistic military spaceships would look like subs

Wouldn't there be sound though from the view screen? They could detect sounds that were going on outside the ships.

In Serenity they bullshit some space magic field or something that allowed sound to travel for their space fight, I remember it being explained.

didnt think they had any weapons


They would get destroyed hella easily by Star Trek and Star Wars ships then!

Could they even take a hit from a nuclear warhead then? LOL.

How would they fight off pirates or the Federation then? They have to have at least some weapons.

Outside the ships? It's vacuum, there would be no sound outside of the ships. Unless I'm misunderstanding your question?

??? shots would be shown from a perspective in a vacuum and then from one with air.

What if it was in a part of space with less vacuum?

>TIL posts on Reddit

If they were fighting in a dust/gas cloud or a planetary nebula, then maybe? Even then, such a region would probably still not be dense enough to convey sound, or alternatively too chaotic to convey any discernible noises from the battle.

>To begin with we never had realistic spaceships in TV shows

Yeah, that's part of what I what i was trying to get at in the OP. You see all of these weapons and technology (i.e. fuckhuge purple lazers and 2km/diameter translucent spherical energy deflecting shields) that are outright fantastical. Ships jumping in and out warp speed. Shit that makes no sense or is basically pure fantasy.

The core mechanics in the sci fi space battle, while awesome, holds 0 basis in reality or science. So when people complain that there should be no sound in space, for the purposes of "realism", it triggers me.

>>Fuckhuge easily spottable bridges with 1km x 1km wide glasses to look outside

This is a trope i love though. Like the Emperors Throne Room in ROTJ. Those floor to ceiling widows are so cool, regardless of how little sense they make.

They were just an unassuming cargo ship if I remember correctly.
The federation wouldn't let Joe Schmo attach a mini-gun to his work truck

>being poor


They did, but it was muffled to get the appearance that the sound was being recorded inside another ship or something.

I don't know if that's even possible, are there any sounds in space at all, like say you're inside a ship with an atmosphere and shit explodes outside your ship, would you hear anything at all?

if things hit your ship and vibrate the metal it'll make sound inside your ship

>nothing but the rain sir

There's actually quite a few scenes of the Galactica's armor taking nukes in the show.

Do yourself a favor and watch BSG because it's a great tv series, even though it gets disappointing towards the end.

>imagine how much cooler these space battles would be with full sound.

But in space, having full sound still means no sound. 100% of 0 is still 0. What's your point?

>instead of stupid sci-fi sounds, Wagner plays during the otherwise silent battle

This is the way to go, faggots.

I don't Fucking TRUST YOU!

You could imagine that the ship's computers are programmed to detect the events happening in real-time and play what everything would have sounded like had there been an atmosphere over the ship's speakers. For ummm... better performance of the crew through immersion.

Is it as good as Babylon 5?

i don't think this guy has ever taken a science class in his entire life

Sound editor here

if sound was done 'realistically' you wouldn't be able to hear shit most of the time

Detectives walking down the steps in law and order with the camera 10 feet away? You wouldn't hear them over the background noise or wind blowing into the mic

A conversation in a moving car with the windows down? Good fucking luck

People having a conversation in a crowded restaurant? Nope

i don't like any of those things

>characters in night club
>talking clearly and without shouting

>character punchs or hits someone with a sword
>large THUD/CRUNCH or SWSSH sound

>Captain, forward exterior cameras were destroyed in the attack and all sensors are down, I have ordered full stop
>Well sir, since you ordered we remove the windows we can't see where we're going

>there shouldnt be an echo in space

>character points a gun

This guy is responsible >character puts on a leather jacket
*rustle rustle rustle*
>Never squeaks when they move unless it's a comedy

>long range missile warfare
You realise point defence and more already exists?