Is his reputation here simply tarnished by his popularity? is it his fan base that throws you guys off?

is his reputation here simply tarnished by his popularity? is it his fan base that throws you guys off?

i really don’t see why he is based. he has precise input and interesting videos, articulates his points well, throws in colorful descriptions, he’s generally well-informed and level headed. fantano is genuinely kind and interactive with his followers.

i generally avoid critics altogether and i know a lot of people here stray from critics themselves. that’s understandable. but really, what is it?

i meant ‘bashed’

The only flaws Fantano has is how he critiques albums not as a standalone thing, but he let the older works of the artist affect his opinion. His expectations of the album actually affects what he ends up saying about it, which isn't fair at all. He should look at each album individually, not factor in the past. Also, a lot of his opinions are just dumb. Lil Pump gets a higher score than MBDTF which doesn't make sense in any context. Even if it's just rated by how good Lil Pump was at being dumb, MBDTF did better in what it was trying to do than Lil Pump's garbage.

There are many times where just tries too hard to be contrarian or controversial. It's cringe worthy.

I like him as a dude, not so much his opinions on albums

hating melon is a meme

I agree with this, but in the end his scores are based on enjoyment. If he enjoyed Lil Pump more than MBDTF he'll give it a higher score regardless if the reasons for it are valid

He was good until he started posting about how he wanted to lynch black people online.

>a lot of his opinions are just dumb

i love MBDTF and think Lil Pump’s music is horrible, but i can accept that fantano has his own thoughts on whatever he reviews.

you make fair points, but he has spoken out about popular music not having inherently poor qualities, so why would he try to present himself as a contrarian?

He also made the most SJW cringiest joke ever in one of his videos: "This is why no one likes white people"

I forget which vid that was

Yeah, he's a bit of an SJW, but all the cool musicians are also SJWs so he fell for the meme.

lil pump is the deconstructed rap artist. why would u hate him?

Trashing anything with any modicum of popularity is just the Sup Forums brand™. Fantano's fine, he just gets shit for liking some bad albums and disliking some good ones. And for being a Death Grips stan.

you can't be "a bit" of an SJW, the term implies excessive behavior.

He's just a regular lib who's too sensible to be a libtard but a bit too edgy for right-wingers to tolerate him all the time.

because the fans don't care about criticism and don't consume it as criticism, they consume it as youtube eceleb social masturbation with music flavoring, a one way hang out sesh. nothing he says has any weight, the fanbase is just lonely people filling a need for someone to talk to them about something they care about and then jerking each other off with the memes from it. so it would make sense on a board about coping mechanisms for depression but it doesn't seem to have much to do with music.

He talked a lot of times about people complaining about "this got a higher score than that", and said that the scores are just a personal enjoyment scale. And I can see sense in that since I'm not coming to a Lil Pump album looking for the same thing as what I'd look for going into a Miles Davis album, just to name an example, and I can enjoy both for different reasons


It's because he's unattractive and our generation is pathetic and shallow and can only consider a persons body when evaluating their worth. This sentiment will lead to, in no uncertain terms, hell on earth.


Anthony is anything but that. Even in his meme channel when he would exaggerate he still can't be truly edgy, dude is soft as fuck

It's a bit more complex

people don't take his opinion very seriously because he's just an internet friend simulator, BUT, everyone is afraid that his viewers might take his opinions seriously. They're afraid of the influence they think he has.
Even if everybody knows that he doesn't claim to speak from a place of authority, they still think that he does have a de facto authority over his viewers.
So every time he says something they disagree with, they lash back at him as if his statements had any degree of authority. Like he has a responsibility to be objectively right considering the size of his fanbase.

It's not that people don't want him to disagree, it's that they don't want his viewers to agree with him unless he really tries to be objectively right all the time.

nothing is truly edgy, I meant that in the millenial "something that tries to be provocative" sense of the word.

nazi punk

I think he makes good points and enjoy his humour even if I only really agree with about 40% of his scores. Still, he typically justifies them well and I can respect that

>articulates his points well
That's really not hard to do at all when you have literally no points to make at all. I'll give him credit, his ability to ramble for 10 minutes straight and say nothing of any value whatsoever, while still staying coherent, is pretty impressive.