how do you say "I don't give a fuck" in your cunt?
there's a shitton of ways of saying it in french

Juckt mich nicht

Interessiert mich einen Scheißdreck

the most straightforward way is to say "je m'en fous"
in french, "s'en foutre" literally means "to not care"
i don't think there's an equivalent in english

i dont give a fuck is the correct way here

>Mne pohuj
>Mne pojebat'
>Mne do pizdy
>Mne fioletovo
>Mne plevat'
That's just a few

another one is "je m'en bat les couilles" which translates to "i'm hitting my balls". don't ask me why, but i think it has to do with masturbating.
a popular variant is "je m'en bat les couilles tellement fort que les moines tibétains m'entendent" or "i'm hitting my balls so hard that tibetan monks can hear me hit them"
another variant is : "je m'en bat les steaks" -> "i'm hiting my steaks". i used to think that this was a female only variant but i've heard guys saying it so

a quite recent variant is "je m'en beurre" which means "i'm buttering myself"

>"i'm hitting my balls so hard that tibetan monks can hear me hit them"
that's gay

WTF? I love France now!

in true heretical fashion, a proud quebecois would say "je m'en câlice", câlice meaning chalice apparently

Well, in Korean language, there don't seem to be such fixed expressions as "I don't give a shit" or IDC. We just say, well, why do I have to be concerned about that? Or that ain't got nothin to do with me or many other ways but not especially designed for this.

boli me kurac

after doing some research, the complete expression appears to be "je m'en beurre la raie" which translates to "i'm buttering my ass crack"

ya ne daiu trahanya

i shit on it

Cute pupper.

Je m'en fous
Je m'en branle
Je m'en contrefous
Je m'en contrebranle
Je m'en fiche
Rien à foutre
Rien à battre
Je m'en cogne

>boli me kura
it hurts my cock
>prez kura mi e
it's through my cock
>ne me ebe
it doesn't fuck me

>it hurts my cock
>it's through my cock
>it doesn't fuck me

Bulgaria, stop

minä en anna panoa

Mă doare-n cur. (It hurts me in the ass)

I don't know why it's like that but it's always used for "I don't care".

Here's another one

>dreme mi na kura
it takes a nap on my cock

я нe дaю тpaхaньe

Stop talking about your dick, ffs

also нe ми пyкa
what does cur mean?

It's the Balkans, everything is about dicks and ass here.

Es ist mir scheißegal

tou-me a cagar - I'm shitting myself

heb ik schijt aan.
het kan me geen ene kanker schelen

>it's through my cock

Cur means ass. It's a somewhat vulgar word. Fund also means ass, as well as dos.

kos um'mah

literally "its mothers pussy"

"Wala btefreg ind teezi"
و لا بتفرق عند طيزي

Doesn't make a difference to my ass

ive heard 'ala 'airee too kek

Non me ne frega un cazzo / non me ne fotte un cazzo / me ne fotto / fottesega