The main actor in the last film you watched is now the danish girl

What changes?

Daniel day Lewis actually undergoes the procedure.

just got back from fantastic beasts so nothing

Does TV count? I can't remember the last movie I watched.

that's a weird Terminator

haven't seen The Danish Girl but I'm sure it changes for the better

>Marlon Brando
Greatest film of our time

How the fuck is he gonna fight SpaceGodzilla?

fantastic beasts
doesnt seem to be much of a change

The film would be twice as comical and ridiculous with Arnold Schwarzenegger as Lili Elbe. The obligatory catch phrase "I'll be back." would be thrown in the film script somewhere as a brief comic relief along with a few cheesy one-liners. The transgender community would, as usual, be made furious at what they see as an insensitive and offensive portrayal of trans identity.

There are a lot of changes, because in Fb eddie plays an awkward persecuted outlier in the 1920s and in danish girl he plays an awkward persecuted outlier in the 1920s

Oh wait

>fantastic beasts
>There are a lot of changes, because in Fb eddie plays an awkward persecuted outlier in the 1920s and in danish girl he plays an awkward persecuted outlier in the 1920s
>Oh wait
I think he was a bit more autistic in this one.

Well yeah, both Newt and Einar are both mentally ill. Eddie just likes playing mentally ill characters.

10 cloverfield lane

idk but john goodman wont be pleased

Interview with the Vampire gets a wee bit straighter

I think she would hardly survive in a zombie infested, post apocalyptic Japan.

not much

To catch the dirtbags, Dirty Harry has to become.... A woman.

wud u fuk dat trap

He could really ham it up at the end.

>Aaaaagh! I'm dying! Goodbye world, goodbye penis!

>Zoolander 2
Absolutely nothing, it's still shit.




A vagina would go with his IRL politics...