Sup Forums permanently blown the fuck out

Sup Forums permanently blown the fuck out
How will Sup Forums recover from this?

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I just want illegals out.

Then book a plane back to england. You're the one that's illegal.



I'm an injun, you subhuman potato nigger.

You actually are shit tier.

Bigotry, division, and ignorance are Un-American?

These people clearly must be taking different history classes than what I was forced to take. Because I remember being told America was literally all of these things (and much much worse) right up until Obama was elected and everything magically changed because black(ish) skin.

Or are they just full of shit, like usual?

> Not paying taxes
> sending money orders back to Mexico
> not learning English
> not waving American flag

>country invaded by people that don't belong there, and bringing nothing but problems
I guess irony is lost on you when you're blackout drunk, constantly.

And how do they measure that huh? Seems they don't factor in freedom very much.

Yeah, 'Native Pride' right?

God damn it pisses me off how they keep bringing niggers into these arguments, as if Trump has actually said anything significant about blacks one way or the other.

It's a sneaky, underhanded trick considering most black people under 40 get their news from facebook memes. I actually had a black friend rant against Trump the other day because a friend of his retreated a "genuine" Trump tweet saying we need to send all blacks back to Africa

Your country is shit

>La Raza is American
I guess the Germans who bombed Pearl Harbor were Americans too.

I'm not proud of my shit culture. pls no bully. Being born on a reservation was fucking terrible.

>mexican """americans"""
>muslim """americans"""
>african """americans"""

"There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag ... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language ... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."

Theodore Roosevelt 1907

Natives had no law about land ownership, actually a lot of them had no concept of land ownership or even private property, especially in the North. So his presence is not in violation of their laws, but since he lives in the US, not some forest tribe US law is what matters, and there's a bunch of Mexicans who came illegally under US law.

>we are all Americans
Do they put America first? The viva la raza faggots, the flag burning BLM niggers, and the anti-American mudslimes deserve to hang from trees. Those who love America and wish to see our country prosper can stay.

hyphenated-americans are umamerican

ask teddy

We want a candidate who puts Americans First

>some poor, dirty potato nigger calling America shit
Need to update your flag friend, you're obviously from Ironyland. You know they place where 900 percent of your cursed kindred fled to.

good thing illegals are literally not americans

Holy kek, you dumb yank fuck.

Trump is just a colon desperatly trying to make colonies real again
He doesn't give a shit about US great history
The US didn't become great because it was a backward nation
Trump retardation would destroy America

>Ignorance is un-American


I thought Ignorance was Strength?

Because taking in immigrants at some point was profitable doesn't mean it's the still the best thing to do now. Situations change.

does that make strength american?
or is division unity?
>wait, now leftist policy makes sense

I mean, at least we own 100% of our islands

>He thinks america is an island

And now they are angry low skilled immigrants that demand checks and safe spaces. Fuck out of here.


They don't.

Based Teddy

>be Ireland
>grow potatoes
>not enough potatoes
>on an island
>surrounded by fish

O I am laffin.


Libturd logic never ceases to surprise me

>holocaust happened
>germans bombed pearl harbor
when will the lies end?

>Be american
>Get shot

>We are all Americans
>Except those who we disagree
Nice logic there.

>ignorance is un-american
haha lol =P


>Spain came to Central America legally but England came to America illegally



All animals are equal.
But some animals are more equal than others.

Based animal farm. The horse was my favourite character, but he was an idiot.

Aren't bigotry and ignorance the things they are guilty of themselves by thinking like this?

These are the same people who would like articles from that nigger Ta-Nehisi Coates (or whatever his name is) writing from Paris about how white supremacy is inherent to America and being American.

Of course, they'll have it both ways.

>a bunch of flag-burning traitors who relish the prospect of white americans becoming a minority in their own country are trying to tell me what it is to be american

Get a load of these retards.

I don't give a fuck what they say, their pathetic attempts to guilt trip me, and I'm sure many of you, is laughable.

Fuck these arrogant twats who think they're on the right side of history. Last time some communist uttered that stupid phrase the soviet union collapsed a few years later.

>Mexicans are American
>Muslims are American
>niggers are American
But Americans apparently aren't American.

Being a hyphenated American is unamerican


only liberals use the term "african american". they are too afraid to call a black guy black to their face.


Illegal immigrants from Mexico are not Mexican Americans. They are Mexicans who happen to be in America.

that's very racist of you saying that a race or a religion has to be identified to be called an American.

If we are all American, can I be American, too?

Land was legally purchased from them Injuns, who themselves according to modern archeologyy most likelycame from siberia and drove an even more native people out of America. There' s anarchy in the international system, but not anarchy in the national legislation.
So as long as Mexican'ts are unable to conquer the US, they have no right to be there without permit.

It does say Muslim-Americans
Come join us bro. It's cool being American.


While the top is correct, ILLEGALS are NOT Americans.


First time I've laughed at a Mexican flag

>division is un-american

>so here i am, dividing people up based on either american or un-american



Pretty much describes the left-wing there also.

I see this a lot. It's actually pretty easy to shoot down nigger and spic arguments on Trump because they get all their info from Facebook. They don't give a fuck to dig any deeper either.


all of them are very american values i think you'll find

>Be Irish
>Get shot

Why do you guys let these shit threads get so far?

Sage works, and an aussie thread even, stop replying to aussies, you will have a much better Sup Forums experience.

Be Irish. Die of liver failure.

>60% white country
>muh ivy league education
>american intellectuals

>wants to help others rather than help themselves and their own country, even though those said others don't want/need their help

That's three in one right there. Liberals are un-american fascists.

Many muslims are ignorant bigots, also having allegiance to islam, which leads to division
Many africans are ignorant, sometimes bigots
SJW bring division, when they try to change traditional values
Mexicans, by using and imposing spanish instead of english, bring division in a country where unity can be achieved only when people have the same values and language

We are all un-american, that's where tha whole mankind unites. Unity in hatred and stupidity.

wait hold on, so the anti-americans, the cultural marxists, ect. are trying to convince people what is un-american?

the same people that will """leave""" the country if a certain candidate is elected?

rofl. cucks are cancer


>we are all Americans
Does this apply to a britbong?
Am I a bong-American?

Insane, isn't it?

>liberals say america was built on slavery
>slavery is bigotry
>america is built on bigotry
>bigotry is un-american

>Trump is just a colon

that's the shittiest mental gymnastic ever.

it was a conquest and they got massacred, plain and simple. it worked like that for millennia and it will probably never change since it's part of the human nature.

sugarcoating with MUH LAWS it's just a way to keep a moral high ground while being exactly as shitty as every other human being that ever walked the earth. plus you're a hypocrite.

but we're also cool, pic related.


I don't think you fell into this trap, but generally the true hypocrisy would be to imply that conquest and genocide was something new introduced by the American settlers.
Native Indians were quite happy genociding each other for ressources in the most brutal fashion for centuries, more rigorously than anything the whites did.

They just met their match when Europeans arrived -which they attacked in gruesome ways as well-, there is really no moral high ground to be had, when you start having moral qualms against the right of the stronger only as soon as you are on the losing side.



What about australian americans? Are we American?

No, barely human.

absolutely agree.

i wanted to specify "every other human being that walked the earth" not to be confused as one of those white guilt fags that say that only europeans are evil. humans are fucking brutal, nature is fucking brutal.

i don't excuse genocide, ethnic cleansing, conquest and whatever. i believe in the right of each people to live in their land and to keep their culture.

but sugarcoating horrors by saying "WELL BUT THEY DIDN'T WRITE IN THE CONTRACT LEL" it's just a shameless way to think you're still morally sound

Oh hahah, I get it. See, what they mean is that healthy behavior shouldn't include bigotry, and should thus be considered un-American. They have consistently stood up against these social ills involving bigotry, so your implication that this is inconsistent is wrong. The problem is that you take things literally due to a possible autism spectrum disorder.

I'm here to help though. Feel free to let me know if you need any more help interpreting common human communications and I'll do what I can.

> mexican-americans are
Not americans. They have their own national state with their own national representatives. There is no point in creating parallel structures in american society, they will undermine each other and this will only hurt mexican nation.

> muslim-americans are
Not americans, their religion explicitly forbids them to be a part of state, if it is not khalifate.

There are 2 stances on the political position of honest muslim towards non-khalifate:
1. Kill infidels and their children, poison their crops, burn their houses.
2. Do not participate with infidels (no help to anybody but fellow muslims), until allah will create khalifate. Then see 1.

If a man is not following this, he is not muslim and there is no point in following his ambiguous morally relative make-"beliefs".

> african-americans are
Retarded americans, that should be taken care of. 90% of them cant read more than 1 phrase and the multicultural socialist do nothing about it. They declare people who see any problem in their utopic plans bigots, dividive and ignorant.

Because they are anti-american, anti-mexican and anti-muslim.

Trump sees the problems. He is genuinely pro-american and pro-mexican.
IDK about "pro-muslim", because I cant see how muslim problem can be sloved, so I cant see if Trump is doing anything to solve it. But he at least suspends the problem, so it wont get bigger and more problematic.

Trump is the solution for mexicans, blacks and americans. If you do not hate america and understand the situation, your vote will be for Trump. He is not perfect, he is not utopic, he is too arrogant, and he is the best suitable men for this work.

I fucking hate these threads.

Do something with your fucking life Mod and permaban this convict cunt


hurr durr

'Murikanismus, not even once

Hyphenated Americans are not americans. They refuse to assimilate so fuck them

Natives should of had stronger boarders

>I cant see how muslim problem can be solved

You just get a special syringe and inject a metal pellet into their heads. Two if the dose appears to be too small. Cures Islam permanently.

But all of those things that are "un-American" are incredibly American.

Fuck up faggot.

Natives were barely even massacred. They were killed by European disease more than anything else. Also, they sold their land for shiny beads. That's capitalism.

>they sold their land for shiny beads. That's capitalism.

Even modern day contracts that have a strong imbalance of power are overturned by courts. There's actually way more arguments for overturning such a contract.

You don't really know anything about this so I don't expect an answer back.

How is #8 in the entire world count as shit tier, especially when all the other higher countries are 90%+ white countries with tiny populations?

X-Americans are not Americans.

I don't refer to myself as a Hungarian-American you stupid fucking niggers.

>Division is Un-American
what about that history of segregation? And the fact that all ethnic groups wanted their children to marry within those groups. Including the ones specifically mentioned in that image? Do people just see what they want to see?