I just finished Breaking Bad, and now I dunno what to do with my life. Can anyone recommend me a show to move on to?

I just finished Breaking Bad, and now I dunno what to do with my life. Can anyone recommend me a show to move on to?

Try Sesame Street, that's on the same level of intelligence.

better call saul is good if you don't need people to die all the time to retain interest

Narcos (Netflix)

Similar topic with BB

I just finished Battlestar Galactica and I'd recommend it.

This. BCS is just as good in my opinion. In some ways, it's even better...


Better Call Saul is smarter.

Mr. Robot.

Rewatch it from the beginning and notice all the fantastic foreshadowing and fly references. My favorite instance of foreshadowing is in one of the best episodes four days out where Walt and Jesse go on a marathon cook and get stranded; Walt starts giving up and talking about how he deserves this. During a quick "filler" cutaway theres a plane and contrail going right overlaid on a another plane and trail going left. Pretty nifty Vince Gilligan. BRAVO.

some say the wire is good i couldnt make it past the intro to the first episode. snot boogie...but it supposedly is good after that especially season 2 on

sopranos was popular. there isnt a lot of shit based in a contemporary setting with shit going wrong for people that isnt law and order or csi

watch the green room

don't even try. everything will seem a pale, no-stakes, triviality in comparison. save yourself from my fate- the years of aimless lying around and staring at the wall while reliving favorite BB scenes in your head and just kys now, if not try BCS

Elijah, Patrick Stewart is NOT Walt if he joined the Nazis instead of killing them. Fuck off with your gay theory.

>I just finished Breaking Bad

I'm at the start of the last season and i have to say BB is very overrated.

Maybe nothing could live up to all the hype and I'm by no means saying it's bad. But it's just a little better then average IMO.

Anyone else feel the same?

Nope. You're just a jaded depressed loser over saturated with media lol go outside nerd

The fifth season may change your mind. Alot happens. It's far and away the longest season.

>You're just a jaded depressed loser


>The fifth season may change your mind. Alot happens.

Cool good to know. Maybe when it's all done i'll have a better opinion of it. It's weird but i like all the side characters like Mike & Hank better then Walt & Jessie.

Oh and fuck Skyler.

>fuck Skyler

best way to invalidate anybody's opinion on this show is to ask what they think of her

The Shield.

>its the same because it involves drugs!
fuck off pleb

>Can anyone recommend me a show to move on to?

You should watch SouthLAnd OP. it's fucking great and will hook you from the first episode.

correct answers
lucifer is good
limitless also bery gewd like 20 episodes

You won't feel the difference.

Here's the list of God-tier shows.

1) The Sopranos
2) The Shield
3) The Wire
4) True Detective season one
5) Mad Men


Fringe is pretty cool

stranger things is liked by many of the same people

Breaking Bad was the first show I've ever started and finished, not really being into tv shows before it.

What I went to next was Fargo Season 1 then True Detective.

All 3 were 10/10 for me and I highly recommend.

I have seen all of these, with the shield being the last. Do I start watch breaking bad, or a different show? I tried watching six feet under and only got ~3 seasons in; it got boring.

respond, REEEEEEE

If you've never watched it then yes, Breaking Bad is very good.

Bullshit, I love BB but Strange Things was unmitigated, unoriginal garbage.

>some say the wire is good i couldnt make it past the intro to the first episode. snot boogie...

just kill yourself

This is actually how I felt after watching the Wire. Breaking Bad was one of the shows that didn't measure up.

I recommend Rome. Only 2 seasons but God damn, what a great ride.

I liked it until they changed stations, then it became crap.

Did anyone say the wire?

Any other show to compare it to?
There are so many good shows to choose from don't want to waste my time.