Can you explain to a non-American what the actual appeal of voting for trump is?

Can you explain to a non-American what the actual appeal of voting for trump is?

He's the God Emperor

So we can watch america finally collapse under its own weight.

We stop illegals like you stop boats.

Essentially, Sup Forums is suicidal.

he's the most entertaining

Last best hope for western civilization.

best policy
best leadership
least harmful

The political and economic Establishment is scared shitless because of him.

This is a good thing.

He says he can encourage businesses to bring back jobs that have been sent overseas and will limit the flow of illegal immigration. What is that you don't get about that?

Americans are stupid and like people who they've seen in reality shows and who have "balls" (say stupid things without thinking).

He's not a globalist.

dat smile

Because with shillery the name of the game is "Hurrdurr vote for first female president because political correctness and social justice even though everybody knows she's super crooked and no less of a corporate shill than Donald Trump"

Or over-the-top douchey wind bag who doesn't know when to stop talking.

One leads further down the slope to a PC world that I would rather kill myself than be forced to endure.

The other will damage the establishment beyond repair, and at the very worst delay progress towards that Orwellian PC nightmare.

His policies would resonate even here in EU. Here fucking communist s always relied on WW2 and Hitler and shit just to exist.

That Obama nigger was somewhat one of the biggest enabler of these fucking government s.

If the wind change, even here will be felt.

And for good.

I understood anti-Trump people here when Sanders was running, but now?
Even Satan is better than Hillary.

Mexicans are largest growing ethnic(mestizo) in every state since 2010. Perhaps Americans don't want to become brown manlets and think Trump will save them.


Also his only opposition is a corrupt and insane cuck

>reduce the cost of American-made pharmaceutical drugs; Americans pay a lot less for the medicine, rest of the world pays a little bit more. Effectively America has been subsidizing drug costs for the rest of the world
>make universities accountable for student loans; effectively discouraging universities from pushing so many worthless liberal arts degrees
>Why should America pay for NATO when most of the partner countries are paying less than what they promised?
>Illegals in California alone are costing us more than it cost to pay for an entire year of college for every student currently in college.
>Build a wall, make Mexico pay by removing their foreign aid + reducing trade deficit + taxing the money they send back home. Either way Mexicans will stop coming here to work; their wages will be heavily taxed so they can't send it back home.
> Anti- PC. "We are going to say "Merry Christmas again""
> Day 2 post 9/11: he was at ground zero, paid 200 of his own men to search the wreckage for survivors, then helped to rebuild NY.

1. Not Hillary
2. It's funny
3. Fuck the media
4. Fuck the SJW culture

The real reasons why people like him. Yes, illegals need to go home. Yes, we need to keep the refugees out. Yes, we need to fix our trade deals. But in our hearts he's the guy that's going to give a big middle finger to the growing culture of crying until you get your way.

Well, for those of us who never had a father figure, and who grew up to be flaming homosexuals as a result, I think I speak for all trump supporters when I say he is our sexual fetish. We usually pump our assholes hard with a dildo while watching his speeches. It's truly a sexual rush.


He's got America in his best interests.

SJWs, BLM, La Raza, LGBTXYZ, nu-males, gun-grabbers, niggers, illegals, etc.

We have a culture war going on over here in the USA. Pro-Trump people aren't all necessarily fans of Trump but anti-left. The next president will probably have the opportunity of appointing several SCOTUS justices who have the power to rule certain things unconstitutional like owning certain types of guns, and abortion. That's why all the conservatives voting third party or not voting at all are morons.

I'm not really a fan of Trump but I understand the dangers that are posed by a Hillary presidency.


think of the name of your country


okay fill in the blank with that country

Make ______ Great Again

then imagine if that happened

that's why we're for trump

>explain to a non-American
Like you even need to be American to realise. He wants to stem the flow of the Mexican zerg rush, and wants to bring American jobs back to Americans. I can see why the thought of being governed by Trump scares people, but I would rather see him in charge than a commie or a chronic liar.

Voiting for meme is fun. I wanted to vote for Darth Vader, but jews didnt let him to run.

so we dont end up like a bunch of cucked australians

He's more the only person that's willing to both scale back the government and ensure that there will even be a government that people will respect. Hillary will do nothing about actual problems and just continue to push the mould of "muh vagina" until she can milk it for all it's worth.

if you could deport aboriginals wouldn't you?

there's been a whole generation working as janitors and cashiers and unemployed for a whole decade

the boomers are started to retire but immigrants have taken all the jobs that they left behind

donald trump promised us jobs, that's all we want

Uneducated voters love memes. Besides, the alternative (on the GOP side) was a crazy Texan, while the Democratic opposition is a literal cuck and probably a vampire.

Based Montenegro

blond hair, blue eyes.

You don't have to explain it to me. I'm on your side.

This is a good legit explanation of why.

Originally, it was my way of fucking over the establishment and MSM for cheating Ron Paul.

Now I honestly do believe he's a good choice. He's what I would try to do, be pragmatic and do what you already know you do well.

Getting rid of non-Americans. Trump will remove illegal aliens from the nation. He will get rid of the rules that allow citizenship by birth, and reject the citizenship of people that have used the rules to gain citizenship at their birth. He will export illegal aliens and criminals. He will close the borders to keep out illegals. He will grow the military. He will go after the families of terrorist and unfriendly nations, to make sure they have nobody left to attack America. Not everyone will go along with the plan, so those that are in the way will be humanely detained at specially built facilities, for their own protection.

only way to save america is to elect a non-weak non-politician

>for decades you politicians have been telling you that your country should put the needs of everyone else first
>for decades your politicians have been starting wars at the behest of some desert people
>for decades your politicians pushing for more and more imigration from the third world
>they push for trade deals that kill manufacturing
>they make it harder and harder to live a middle class life style
>the pundits say the white working class should die off
>the media calls us racist
>the party of "token opposition" can't even provide that anymore

i don't know Australia, what is his appeal?

There is no appeal. You are on Sup Forums

It's a rarity to see anyone supporting Donald trump in public. If they are, and you have a conversation with one, it's clear they are out of their mind batshit insane.

The "le fuck the system!" Edginess is attracting a frightening number of people regardless. Destroying a government in hope of a better replacement is not how you get change. It's how you fuck up a country. I mean christ we already have riots in the street over the thought of this guy becoming president. This is not going to end well if he is elected.

All of this of course disregards the fact that his policies are unimplementable, he has been supported by hate groups, Russia, and Kim Jong Un, he acts like a man child when he doesn't get his way, and other countries (like yours) are already laughing at us for even considering him as a candidate. The list goes on and on.

America =/= Sup Forums by a long shot. Only the retarded and trolling will vote for him. Hell, if I ran for president and starting meme-spouting on the mic, shoehorned gun ownership and racist comments into my speeches, I bet I could get Sup Forums's support easy.

I'm genuinely embarrassed for this country right now.

Have you seen the abhorrent shitbags that have permeated the party the past 16 years? Neocon "conservative values" can go fuck themselves. The right have been clammoring someone who doesn't have Jesus up their ass and the way Trump ran roughshod through the entire field of these assholes, it's pretty refreshing.

thank you for correcting the record

Oh look, a paid DnC shill.

Right back atcha pal. If you can't see that you are just as "brainwashed" into gobbling up Trump's talking points as I am for trying to convince you otherwise, then you only prove my point. You're candidate is a loser, and you are incredibly misguided to be considering him as our next president.

he's right though. i honestly feel pity for kids like you who clearly spent too many of their formative years on Sup Forums. you've literally memed yourself into an unemployable mess.

People can't keep pretending it's just Sup Forums that likes him when he's breaking voter turnout records left and right. Clearly the American People agree with Trump and his message, and it's hilarious every time the media and the elites out themselves by saying they don't get it

>hurr durr its only edgy people that hate the system retards that are voting for Trump

if you honestly think that that 40% and rising of the general population are edgy/retarded, you are fucking idiot.

Trump is not a fringe candidate and his support is not fringe voters, if it was, he wouldn't be the republican nominee.

have you ever considered that maybe Trumps policies actually have popular support?

Saying that there's no appeal is immature. He's a populist candidate, and that's certainly attractive to many who are dissastisfied with the cuckservative fundamentalist christians from the right and the cultural marxists from the left. He's strong on immigration and firm against allowing refugees, demonstrating a desire to protect our national interests unlike our current president. He draws support from the working class with his focus on job creation. His resistance to whiny liberal namecalling is admirable in a public figure during the current year.

Trump represents a people fed up with the way things are going both politically and culturally.

The idea that his policies are "unimplementable" is largely irrelevant; very rarely do we see one president accomplish everything he has run on, and even some of the things that do get through aren't everything that was promised (i.e. Obamacare).

The people who support Trump are varied in origin, and support from hate groups is something that can be said for any candidate currently still in the race, with shillary and the KKK and bernard and BLM. The only real question is why someone like Trump hadn't come along earlier. I prefer his supporters on my campus far and above the amount I can tolerate the socialist edgelords.

What is his message exactly?

"Hello everyone! Thanks for comin out here tonight. Get that Mexican out of here! Support our vets! I'll bring jobs back! Thanks everyone! I love your hats!"

I'm not frightened because he's a billionaire running for office, I'm not upset that he's a former reality tv star. I'm mad because when he gets on stage to do the equivalent of shitpost about other candidates in real life, people find that agreeable, acceptable, and for some reason logical.

>What is his message exactly?

his message is america first. radical isn't it?

I understand the appeal behind someone who is passionate about following through on what he says; for instance his immigration policies. But he has based his entire campaign around this idea. Just keep everyone out and the jobs will come in and the economy will be fixed and since there's no Muslims coming in no more terrorism and...

No, it's not that easy.

>his resistance to whiny liberal name calling is admirable
>his ideas being unimplementable is irrelevant

You better be trolling.

He's the mystery box candidate. Do you want the politician who is already known to be shit, or do you want the mystery box?

It's funny you post that image because it accurately describes the thought process many people have currently.

That mystery appeal sure is tempting isn't it? but look who's offering. You are hair asking to get screwed.

this... if they are scarfed something is right. Oh and fuck mexicunts. You ruined LA. You will pay for that.

it's as old as humanity, follow the herd syndrome. muricans are prone to it because they never experienced their govt turning against them. they're in for a wild ride.

Nailed it

This is why I'm voting for him yeah

>muricans are prone to it because they never experienced their govt turning against them

I'm pretty sure that how the nation was born Fritz

>Can you explain to a non-American what the actual appeal of voting for trump is?

He wants to tear down the political system. He basically wants to be a one-man political party, who just happens to use the label "Republican", but that's just for expediency so that he can get elected in our current 2-party system.

He feels free to borrows ideas from both parties without giving a shit about the political sensibilities that he offends by doing so. A lot of people appreciate him doing this -- because they are disgusted at how every other politician reflexively discards any ideas that did not originate from within their own party.

A lot of Americans have see our hyper-rigid partisan system as extremely crippling. Trump is the only politician who is willing to completely destroy the entire partisan system to move us forward. No other politician has the balls to do that -- they are too timid to suggest anything other than small incremental changes to the political system. Many Americans have had enough of waiting for decades for small incremental attempts at change, and they want real action now.

A lot of Trump supporters realize that we're rolling the dice big-time by putting him in as president. Because of his "tear-it-all-down" attitude, he has the potential to do amazing things that no other politician could possibly do. But the Trump experiment could also fail miserably -- for example, he might encounter extremely fierce resistance from Congress and foreign leaders. But that's a risk many Americans are willing to take for the potential rewards.

Nationalism, reaction to the faggy PC culture.

>never experienced their government turning against them
1776 and the Declaration of Independence would like a word with you

the neo cons who pander and bend over to the leftwing arent offering options trump is the only one not doing this voting for him should show the right wing people dont care if you call them racist anymore they are tired of left wing destruction yes hes an idiot

Cucks who like a big powerful man to fuck their wives.

Are you tired of politicians being all talk and no action, or only looking out for themselves?

If so, we are voting for Trump.

>Are you tired of politicians being all talk and no action,

Trump is literally all talk and no action faggot.

Clinton Romney Obama McCain Bush Kerry Gore Clinton Dole Bush Reagan all had the same policies.

Sanders is different.
Trump is different.

Sanders lost his primary, so he's not an option because of the rigged system.
Trump won his primary, so he's the only option other than voting for "things as usual."

Eurofaggots have an army of burger memes to protect themselves from their own retardation.

If it were possible to vote for Trump even harder, this post made me want to do it.

How is supposed to enact policy when he isn't the president yet?

republican voters are extremely pissed about congress folding like a tent and giving in to king nigger's every demand. this is why establishment neocons like jeb got shitted upon

Not yet, dummy.

He makes for great genuine reality TV.

>are you tired of all talk and no action

That's why I stopped watching trump for entertainment

Basically people with no future want to see the country go down in flames.

It's Russian/French Revolution all over again. Fuck the establishment! Fuck the government!

Then replace it with a complete unknown and when millions die in the resulting chaos say it wasn't your fault.

I have the opposite question: I want Trump to win, but I don't understand why AMERICANS want him to win.

He'd probably trigger general risky madness, which might be good in the long run, but living in America during it is going to be interesting to say the least.

Too bad Trump himself is a joke.

>changes his mind constantly
>unrealistic solution towards immigration (Mexico isn't going to pay for a fucking wall)
>protectionist economics, which is denounced by almost every credible economist
>bad knowledge of foreign affairs

How did Sup Forums get duped into voting for this guy?

Memes. Only that.

Cruz or Jeb would be better options, but now everything was gone

>BTFO out of leftism and see liberals be mad
>reduce the percentage of brown people in the country
>kill some brown people outside of the country
>hang on the fleeting nostalgia of unskilled labor that we outsourced to Chinese and Mexicans and we'll soon outsource to robots and software
>have way more baller 4th of July celebrations
>be on the winning side

It's really not that complicated.

The irony

> I'm genuinely embarrassed for this country right now.

We can relate, we've been embarassed as fuck of you leftists for decades. Finally we have a chance to do something about it.

Looking forward to your posts in 2020 about how there's no way he'll do another term.

Watch him Monday when he holds that press conference and destroys hillary.

He can't consider this because it will destroy his worldview and shatter his willful ignorance.

like trudeau changed his mind about weed?
lmao you're one to talk about jokes.

Why do leftists always miss the point.


That's the only Trump policy that matters and it's the difference between him and the globalists puppets he is running against.

a leaf

>all these replies and the answer was the third post

This is true desu. Sup Forums is beyond giving a fuck whether a presidential candidate will be a success. All we want is someone who will tear the entire rotten system down.

Address the points I made instead of insulting Trudeau. I dislike Trudeau too, but that is a separate issue from whether Trump would make a good leader.

>BTFO out of leftism and see liberals be mad
>reduce the percentage of brown people in the country
>kill some brown people outside of the country
>hang on the fleeting nostalgia of unskilled labor that we outsourced to Chinese and Mexicans and we'll soon outsource to robots and software
>have way more baller 4th of July celebrations
>be on the winning side

I rest my case OP. I told you they were batshit insane.

He's not Hillary.

>changes his mind constantly
Nice meme.

>unrealistic solution towards immigration (Mexico isn't going to pay for a fucking wall)
Tax remittance

>protectionist economics, which is denounced by almost every credible economist
Protectionist economics is what put US on top.

>bad knowledge of foreign affairs
Hillary's foreign policy has been a disaster. We are all sick of neocon bullshit.

Choice A:

A known Cunt under active investigation of multiple federal crimes, and has repeatedly said that Human Rights are subject to "Reasonable Regulation"

Option B:

A billionaire that isn't under active investigation for multiple federal crimes, and understands that the left has been systematically tearing our culture and freedom apart for decades

really makes you think...

he's the only candidate with a border policy resembling Australia's

If the big boogeyman establishment is upset about trump as you say they are, he will be impeached under a unanimous vote or assassinated because "THE JEWISH BOOGEYMAN DOESNT LIKE WHATS HAPPENING! MEME WITH ME EVERYONE!"

Don't worry about that second term. Don't even worry about a first.

Our forefathers wanted people with all attitudes from all walks of life to secure the presidency, but always wanted against career politicians. Now, between a cuck, a war-mongering career politician and a businessman that wants to put his country first and stop with this shitty identity politics trend, people are clamoring for a major interesting change.
He's not an idiot, he surrounds himself with people he knows have the answers. He has been peers with these people and made deals with them for years. Any president has a cabinet of people that are to advise them on all issues in the first place, but Donald has made good use out of people that have been on many cabinets. When he goes on TV to stir people up, that's just it, he gives the exaggerated media what it wants.

Personally, what I love about him is the way he mocks the sensationalist horseshit to its face. Or the fact that Putin, Kim Jung Un, and China have endorsed him due to his want to pull our stationed troops out of foreign countries and his business background. What people don't seem to realize is that his major appeal is his business sense - other world leaders can actually work with him to make deals. Whether you like him or not, he's easily the best candidate

why are you shilling neo-liberalism?

Did you not hear him? He is going to make America great again.

>isn't under investigation of multiple federal crimes

What is Trump U?

Only Americans think that America doesn't look out for its own interests abroad.

What you really mean is "white people first". Which they already are. Problem is bottom bitches in the white pile are now in the same level as brown and black people and now they scared.

Same reason why all those poor whites fought to keep slavery, even though they didn't have the money to own slaves themselves. Pure fear of tumbling down the social ladder.

Notice it's these same uneducated poor people who are now voting Trump.

Because I'm not an economic illiterate.

honestly he said the things that myself and many others in this country WANT to say, but never could. On top of that, America First is the best and only foreign and domestic policy we should have. Asides from all of that, his personality is just great, hes hilarious and a troll. MAGA