Opinions on classical guitar?

What do you think of classical guitar? Would you want to see that live?

I am a classical guitarist and I have been thinking about starting to play in my local jazz/alternative music venues. The classical venues are just too stuffy and a pain in the ass to get booked at.

If you went out to see a concert, is classical guitar something you would want to see? Like if a classical guitarist opened for a jazz band or something

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Are you lying?

This is what I mean by classical guitar too


It is the nigger of instruments, no coincidence it is solely preferred by moorish-derived composers.

No why?

>preferred by moorish-derived composers
>he doesn't know about Regondi


I don't believe you. Nobody tells the truth much on /mu

one of the greatest concerts of my life was a classical guitarist I didn't want to go see and only did it as a favour.

Lmao why would I lie?

You think normal people don't surf Sup Forums?

What guitarist?

>not moorish

>not the master race

My opinion is that guitars aren't pianos.

That's true, but is that a good or bad thing?

Some people even prefer piano pieces on the guitar. Tarrega's chopin arrangement is pretty cool.



I play classical guitar for 2 hours every day but personally I cannot stand to listen to recordings of it.
Anyone else like this?
I just love the feeling of playing the guitar, plucking the strings, manoeuvring the left and right hand, etc but I get jealous AF listening to what piano players can do with the keyboard and jealous of the timbre of woodwinds/bowed instruments.

stop comparing guitar with piano, you fucktard. Play the guitar as the instrument it is.

Not many.

Famous wealthy people surf Sup Forums every day and sometimes Sup Forums

You don't think musicians drop into Sup Forums?

I listen to a ton of classical guitar. This is one of my favorite pieces to listen to lately.


The original arrangement of it is nice too


It's not a bad thing, just that piano is the definitive instrument for playing classical. Playing classical guitar is a retarded self-kneecap, but of course guitar is better suited to other things like you can't really play heavy metal on piano for example, it sounds dumb.

>Playing classical guitar is a retarded self-kneecap

I mean, classical guitar has established itself decently in the classical world though.

There's an entire repertoire of music that is basically just for classical guitar now.




Yes, classical guitar is dope. I prefer solo jazz guitar because improv, but i appreciate it.

is this the /classical/ thread?
its the only thing that comes up when i ctrl+f classical


Post the solo pieces you've been digging lately


Yeah most people aren't going to be too into that, though mixing it in with pop songwriting can probably be somewhat successful.


Not to suggest Mark is particularly good when compared to actual classical guitarists but just showing an example.

What's your opinion on Natalia's Waltz by Antonio Lauro?

Never heard this guy, the stuff I write kinda sounds like this though.

Thanks for sharing, I've been looking for contemporary guitarists who appeal to a more non-classical audience