Thoughts on the ooz?

Thoughts on the ooz?


The Melon was wrong as usual.

Out of the hundredths of albums I've listened to its the only one where I am captivated by every second of it. So I'd say its pretty damn good.

Is it wrong to call it a 10/10?

Instant classic.

what the fuck is biscuit town supposed to be about



Brilliant concept, flawed execution.
It has some of the most memorable tracks ive heard in 2017 but other than 3-4 songs its weak as hell. Too inconsistent in regards to quality and its too long and overstays its welcome.
Overall for the daringness alone its a 6/10


Its kinda about his adolescents and the slump of nothingness he finds himself in now as an adult.

Muh dick oozes listening to it

don't ask permission to love smth absolutely. You do you user.

You're right. It's a 10/10 in my heart

didn't like it as much as 6 feet and some of his edgar the beatmaker stuff but it was still enjoyable. fun to grimace and smoke too

"Biscuit Town" is a nickname of the part of London that he's from, according to an interview.

How many times have you listened to it? It's a bit of a slog, but it's totally an album that deserves (and rewards) repeat listens in my opinion. At first, it felt so indistinct and vague but that gloomy cacophony slowly slunk back a bit as I began connecting with the crooning saxes, moody beats, and occasionally strong damn guitar work.

Underrated by fandango
Overrated here
Is still in my top ten of AOTY

Terrible vocals

It's ok at best. Fantano was right for once.

>a 4/10 is okay
What in the world?

what the fuck did some of you smoke when listening to this?
it's not great, but with how much shit we had this year i'll take it.
the guy's voice is just barely above monotone tier and takes me away from actually getting into it.

I thought he gave it a 6/10. Oh well, I give it a 6/10.

I kind of agree, they're hard to get over. His yelling is great but his rapping and crooning annoys me. Still, think it works sonically with everything else.

Like, I can't imagine tracks like "Biscuit Town" or "Lonely Blue" working with anybody else singing them at this point. The album is too ugly for pretty/clean vocals to match up.

Tbh I zoned out/fell asleep the first two listens.
Now it's in my top 3 of the year

I figured out how there's a disproportionate amount of people who actually like this album. They're Brits: they can actually understand the lyrics with the stupid accent.

can't disagree that he's one of the best vocalists right now, but instrumentally this album was just alright

I really like it, he's one of my favorite musicians right now.

I'm curious to know the motivation behind this post....

*british accent intensifies*