
> conservashits

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Doesn't that mean they're Mexican / Muslim / African first, and American second?

so why he freed them?

dam get fuckin rekt

Mexican-Americans are not Americans. They are Mexicans who live in America.
Muslim-Americans are not Americans. They are Muslims who live in America.
African-Americans are not Americans. They are Africans who live in America.

A real American doesn't need to qualify themselves with a hyphen. A real American is simply an American.

House divided, etc.

He was planning to ship them back, iirc.

If people are going to be annoying then the government better implement death squads.

who was the person who said something along the lines of "if you identify as anything other than American, then you're not really an American"?

To preserve the Union, he also said that if he could have done it without freeing a single slave he would have.




to send them to Liberia..
He got shot

wtrmyt! damn...

>it means nothing to be American

Only ethnically North American aboriginals and European settlers are Americans.

>Bigotry is un-american
>Division is un-american
Confederacy vs the other faggots
>Ignorance is un-american

>bigotry in un-american

I thought this was the most bigoted country to have ever have existed. Was that yesterday?

Illegal Mexicans are literally not American

Because even if they're a lesser human, keeping slavery is pretty terrible.

Illegal immigrants aren't American. Suck a trillion dicks.

a fucking bowl of soup

He didn't want to ship them back. Lincoln was a nigger lover.

division is what distinguishes any tribe from any other tribe. a nation entails borders, shared traditions and identity. This is la-la logic, using nationalism for its emotional power despite being against it in principle.

This. Libs want white Americans to not identify as anything while pandering to minorities. The hypocrisy and doublethink is astounding.

>shit lords

These people think that "Black Lives Matters" is an "American" thing. It's a nigger thing.

These people think that "Sharia Law" is an "American" thing. It's a sand-nigger thing.

These people think that "Mexicans" are also "Americans" and should have the right to vote and take welfare and food-stamps. This is "American" to them.

Keep in mind that what the Democratic Party wants is for all Mexicans to be able to vote in U.S. Elections (they can already do this in California), that they want ISIS bases in America, and that they want Black-supremecy in American law.

These are "American Values" to Democrats.

How come racist Mexicans who hate America are considered "American" to Democrats and Liberals?

Oh no. The leftists are bringing out the big guns again.

I've been called some fucked up, deplorable shit in my time for not being liberal. But un-American.

Shit cuts too deep OP.


If you made that. You are a fucking moron. If you reposted that, you are even dumber than the person who made it. If you dont get that, please, do everyone a favor and shoot yourself

As long as they identify as hyphenated Americans they are not Americans

Eat shit and die you dirty communist

How retarded are you guys

>shoehorning niggers into this

Did Trump threaten to cancel their gibs or something?

Yeah. it was horrible for the over 1 million Irish just as it was for the 450,000 blacks...

What's your point ?

If you proclaim yourself as half american, expect to be treated that way.

>mexican americans are americans
>''lol estupido gringo gib california''

I'm legitimately curious. We see these same half-thoughts from Occupy Democrats. Is it a concentrated effort to troll Sup Forums in some form of group (reddit? OD? leftypol?) or if you're just an asshole Sup Forumslack who enjoys trolling us? I'm legitimately curious. I just want to know, the trolls like you are just as important here as the respectable NatSoc element.

Wow. Yet another embarrassment the MSM won't cover: Clinton and Sanders expressing support for the former dictator of Egypt? Wow. Sad!
Jokes aside, it's little moments like this that make me like Trump even more.

>they fought for mass immigration and identity politics
>not American nationalism or because they were told to

Muslim isn't a race or even a country of origin. It's a religion. There aren't Christian Americans

>As we begin Ramadan

Wtf is this "we" shit? Hillary and 95% of the people reading her twitter feed aren't fucking Muslim and don't observe Ramadan. What a pandering bitch.

>I pick what's American and what isn't

Hillary didn't write that one though. Her subordinates did and tweeted it themselves without her input at all.

How do we know this? Because sHillary signs her official tweets.

Why do people keep spamming this OccupyDemocrats shit here? It's not even smart or clever or thought provoking.

>mexicans are not american
>syrian muslims are not american
>i dont know why you said african american at all...

>liberals are bigots
they attack anyone with a differing opinion

>obama is the biggest divider
if i had a son...

>ignorance is un-american
HAHAHAHAHAHA what? america is the human version of orks

>jew propaganda

I'm getting really tired of subversive kikes, who weren't in america until they were running away from ruining white Europe, telling ME what MY values are.

All of you kikes will burn.

She's standing on their graves to push a political point that they didn't believe in.

>implying any WW2 vet supports illegal immigration into the country they fought for.

You know what else is un-American? Violence directed toward supporters of a presidential candidate. Also take that shit back to Faceberg nigger.

he did want to send them back

>suggesting irish lives matter more than the blacks
>tfw irish slavery was glossed over in history class as indentured servitude

This country was created because a bunch of slave-owning white landlords didn't want to pay taxes. Bigotry is the purest core of this country.

>Donald Trump is un-American

>Donald Trump
Liberals again displaying their loose grasp on reality.

Correct. The mussies got a real tweet. WWII veterans got spam.

No 1 million lives matter more than 450,00 lives...
but hey...math!

The Irish came over in BONDED servitude during and after the Wars of the Three Kingdoms


>true scotsman

Shut up.

Ironic that Trump wants people to be patriotic and american first, and then leftists run their mouths and throw up mexican flags everywhere

Which explains all of this legislation just sitting in congress to send them back, right? Not all the individual rights?

Lincoln wasn't going to force shit.


See how they have just lumped themselves in with 'walls' and 'temporary immigration ban'?

Donald Trump has never said anything about Blacks in America. In fact, he has been the most optimistic and positive about them of all presidential candidates on both sides.

I thought your pic was her right away


It's simple. Racism/bigotry will end in America as soon as the hyphenation stops. When they stop adding an ancestry which has no relevancy to their current identity I'll consider you one of us. My great, great grandparents were Irish. I'm not Irish/Euro American. I'm just fucking plain Anerican. When you join me, I'll accept you.

Yes, Americans are American. Trump has a beef with illegals who aren't American.

99.1% to be exact.

Illegal immigrants are not Americans.
Muslim migrants are not Americans.
He never said anything racially insensitive about African-Americans.

Teddy Roosevelt.

Greed first. Bigotry is a distant second.


Illegals and refugees aren't American though famalam.

A-are you actually retarded? Not everyone lives on twitter.

Ah the old liberal play, call your opponent racist.

t. schlomo shekel

Trump wants all these Americans to nationalize and only identify as American. Are you retarded?

If they are Americans why do they need a hyphen?

Giving something priority before American.

>bigotry is unamerican
>division is unamerican
>ignorance is unamerican

>people actually think this

Donald Trump is the perfect American presidential candidate. A compensating demagogue with no idea what he is doing or saying, other then waving his dick around, clobbering anyone who gets in the way. That is legitimately America described in one sentence.

She signs them with a pizza?


>Australians are renowned for being level headed and reasonable
Its hard to tell if its a shitpost or if the nation of drunks is trying to throw stones from their glass house.

*cuckery intensifies*



Oh, that's a good one. I get it. We're just doing one of those things where we all say whatever we dislike is un-American. Okay, I'm in.

>fat is un-American
>football is un-American


It's not like we're perfect, we have plenty of flaws. I'm just laughing at the irony at someone actually thinking those things when Ignorant, divisive and bigoted are the three prime things that would come to mind to describe America.

Not really but ok.
>what is Irish-American
>what is Russian-American
>what is Italian-American

fucking aussies

Aussies BTFO

You can't have a thing unless you divide it from things that are not it. If there is no division, there is no anything. Same as "discrimination" which just means observing and acting on the difference between different things.

Im hoping donald trump gets in and starts a nuclear war

America First.

If bigotry is un-american then why do we have systematic racism?

Illegal spics and foreign Muslims aren't American, which is who Trump is talking about.

Muslims in other countries are not American.
Mexican nationals invading the US are also not American, they are Mexican.

Because America was never great!

Thats it I am now a #KarsonKid

This is why begin american doesnt mean anything to me. When any piece of shit third worlder can hop a fence and become american how can it mean anything to anyone? There used to be an america excellence and people came here because they wanted to work hard and be rewarded for their work. Now people just wanna come her to get paid for voting.

Naturalization Act of 1790 - free white persons of good character

America was always meant to be a melting pot of Northern Europeans. The rest of you muddied the waters.

It is so interesting to see how hypocritical the left is when it comes to its own tactics and it's criticisms of Donald Trump. They criticize him for constantly going on about how well he is doing, how many states he won, how many votes he has, implying it is wrong to do nothing but boast your success and power. Meanwhile they constantly boast about how much the progressive movement has affected this country and preaching how America needs to be on the right side of history and talk down to everyone about what America's values are, as if it is objectively true. Trump is not only stumping the regressive left, he is doing it with their own weapons.

>not including archive links

But when Trump does it

We are Anericans and don't you forget it!

nice pic
