It's a bad joke that alcohol is legal but marijuana is illegal. Marijuana doesn't do THIS to your physical brain

It's a bad joke that alcohol is legal but marijuana is illegal. Marijuana doesn't do THIS to your physical brain.

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Is Sup Forums more alcoholic than not? If so, that would explain quite a lot.

>Marijuana has been a part of our civilization for centuries

It's a joke that you stoners claim not to be addicted, yet can't continue even one day of your lives without desperately screaming to be allowed another fix.

Weed definitely fucks up your brain in some way, talking to older people who've been smoking weed their entire life is enough to witness this, they're all mentally slow.

>physical brain.
What are some other types of brain?

Dude weed lmao and you'll understand


The subjective part.
>implying thoughts are tangible
>implying the firing of electrical synapses (biochemical "sparks" literally) can be measured beyond a superficial limit.

not necessarily, really depends when they started smoking

one of my coworkers is 65 and I know he heavily smokes weed when at home, yet he's relatively intelligent and does well at work despite being old, he started in his mid 20s

marijuana fucks your brain up the more you smoke it before 20 mainly, if you start after youre not gonna be nearly as JUST

They are both bad, dipshit.

Pot has its own special type of neuronal receptors called endocannabinoid receptors. Those endocannabinoid receptors are all throughout the body. Within the brain there are many endocannabinoid receptors and some portions of the brain have more endocannabinoid receptors than others. You get munchies when you consume cannabis because there's a lot of endocannabinoid receptors in the hypothalamus. There's also many of these receptors in the nucleus accumbens and the ventral tegmental area which is called our addiction pathway.
Alcohol works on GABA-A receptors that have many allosteric binding sites for other drugs such as barbiturates. GABA-A receptors create inhibitory postsynaptic potentials which make it harder for a neuron to fire. This is why alcohol is a depressant.
Alcohol will fuck your brain up way more than pot will. Doesn't mean pot is harmless. Does mean it's better.

Alcohol in general or a fifth a night?

That's the problem with this argument. I can drink 2 beers or a glass or two of wine and realize actual health benefits.

Weed, you smoke, you get high. There is no moderation aspect to it.

>Marijuana doesn't do THIS to your physical brain.

I am going to need to see a brain.

Any kind of vice is bad. Psychological addiction is a thing. If there is something that consumes your life or part of life, like "at that day, at that hour, I have to do X" and if you don't you get restless and moody, then you suffer from it.

>brain scan vs actual brain


>alcohol dehydrates the brain/body
>things temporarily shrivel when dehydrated

/gonewildtrees convinced me that weed makes you gay

Same as Fluoride, but you Anglos still drink it to stupify yourselves. Get Kek'd.

I agree, marijuana retards the brain.

Oh horse shit

By the time booze affects your brain you are 90 anyway

Enjoy life you faggots

Thanks for teaching the world about the 'benefits of fluoride in water supplies', Hans.

Marijuana will make you just as stupid

I grew up with senile parents. They were gone by age 40. Alcohol rots the brain.

I can confirm it started affecting my brain after only a couple years. Probably because I drank to blackout every night.

Still feels kinda foggy after 4 years of being sober. I'll probably never be the same.

>Hurr durr marihuana heals/revents/postpones cancer


Grandad drank a fifth of scotch a day

Died at 95 and sharp as ever

You pulled this out of your ass

Jesus what the fuck is wrong with you pussies?!

Everybody's different user, especially if you start young. I started drinking heavily around 15-16, gave it up at 21.

My grandfather WWII veteran died at 84 with Alzheimer's and he drank as any other person did.

Alcohol really is not good for you. If you can live to 80 or longer with it then you are surely being wise with it.

I'm just saying my own father is 55 years old and has lost all his wits.

I call it a hyper-addictive personality. Rooted in mental health issues like OCD. if I do a drug once I'll want to do it again and again to excess.

The slippery slope isn't a logical fallacy in this case. If I start drinking again, I'll go from a few beers to 15 beers within a few weeks. Then I'll switch to liquor and drink over 30 ounces a day.

Alcoholism is literally poisoning yourself with EXCESSIVE consumption.

There is no reason to make alcohol illegal, as it has health benefits and isn't dangerous when consumed responsibly.

alcohol will not fuck up your brain more than pot will, how alcohol effects the brain is not completely known yet.

Yeah no fucking shit.

This is how it is, and how it will always be;

This is what your brain looks like on Marijuana.

They should both be illegal. Its not about how damaging they are, its about the fact they are degenerate.

You guys have zero will

Wake the fuck up and moderate

is this meth or crack ?


Ok maybe you best not drink! Good luck canuck

>Used by countless civilizations among royalty and commoners for thousands of years as medicine as well as for textiles (clothing, rope, sails, etc)

Not OP but
>It's good because it's old
Also, have you forgotten that Shisha bars are a centuries old part of Arabic cultures and its equivalents are gaining popularity in Europe?

I'm not going to take one side or the other, but your arguments are retarded. We should look at objective facts.

Sure it isn't from his kids? As a 45 year old father of two and one jncome, life is fucking draining

This is your brain on reefer.

>dependent on marijuana
Top kek. The chances of that happening are way less than dependence on television, and television arguably makes you more stupid than marijuana. If anybody uses anything for a numbing agent against reality then dependence is a risk factor.

And marijuana actually does kill tumor growth you retard. Behold the information and source.

A 1996 study discovered the protective effects of cannabinoids on the development of certain types of tumors. Cannabinoids were observed causing cell death, blocking cell growth, and preventing the development of the blood vessels tumors needed to grow — suggesting cannabinoids may be able to kill cancer cells while protecting normal cells.
Here is the study.

I've learned this: whatever it takes to get by anons

Be safe peace

I have a family history of alcoholism. I watched my uncle die slowly as his liver failed. It slowly got worse and worse as his liver stopped processing toxins and they hit his brain. He started slurring his speech and slowly lost motor control.

Drinking is fine, but in excess it's literally poison.

drugs should be legal and heavilly taxed
the criminals increase the cost because of restrictions so in the end legal drugs would not be more expensive than illegal

It really should have the same legality of alcohol- 21 to use, nothing in public, nothing while operating machinery/driving.

except when you smoke weed, you are not directly imjecting cannabinoids into your brain

And asbestos is also old and been used for thousands of year.

To be honest it's one of the greatest minerals and the graphene of the past

not only that, THIS WAS A STUDY IN MICE.
these results do not directly translate.
you know what else kills cancer in mice?
vitamin c

Alcohol does not damage your brain. Vitamin B12 deficiency does. Alcohol is fairly harmless in even moderate amounts. Large amounts of alcohol taken consistently will damage your liver.

t. biochemist.

Do liver next!

Most of you are going to die in 60 years, 40 if you're fat. Who cares if you do minor impairments to your brain? As long as you remain a functioning and healthy member of society you should do as you please.

>drinking is fine, but in excess it's poison

Exactly this. But marijuana isn't poisonous even in excess. And it's easy to moderate consumption of maijuana, but ignorant and dumb people know jack shit about the art of moderation.

there have been hundreds of compounds that were shown to kill cancer cells in mice, but most of them did not translate to the same effect on humans

poisonous does not have to mean overdose or fatal. It screws up BDNF levels

>he doesnt use only krokodil and bath salts

Take the final redpill, Sup Forums. Bath salts opens your mind and lets you use 100% of your brain, and krokodil is the most powerful muscle building steroid known to man. The media has brainwashed you into thinking they're harmful.

>mouse-derived DNA, both of which were dissimilar to DNA isolated from rat.
Consider yourself full on vermin, do you?

hmm really makes you smoke...

Everything about marijuana has a greater chemical impact on humans. Medical marijuana can even come in the form of a tincture with liquid. Actually, with ether, you can create an alcoholic marijuana drink through a process of THC extraction soaking in the ether.

>The subjective part.

You guus are retarded alcoholics. I drink sometimes and dont even smoke weed but its pretty obvious to me that alcohol is a thousand times worse. Booze can be toxic. You couldnt kill yourself with weed if you tried. I know tons of successful people that smoke. The reason that youre surrounded by degenerate stoners is because you surround yourself with degenerates in general.


I wish i could quit oxygen and just breath thc smoke for the rest of my life

Someone high as fuck, who knows math, can still perform math. That doesn't happen with a person who is drunk as fuck. The less physically harmful substance is marijuana. Both alcohol and marijuana *can* be used for beneficial purposes, but marijuana way outshines alcohol in that aspect.

We have more cannabinoid receptors, yet that does not mean greater effect on cancer. You can't simply make that claim until further studies have been done. It is promising, yes, i smoke weed too

How about all the alcoholics in history? Some of the greatest minds of all time. Hemingway, alexander the great, churchill, stalin...

>reading comprehension
Leaf pls. I didn't mention cancer in that post whatsoever.

kekkity kek

>You couldnt kill yourself with weed if you tried
Extraction and crystalization of THC until you have enough to kill yourself.
Also a strong anti-emetic just in case.

Takes a lot of weed though

>I know tons of successful people that smoke

> degenerate stoners is because you surround yourself with degenerates in general

> alcohol is a thousand times worse
To a degree.

Both marijuana and alcohol are degenerate and must be banned and illegalized.

Marijuana and alcohol users present a danger to surrounding people, and should be jailed, fined, or forcefully sent to medical rehabilitation facilities to help them recover from this illness.

Good thing that islamization will solve alcohol problem. Allah Akbar!

Alcohol is a social drug.
Marijuana is an anti-social drug.

That's the real reason.

They were great because of 'how they used their brain', not great because of 'what they did to their brain'.

Yet you replied to my post about how tests on cancer in mice do not directly translate, you even said that not only do they do, but with a greater impact.

>a potato nigger defending alcohol

Are you implying what you do to your brain with weed is beneficial?

I used to be an alcoholic and over used coke and weed. I am 100% sober now.

stoners should be gassed

>not only do they do
Leaf pls. We get it, you're high.


Choose fucking one.

Personally yes. I only speak for myself, as should everyone speak for their self.

You can write whatever you want on that chart, and randomly post graphics you find on the internet, but that doesn't suddenly mean you know what the fuck you are talking about.

It just makes people who are above pleb-tier intelligence annoyed.

>lying on the internet to justify your claims

Its never happened. No one has died that way.

Idiots still fighting over their fucking booze and weed while I'm sitting pretty on 50 grams of a-PVP.

Get good drugs you fags.

One problem... There have been concrete studies showing that weed impairs memory and many other brain functions. Since you cited a study earlier, you will admit to other studies that show weed impairs the brain?
I will link if you want

Yeah but only while youre on it.

Why not both? Don't be afraid to try new things and come out of your shell. Francis Crick was a molecular biologist, neuroscientist, and biopyhsicist who co-founded the structure of DNA with James Wattson. The did LSD on record, and credited the use of LSD towards their legacy discovery.

Most people would take LSD and freak the fuck out. It all depends on your capacity for self awareness and self control

How would a drug like dextromethorphan*dissociative* compare?

Nope, it's just that stoners are unbearable high or sober. Drunks might be annoying when wasted.
PS. Fuck you skeevy Stoner fuck.

Do some non-bias research and educate yourself you ignorant fucking leaf.

Essential levels of BDNF are impaired, and not temporarily. "Injections of Δ9THC into participants has been noted to have differential effects on serum BDNF based on marijuana tolerance, with marijuana users (defined as using at least 10 times in the last month) having lower baseline BDNF in serum."

I'm all for legalizing weed.
But people who think it's completely 100% harmless are retards.
And people who think anything that is legal now should be made illegal in it's place are retards.

"The nonusers, aside from having a higher baseline BDNF, experienced an acute increase in serum BDNF 20 minutes after injections, which was normalized after an hour; the marijuana users, however, experienced no such increase."

It actually increases levels but ONLY for NON smokers

Way to be an obnoxiously ignorant shallow cunt.
>judge a human by a single activity they do out of their entire life
You're the true pleb. Stay shallow.

Marijuana can be a rare trigger for heart attacks since it causes a sudden change in blood pressure.

But you can kill yourself with THC, though the process is a bit ardous since you need to extract it from the leaves and then crystalize it.
Alternatively you can swallow the oil with the THC soluted in it but that may cause you to puke.

But 250 grams of pure THC will definitely put your life in grave danger

Nobody does it because there are easier ways to kill yourself.

>Most people would take LSD and freak the fuck out
Not really.
Not even the case had you said "PCP"

Put people on Datura and you can laugh.
Though I don't really use it anymore since it's a bother and quite dangerous.

Thats only the brain of an alcholic who doesn't also hydrate. The 2 don't have to be mutually exclusive.

When people say weed grows neurons in the brain, they refer to the study i mentioned. However, this is only true for people who do not smoke at all. The effect does not apply to regular smokers.