Reasons why newt scamander is better than harry pooper

>expelled from hogwarts yet his book is now in its curriculum whereas harry has achieved nothing post-6th year
>can disguise himself into a woman while harry cant even pretend to not be harry even when there are 6 other harry's
>actually qt
>slender but not a manlet
>is from a shit tier house and yet is based; harry is from a based house but manages to be shit
>beat grindelwald singlehandedly even when grindeppwald had the elder wand; harry had all 3 hallows and couldnt even fucking beat voldemort without the hogwarts faculty literally carrying him into battle
>doesn't use deus ex machinas whereas harry keeps escaping by dumb luck
>can understand shit on his own whereas harry has to have a fucking powerpoint presentation done for him by dumbledore at the end of every fucking book even when dumbledore is fucking dead
>lets muggles come along on his adventures, makes sure they survive the great depression; harry gave fred and george money and that caused fred to die
>makes friends with slytherins while harry is a douchebag

Other urls found in this thread:

>can actually cry on-camera
>is a pokemon master while harry couldnt even keep his regular non-magical owl alive past its adolescence
>can apparate while harry gets caught repeatedly because he keeps trying to use his shitty broom
>has unkempt hair and green eyes which harry should've had but they couldnt even bother
>doesn't cheat using time travel
>turned his suitcase into a secret mansion whereas harry just hid around in a fucking tent and surprise surprise he got caught again even though he has a fucking invisibility cloak
>caught a nundu which takes 150 wizards to subdue; harry cant even subdue wormtail as a rat when he escapes
>wears a cool ass coat while harry runs around in denim
>has 20/20 vision
>separated an obscurus from a dying girl while harry couldnt separate cedric from death
>figured out every plotpoint on his own and is clearly adept at transfiguration, charms, defense against the dark arts, potion-making, beast-taming etc while harry could barely even pass potions
>actually has a personality; harry is like an rpg character who never reacts to anything

JK Rowling finally did something right.

what did you expect from one of the dullest franchises, etc.


Sounds like a Gary Sue to me

>expelled from hogwarts yet his book is now in its curriculum whereas harry has achieved nothing post-6th year

Harry became Head of the Auror Office and Head of Magical Law Enforcement.

>beat grindelwald singlehandedly even when grindeppwald had the elder wand; harry had all 3 hallows and couldnt even fucking beat voldemort without the hogwarts faculty literally carrying him into battle

Grindlewald was a bitch compared to Voldemort. Dumbledore smashed Grindlewald when G had the Elder Wand. Voldemort held Dumbledore to a standstill while D had the Elder Wand.

>separated an obscurus from a dying girl while harry couldnt separate cedric from death

The girl is still dead.

Everything else is correct.

i read none of this


>whereas harry has to have a fucking powerpoint presentation done for him by dumbledore at the end of every fucking book even when dumbledore is fucking dead

>Daniel Radcliffe
Is a Jew. Shitty actor who is like all Jews with reptile brains. Shows exactly 0 emotion like all Jews. Seth Rogen has more personality. REEs autistically when he doesn't get his way. Pretends to be British by using British way of speaking. Has to overact just so he doesn't bore the audience to death.
>Eddie Redmayne
Not a Jew. Wasn't born into a elite class of moneylenders who control the media. Has to actually perform on screen to make it in life. Doesn't have a reptile brain like the Jews do.

you might have ascended to a new level of autism

jesus christ dude

>Eddie Redmayne
>Not from an elite family

He was born in Westminster and went to Eton with fucking Prince William, you literally can't get more elite than that

Found the Jewish apologist.

except even reddie's grandpa has a fucking wiki page that was how elite they are
and eddie had orgies with prince william, tom hiddleston and james corden, that's where he refined his dick-sucking technique which he would eventually achieve mastery of while campaigning for the oscars

>only Jews can be elite
>it's only bad when Jews do it

>implying Jews don't own the entire planets finances
>implying Jews aren't responsible for 98% of the world's problems
>implying Jews don't control all world governments and all famous people aren't their servants

Just curious, how exactly do Jews control the Chinese?

>shilling this hard

China owns a huge amount of America and the western worlds debt. Chinas entire existence depends on the US dollar because that's what the debt is traded in. The Jews could crash China overnight if they wanted to simply by voiding the IOUs which china holds. Only a very small portion of chinas wealth is not fiat.

>is a pokemon master while harry couldnt even keep his regular non-magical owl alive past its adolescence

i admit it, i kek'd

You realize you're brainwashed as fuck and most of what you believe is total nonsense?

>implying the Chinese aren't a new, prototype breed of stealth Jews
user, there's no hope for you.

>The Jews could crash China overnight if they wanted to simply by voiding the IOUs which china holds.
Yeah, but how could they do that? In the example you're talking about, you're saying Jews control China from America. But then, wouldn't what you're suggesting kill the US's standing making no one lend to us?

Why do you think Donald trump won? Why do you think he wants to see industry return to the US?

The Jews could do that because they directly control the federal reserve/bank plus all the other major banks. A simple meeting and a few pen strokes would wipe the slate clean and completely cripple China.

>bank plus all the other major bank

None of the top 15-20 banks in the world have a Jewish owner. Why are Sup Forums SJWs so cringeworthy?

>voiding the IOUs

Which would lead China to drop 100% of it instantly, crashing US credit rating.

> No more loans for you!
> instant bankruptcy

pls don't summon the pasta user.