Race? It is a feeling, not a reality. Ninety-five per cent, at least...

>Race? It is a feeling, not a reality. Ninety-five per cent, at least. Nothing will ever make me believe that biologically pure races can be shown to exist today.… National pride has no need of the delirium of race.
wtf I love Italians now?

Other urls found in this thread:


*makes racial laws*

Like what?

Like this :

CAMP'D Libyans.

That was when war was basically inevitable and it was either pull back everything close to Hitler and grovel to the Anglos or go all in. Besides it was just the Jews

And colony natives.

why was he so cool yet italy so pathetic

Mussolini was a clown. Any modern Italian PM was cooler than him and that's saying a lot. Including D'Alema.

other way around, mate.

Wasn't Berlusconi sometimes compared to Mussolini

Only by mad leftards

He brought I'll repute to Italy so kinda?

>He doesn't rate Mussolini

lefties compare every single non-leftist leader to Mussolini, that said Berlusconi was probably the smartest PM but also a selfish asshole

>that said Berlusconi was probably the smartest PM

He fucked obvious jailbait and didn't even do it discretely.

no one gives a shit about that, we're not americans

Good for him

It was a Moroccan whore. That is extremely embarrassing.

>Besides it was just the Jews

Fuck off anti-semite

Ayn Rands rant on racism is extremely satisfying. Definitely worth a listen

why? Having sex is illegal now? Fucking protestants

Libertarians in any form are trash, even the right wing ones. Authoritarians reign supreme

Italy was the most useless axis power so iy makes sense their leader didn't catch on to hitler's line.

With morrocans it is, but it's obvious shitalians love them

Still an axis Power, what was norway beside anything?

Mussolini was trash, he got carried by the ideology

he's not talking about the races as we intend today, such as "white race", black race", and "asian race". He's talking about "italian race", "german race", "french race", and so forth. That's what he intended. this quote is connected to the south tyrol question, that was ethnically german, but he wanted to "italianize" them.

"I love niggers"
- Benito Mussolini 1936

this coming from the eternal mongrel. TOPLEL

well, the italians would say that, mongrels

Coming from a notoriously mongrel people that's hilarious.

Says "the Americas" of Europe.

not a single drop of french blood


Not just french blood, Londinium was founded by romans Mr. norman-roman rape baby

British men are too handsome to be associated with the swarthy Italians


t. pajeet

Italian girls love pasty brit cock

He isn't wholly wrong

Just shut. you can't recover.
go back


Shital*ans are subhumans


Hitler is literally a traitor to German people of South Tyrol.

Mussolini's biggest mistake was allying with Germany.
Should've allied with the western allies, fascism would be much more acceptable and widespread in the modern world.

Mussolini was willing to do anything for power. He was a man without principles.

Italy is not white.

Post your deformed untemensch gypsy face mr. toilet cleaner

He tried but Britain and France didn't want him, then they got all pissy at him for invading Ethiopia and Hitler was the only major power left that liked him.

Of course he says that. Italy is a mixed race country like Brazil.

Only North Italy is white. Rest of you are literal Arabs.

>Arguing with a pole

i'm from Umbria region btw delusional gypsy

>insecure enough to post his eye
One drop rule, mutt trash.

Don't know where the "gypsy" part comes into play since Italians are more gypsy than Poles lmao.

that's rich coming from you