Whats a comfy series to watch after I've had 2 footballs

Whats a comfy series to watch after I've had 2 footballs

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the star trek

Do you have a prescription or are you a criminal?

such a boring drug


Care to share with the class?

Norm Macdonald Live

Basically anything cause you probably fried your brain by now if you're already talking 2 at a time lol


is xanax any good? never tried it

stop being a fucking pleb and do a real drug like heroin. pfft xanax. oooh so tired and wobbly i cant remember shit bro ohhh huhuhuh get the fuck outta here.

If you can ride the thin line between being high and being too high to remember/think then yes

you use drugs as a fashion statement based on how they impress other people? wow you're so hardcore!

you first

>i feel good
>i feel good
>suddenly 2 days later

>tfw used to take upwards of 10mg a day for like a year

it took like a whole year to cold turkey detox that shit and I still aint right

>tfw taking like 40 different research chemical benzos over a 2 year period and still feel all fucked up

literally "oldwomanwhodoesntwanttofuckherhusband" the drug

fun fact, you can die from benzo withdrawal
you can't even die from opiate withdrawal

if you wanna fast forward time, yes.

>one day of feeling like a god
>vs 6 months of some of the worst withdrawals I've ever had
I've done a lot of drugs too.

well when I started feeling like a seizure was gonna come I just drank a few beers and that fixed me up

first 2-3 weeks of benzo withdrawal is literally just try to stay in bed and suffer through it

Fuck off moralfag

Those aren't footballs tho

i took life half a bar without any tolerance before getting on a plane in portland, oregon
i caught my clarity back when i was in louisville, kentucky and don't remember anything about the time in between except the in flight movie had the alcohol cop guy from boardwalk empire in it and was full of blue lights

oh yea lol

this is the worst part of being off benzos, I miss looking at the clock and it would be 4pm and then 1 minute later checking the clock and it would be 4:30. It makes mundane things so tolerable cuz they just speed by like nothing

>the in flight movie had the alcohol cop guy from boardwalk empire in it and was full of blue lights

Midnight Special

Pretty good description of the movie, imho.

>tfw went on a week-long hallucinogen bender a few years back

It took me a good half a year to feel relatively "normal" again


i went cold turkey on benzos, an SNRI, and a tranquilizer last year.

for 6 months it felt like my skeleton was trying to force its way out of my body. but in the end it was worth it, that combination was turning me into a zombie. now i just have crippling depression and anxiety again! =D

start lifting you meme

I'll stick with my low-level opiates that just make me feel fuzzy and warm and comfy.

I ain't got time for fucking up my brain chemistry to that degree, dog.

the back of your eyelids

i have the test levels of a 65+ year old man and my doctor won't do anything about it

Ive taken 10Mg before and nothing happened. Wonder if being an alcoholic changes your tolerance levels.

It does

Taking a bar in my area is kind of like playing Russian roulette there are so many fucking fentanyl deaths.

Is it the same with valium?

>Damn did i just time travel?

I have 100 of those exact pills, 2mgs, how the fuck do I feel anything but sleepy on them.
I've tried taking a tiny amounts nothing happens, if I go with too much I just get tired and goto bed.
Any Protips?

yes, take it with a few beers and youll have fun, but wont remember most of it
>protip:do not do this if you are a girl or you will be raped

i came to ask the same thing
i don't get it, i just conk right the fuck out
it's not fair

these will fuck your life

Nothing story-heavy. I saw Arrival on xanax and I might as well have not seen it I don't remember a single thing. A sitcom like Seinfeld would be good.

try taking them with a coffee

they just make you incredibly relaxed and uncaring about most things

Don't be a bitch. I would take like 4 xanax and have 2 beers and still be fine. Actually, that's my perfect happy place. It just makes it literally impossible to worry. It chills you out.

I have teleported from drinking on xanax. Like I would become lucid and not know where I was and, what seemed like a second later, I was just somewhere else. Until I finally teleported home. It's a crazy drug.

The brave little toaster

The original sunbow GI Joe, particularly the episode Cold Slither, where Cobra Commander decides to start the world's greatest hair metal band, with Zartan as the frontman. There's also an episode where Sgt Slaughter goes back in time and the ancient Greeks mistake him for Hercules.

It's called blacking out and losing track of time not "teleporting"

That's a bar not a ball

I was just describing the effect. I know what was happening.

How's everyone feel about Ativan? Got a script for it but I don't think it's as nice as can. Most fucked up I got was from xan as vicodin, Ativan seems to do nothing in comparison.

i avoid pills at all costs

i mostly never get sick and smoke weed and drop LSD every few months

Chronic Xanac use can cause early onset dementia.

Ativan is less intense. It will also make you physically dependent on benzos very quickly if you aren't careful.


People who aren't aware of this shit are playing with fire if they abuse pills.

>Sup Forums abuses drugs

That explains so much

They gave me 60 .5, withdraw was hell and I really use them retardedly. Basically getting free recreational drugs while lying to my psych. I know how fucked it is but yeah benzos hook into you subtly and horrifically. Insane how lax they are with prescribing them.

Man, I remember being at an Asian frat party and someone gave me a drink of alcohol with Xanax. Shit was wild

lol, just popped one right before the post.

2 bars = an hour of amnesia for me then sleep, so wouldn't matter what movie.

they wouldn't prescribe them to me even thought they were literally the best thing for both my side effect and a symptom i had
it was actually frustrating, since i didn't want to get high (and i'm the fag from earlier who falls asleep if i try to abuse them)

but i live in california, some pharmacies won't prescribe any opioids or anything like that

get a load of this pussy

Look into kratom.

Ativan is great for balancing sketchy coke and if you have legit anxiety or just want to get some sleep when you really need it.

I had a 2 mg script for ages but my life is better without it.

it's surprising how few drug threads there are. Most of Sup Forums seems to be a bunch of underage straightedge capeshitters. Not me though, drugs are great.

Are you older? GenXers are all heads, like every single one.


I have a friend whos a big xani addict and even though he cut down a lot, he's just not right in the head. Still highly functional, just fucking annoying sometimes when he can't grasp basic concepts or goes on some dumbass tangent. Didn't used to be like that either.

>Are you older?
yeah. I took acid when the first episode of south park was shown on tv

The Life and Times of Tim

where do you live?

i bet most xanax users/abusers live in high density areas

I'm an opiates kind of guy myself. Used pharmaceuticals and then heroin pretty heavily for a while. Was fully functional, was even in a top tier law school. Problem was the insane amount of money it costs to satisfy an opiate addiction. I was spending upwards of $120 dollars a day from a minor inheritance that I had. Eventually I was wiped out, withdrawing fucking hardcore, and had to go to a detox center. Now I'm prescribed Suboxen, which is a minor opiate but you don't really get high off it, it's just supposed to make you normal. The problem is I have little energy now, everything seems to be draining and take massive amounts of energy. I also have very little motivation, I just want to sit and marathon comfy shows all day.

If opiates weren't so expensive I'd probably be doing alright. They really are the ultimate comfy drug. Everyone says its like a thousand orgasms at once, but for me it feels more like that feeling you have right after an orgasm, where nothing matters, you just want to relax in bed and don't have a worry in the world.

LA suburb, plenty to be anxious about in this shit city

Gilmore Girls.

But for a film, which you should really be watching bared out, Buffalo 66.

Xanax is only the best thing on God's green Earth.

lol, makes sense.

Don't worry, kids. I have a wife, daughter, house, and business in a major north american city and I've done enough drugs to kill 100 elephants, as have most of my friends (and we all still get fucked together more than you might think).

Alcoholic here, Xanax is fucking awesome. Great for withdrawals and long plane rides. I definitely wouldn't abuse it though, it's a bitch to detox from and if you are into a nightly xanax and booze routine you'll get fucked off quick and possibly dead within the year, depending on how you hit it. I have a friend who used to do xanax and oxy rails, and according to his rehab doctors, it was the Xanax and booze combo that OD'd him twice, not the combination of Xanax + oxies. Ever since then he's been a pills guy but not a booze guy (jubnkies never learn), but to his credit i have NEVER seen him geek or lose his shit since then, and it's been probably 6 or 7 years.

As for what to watch, i usually recommend Twin Peaks to anyone who is taking hallucinogens or pills and chilling out at home.

I can still get 5 mg percs at $4-5 a pop, but after about a week it starts to hurt when you don't take them, so fuck that.

I used to use them for one purpose: hangovers. They OBLITERATE them. But your willpower will break down and you WILL become a junkie, and it's a bummer.

>I have a friend who used to do xanax and oxy rails, and according to his rehab doctors, it was the Xanax and booze combo that OD'd him twice, not the combination of Xanax + oxies.

Yeah, that's what most people don't get. It's not the oxies that kill you -- it's the benzos.

Be careful.

what's your drug of choice these days? Weed, psys and occasionally dissos here. Same as 20y ago desu except no alcohol now

Chills me out at night
lack of it puts me in a rage the next day

i hope you've got plenty of disposable income because you're getting ripped off brother that's what i spent for 10s

Ye man, withdrawals are such a bitch. I don't sleep, I dont eat, I'm constantly shitting and throwing up, I'm sore all over, and on top of that I get depressed as fuck. But at my highest use I was doing approximately 2-3 grams of heroin a day. When I was doing percs I was using between 6-8 30s a day, and that was just for maintenance, I stopped getting high off percs completely. So you can imagine how bad the withdrawals were

>2 footballs
Enjoy feeling no different than before you took them

>posts on an anonymous forum
>trying to impress people
Ok buddy keep on projecting


Are all benzos the same? Because it sounds like Xanax are particularly bad, my psyche wont prescribe them. I think he gave me Lorezepam or something like that but I haven't bothered to take them.

Maybe it's just you pig Americans and your abusive, consumerist nature failing to correctly follow the plain english on the side of a prescription bottle though.

Never tried benzos, but I just had codeine for the first time today
shits great

No, they're all different

be careful f.am.

1. Booze: like gasoline, I'm italian so usually wine
2. Coke (preferably with a downer -- bezo or opiate), about 2 weekends a month and some weekdays
3. Weed: goes well with everything, so always a little here and there
4. Benzos and oxies used mostly theraputically but sometimes abused if I'm being honest about it.
5. Adderall instead of caffeine during the day. It's like driving a Porsche instead of a Hyundai.

Psychedelics and MDMA just annoy me now. When I was a kid I loved them. Now I just want either energy or relaxation.

This routine is highly variable, and I've been at it long enough to know when to scale it back. Occasionally I fuck up and overindulge, but life will kick your ass and get you back on track soon enough.

(And no, I don't expect judgmental naive millenials to understand any of this).

Or we could be sharing info to encourage people using substances in a safe and responsible manner.

well there's a big difference between Robitussin and codeine, but I like both

Some benzos are more addictive (Valium, Xanax, Halcyon) and side-effect prone (Xanax tend to cause extreme sleepiness in men) than others.

Ativan and Klonopin are considered to be lesser addictive of benzos.

Fucking Xanax is a cunt.

Yesterday I took one to sleep at 1 AM. Today I had to nap from 12 pm to 3 pm, with vivid dreams. I run my business and took about 4 phone calls during this "nap," and I'm only about 90% sure which calls actually happened and which were dreams.

Fucking bullshit drug. Ativan is better. Not as strong but at least it doesn't make your life feel like the movie Memento.

When I take some I can hardly even keep my eyes open.. Might have to dose less

>tfw blacked out when I was at my PC on facebook

This is why I hate facebook

Hahahah. LOL. I quit Facebook and went off the grid, and I've never been happier because now I can get as fucked as I want and enjoy my evenings without the fear of accidentally shitposting IRL.

it's also a pretty big red flag for girls, but whatever you do you. I just log out of fb when I'm getting fucked up

Yeah it's pretty cool, but I don't do it more than once every few months. I've heard horror stories about it, it can really fuck up your life. Plus I have no idea how anyone can abuse Xanax and function at all for longer than a weekend if they have any responsibilities in their life, I feel like I would get fired, flunk school, and get evicted within two months if I got fucked up on Xanax on the reg lol. Every time I do it I always end up passing out and forgetting I had to do something, or I lose something, or I start doing something and fuck it up by passing out in the middle of it. I don't even try to do anything important on it, I just stay at home and be comfy and when I wake up in the morning I discover I left the sink running or left refrigerated food on the counter or burned a hole in the couch by dropping a lit joint on it without even noticing.

It's fun occasionally though, it's so cozy to get home from work amd the gym on a rainy Friday evening, take 0.75mg, smoke a joint, listen to music, and pass out.

>it's also a pretty big red flag for girls

Works both ways. Girls who know you can get drugs delivered anytime are like moths to a flame.