Why does the media keep calling Trump a racist when he's the least racist candidate in this election?

Why does the media keep calling Trump a racist when he's the least racist candidate in this election?

media is owned by jews

stop perpetrating this myth that the media is owned by jews



or what? :^)

you will get arrested for hate speech leaf.

It's true, that's why all the racists are voting for Clinton.

Only SJW race traitors vote for Trump.

be cause you are a fucking white male. Don't ever talk to me or my wife's son again. You cis white male scum.

kill yourself kike


That, my delusionally racist pals, is cold hard racism

Literally. Not. Debatable.


Because the left still thinks "Muh Racist" is a legitimate argument. Or any word with ist or phobia at the end


>He hates his judge because the judge has power over the fate of a presidential candidate who has voiced views he disagrees with.

There's good logic behind it.
In a court room setting there is not supposed to be any bias.
Trump is seen as an anti Mexican dictator. The judge would be bias against him because that judge is hispanic.

You probably mean (((myth))).


Debating with you idiots is literally the biggest headache ever

More pointedly, why is a literally-insane cold-blooded murderer and open traitor considered to be a more moral candidate than an alleged "racist"?

It's not like the judge isn't just hispanic but tied to La Raza, a Mexican group whose goal is to alienate territory from the United States and transporting illegal immigrants.

Imagine if the Zim Zam Traybon case had a judge member of the Ku Klux Klan. Actually that would be less retarded because at least it would be American based and not borderline treason to the US.

Because the Left rules on hatred of white males.

>the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

Trump said this judge was biased because of his race, while at the same time denoting that there was nothing wrong with the judge being proud of his race. Trump also mentioned that he himself is proud of his race.

All Trump is saying is that because he is Mexican he has different interests then a white person has.

At the very worst all you can say is trump believes in racial identity, but not any sort of racial superiority. Racism requires believing in superiority/inferiority.


Being racist, and by that I mean even being "racist", is worse than commanding assassinations, lying under oath to cover rapes, diverting public fund for your foundation, being one of the top ten promoters of every war in the last 30 years, being openly hostile against Russia, being a proven shill for banking cartels and other conglomerates, explicitly stating that you want to sabotage the country energy production with regulation while promoting buying foreign energy from your foreign allies.

But no, le big bad racism is the number one problem this election. Remember the sic gogolplex, each being gassed longer than it takes for a menorah to light out.

hello /r/the_donald

Shut it down, the goyim know!

racism stops globalism so it is absolutely un-acceptable even in the most benign form.

None of the things Clinton did really impact the formation of super-national organizations so the (((media))) won't bring it up.

Because (((racism))) affects minorities in your own country.

>actually caring about minorities in their desert wastelands

Forgot pic.

the msm have become a relic of meme.

They don't understand the true power of meme magic which is why they've failed. We alone control this election.