If you live in Americas and dont look like this, please get out of my continent

If you live in Americas and dont look like this, please get out of my continent.


Is it ok if I'm a French Canadian? French people wanted a trading colony and aleays kept good relations with Amerindians, we also have a lot of racemixing with Indians we weren't dicks to them.

You immigrated there, too, dumbass. Just earlier. Also you lost, cuck. So go fuck yourself and the rest of your loser tribesman. Go wear a dress. Also: your bitter chocolate sucked! 7-1, faggot!

>we weren't dicks to them
Well you sure pushed your religion onto us. Otherwise I'd be speaking Cree fluently rather than learning it from my grandparents

Tfw ancestors proudly conquered them all and made themselves masters
What reason do I have to not be such?

OP is Amerindian not Spanish, my Moorish friend

Was that a religion thing? I thought that was all about the local tribes being more willing to learn the Europeans' way of doing things than the Europeans wanting to learn the Native's ways. Charter schools were definitively evil though.

My ancestors :)

No, gtfo. Also:
>implying that 0.01% indigenous blood isn't because of rape

I thought I bought some indigenous American Indian artwork from a reservation that I had recently visited. Turns out that piece of shit was made in fucking China!! And the entire reservation is nothing but a bunch of drunk, lazy ass, welfare leeching, drug addicted sad sacks.

So, no, I am not going anywhere
Easy there, Kevin

My ancestors conquered and killed moors as well

Yes we did yes we did...

If you live in Europe and look like this, please get out of the Semitic race's continent

We killed Jews as well.

How many moors we killed I will need to make a count.

People who look lie that need to go back to Siberia.

they didnt look that fancy before, some have called them the 'photograph tribes' and many now wear speedos

Feels good to be 100% amerindian

t. Raging Eagle Buffalo

His face shape looks surprisingly like that of an Andalusian Spaniard's

You guys still doing all that spiritual stuff? Seems really interesting to me. Oh, and are vision quests actually thing?

I can stay, right?

Definitely late for this, but if anyone really cares;

It was an all-aspect thing. It was especially the catholics that ran the residential schools that did the most damage. Practically anything "indian related" was punishable. It was a forced process.

It varies, but i am noticing an increase in the return to traditionalism. Vision quests don't really seem to be prominent in Cree, never really heard them around. My grandparents don't really know either. I guess it varies from tribe to tribe


AyƮksis kiya