South Park genny

So what's the highest and lowest points.

>20 seasons
Fucken hell

Why has south park not been as anti-hillary cliton as it was of other people of equal douchebaggery?
Even when she had the bomb in her sniz, she herself was treated as professional. I'd expect them to give her the tom cruise treatment, or issac hayes job.

Other urls found in this thread:

South Park has always shilled for the political establishment. What was the thing they mocked the hardest about the Iraq war? The people protesting it. What was the thing they mocked hardest about illegal immigration undercutting American labor while benefiting corporations? The working class American citizens who were pissed off about it. If Trump wasn't actually a threat to the powers that be, their jokes about him would have been the same tepid neutrality every other politician has gotten.

In the end they are owned by Viacom.

The iraq war they mocked both sides with the I'm a little bitcountry episode.

This. They're basically Rockefeller Republicans (like HRC).

What's up boo?

That's what's genius about it. They mock a little bit of both sides to get credibility with these people and then go "but really, fuck this side in particular lol" so that people who think that they're centrist decide that they're right on every issue and go along with the "fuck them" herd mentality because they don't think South Park can be biased.

They should be limited to 2x two-episode arcs per season, it's 10 episodes ffs.

S20 is the worst season of all time. I haven't liked a single episode. I liked that they choked on their shit when Trump won.

>Dude Star Wars is important
>All conservatives are high on nostalgia which is bad, it's 2016 people, accept terrorism, islam and illegal immigration
>Drumpf xD

S19 was pretty good, S20 is just ridiculously bad.

Anyone ever notice the contrast between this memberberry-is-bad stuff and that "everything is shit now" episode from a few years back, when the modern retakes on everything was what made things shit.

Are you joking?
Did you watch Team America?
It absolutely destroyed opposition to the war.

I thought the whole point is that Stan is a cynical asshole or depressed or something. Or that they felt the show has been going on too long.

Did you miss that entire beginning where they destroy Paris?

Friendly reminder that South Park jumped the shark with the scientology episode.

Nobody even says troll anymore

No one's saying Trey and Matt didn't mock the Iraq war itself, the point is that they mocked the protesters significantly harder than they mocked the war, to the point where they were on the side of terrorists who wanted to destroy the world.

Fucking cunts I can't stand a second of this Cartman GF bullshit, season 20 is THE worst season of South Park

Also they need to stop with the fucking entire season long stories, it's fucking trash

south park is dead

People forget why last season worked, they were topical with arcs but the episodes themselves can actually stand well on their own, it also felt more inspired, this current season is just the same plot points hammered over and over. It would have been better if every plot could stand on its own, that said the start of he season was great but it really lost traction once Trump won. I'm guessing the fact Hillary set the hackers up and what Bill was warning Hillary would do has been dropped.

Thyey were definitely expecting Bill Clinton to be in the news for the next few weeks. The whole gentleman's club thing was suddenly dropped and if it isn't mentioned in tonight's episode it probably won't come up again.

Still the idea there's a massive database in NSA and god knows how many other governments out there, that someday will be hacked or released, revealing all anons on places like Sup Forums, could be an arc to remain.

It just wasn't going to be the final nail in the coffin of the member berry'd trolls, in the final rise of the SJW.

South Park has been shit since S11.

Yes I liked many episodes in 19. Yelping, Tweek and Craig, Naughty Ninjas, Safe Space etc.

in other words, they were prepping for a long underground seige

Is there an episode tonight? I thought this was a break week.

>S19 was pretty good

Google says there is.

The trolls arc should still work out but I'm sure the member berry arc was destroyed when Trump actually won.

The biggest reason this season has been so weak: Gerald has been more important to the story and has had more screentime than the actual main kids.

>it sucks because it doesn't pander to me
Fuck off back to r/the_Donald, faggot.

Matt and Trey simply just don't like Trump, why is that so hard to accept? and the fact that he won means that he'll be the target of much more pop culture.

What's with all the skipped weeks this season?

this is the lowest point

fuck you

Serves you right for living somewhere irrelevant.

they also removed most of the episodes too.
didn't you noticed powered by hulu?

this show is pure shit now. I have friends that force themselves to laugh when they put it on, that's what happens when you're close to 30 and still watch a cartoon that you watched when you were 16.

some of the shit people say on this site blows my mind

>not stealing it

This is my life right now.

>still watch South Park
>still playing Pokemon
>still jacking off to cartoon porn
>30 years old

At least I have a stable relationship, my own place, a salaried job, and do other things with my life.

Stream anyone? Can't find one

I doubt everything you typed after
>30 years old

you are welcome


Is there no episode tonight?


Gay any reason why? Turkey day

Time for Black Friday rerun.
