Which is the best U.S. state?

Well Sup Forums?

Texas do seem like a shithole desu

I'm black but I felt more welcome in Texas than I ever did in California when I was visiting.

Texas people (atleast the Christian culture) is so homely and nice.
Not sure about Austin.
I know The South-East States are racist as shit, but Texans are very nice.

>all the white states are liberal
>all the conservative states are filled with niggers

what do

Texas is one of the richest states in the Union, with a booming economy and low taxes. California has sky-high taxes, a receding economy, and it's citizens are now fleeing to neighboring states and voting dem there too. They're based


aren't both of those places unbearably hot?

dems fuck your state. move to another, vote for dems there. they fuck your new state.

Move South, we have barbecue and collard greens.

>I know The South-East States are racist as shit

Not really. I've lived in the southeast my entire life and found more racist people the farther I go north. We deal with blacks all day here in the south but have a decent relationship. Southern blacks outside of the ghettos seem to hate niggers too.

They're like niggers

all those african firefighters are on strike, what else they going to do aside from shitpost on pol?


2 maps for you, map 1

map 2

I pay 2k per month in southern california and I have a great house. only 1700-ish sqft but has two stories, four rooms and is a really nice place.

Exactly what i would expect from a cali faggot, but why then are so many of them moving to texas?

Utah or Nevada

We have air conditioning and your blood thins and you get used to it.

Also if your not a poor fag, you have your own pool and/or boat and/or lake house

I'm typing this from my boat next to my lake house after cooling off in my pool.

Yea, you wouldn't like it here, life is intolerable.

>tfw VA

Seems about right. Still not bad here, most nigs are pretty chill.

Isn't Vermont full of people with guns. I'd always assume people with guns are more conservative.

How does any one even live in Texas given how hot it is? I was in San Antonio last June and I couldn't walk ten feet without being drenched in sweat.

how good is north dakota?

Holy shit, that fucking stupidity.

Texas is freedumb, you stupid fucks. You have to love the free to get it.

For 90% of us, TX is a better option than CA.

>White/Beaner relations are better
>Economic freedom is higher
>Meritocratic ideal is stronger
>Communism is weakest

What more could you want?

They're scared of you rednecks.

Cold and boring.

Austin is were all the Libs are at.
4/10 wouldn't visit.

Oklahoma reporting, one day I hope to own a small ranch in this beautiful promised land

Fuck that. Austin is great.

Cause they can't stand the fact our conservative legislation has led us to be one of the best economic states so they are trying to change it to where we are just as bad as the shithole they came from

Fear is good enough for me, tbhfampai.

Full of Nukes and nothing.
Or is that South?
Is there a difference?

>I'm typing this from my boat next to my lake house after cooling off in my pool.

>White/Beaner relations are better

Ive been only to Florida, Colorado, Nevada and California.

Florida and Nevada are ok.

Colorado is super based, clean, organized, nice people, great weather, etc.

California is based like Colorado, but people seem too liberal and slightly arrogant, and I only spent 4 days there I imagine how I would hate the Californicucks if i lived for some months or years in the state

I'm really looking forward to meet Texas, New York and Washignton

>owning a floating jew

Just put your money into an oven, why don't you?

Fellow /okie/ I see

Living in small town Oklahoma is about as good as it gets

As long as it's east of OKC and not west, what a fucking flat shithole that place is

Did somebody say FLORIDA thread?

They actually pay us for our job.

Aren't liberals fucking your country up too, senpai? Last I heard they were against getting some bitch impeached

>tfw grew up in Rush Springs in SW Oklahoma and now living in NW OKC while going to school for Petroleum Engineering
I hope to afford some land outside of a small town but not far from a small city for groceries

Because many of the mexicans in Texas have been there for hundreds of years and are basically caballeros.

meme state

Hijacking this grove with no survivors

LA and San Diego lets a pic gangs run amok, San Fran is a sanctuary city that let's them shot and piss in public at night, and they had a politicians say they supported LA Raza.

Texas police, border patrol and property owners are better able to put those elements on lock.

Thank you Satan, for confirming Jew-Ma Rousseff is certified hell spawn.

>trips witnessed

Actually our liberals are more like centrists, and yes they are literally fucking up our country. Actually they already fucked everything up and we were almost at the point of no return.

This impeachment is a last desperate gasp to try and get rid of a pseudo socialist government

You notice the violent protest in Texas when Trump visited?
What about in California?
Tejano>What ever the fuck Cali beans are called

>grew up in RS and living in OKC

Oh hey it's you, we've had a conversation on here before.

Not anymore. Speaking from personal experience having just moved there, I hate it. Everyone is a liberal, they all don-t wash, and think it's socially acceptable to go everywhere without having taken a shower. Austin was weird for a time, sure, but that was before everyone moved there due to the reputation. People ruined our capital dammit, my great great grandfather was in Texas Legislature, and he's rolling in his fucking grave right now

Delaware :3

How good is Idaho/Montana?

Texas, of course. Cities have some issues, but it's home. Fuck Booger Rat, though.

>that pic

I met a fair number of Texans here in Hungary and they all seemed great people. They are notably different from other kinds of Americans though.

If I was exiled from Hungary for some reason, I'd happily move to Texas.


Two sides of the same shit coin.

Pennsylvania is the best. Upstate NY takes second. And New England is third

I've lived in California for 10 years and lived in Texas for 12 now. I'm so proud to be a Texan, fuck that liberal shit hole they call California.

t. filthadelphian

Pennsylvania, if you get rid of Philadelphia county.
MFW I live in Philadelphia

Someone please reply to this

I agree. I prefer to stick to my own kind but if you have to deal with black people everyday, you might as well learn how to tolerate them.

ME then NH then AK

>Be Texan
>Visit Michigan
>Beautiful state
>See nothing but 'Now Hiring' signs
I'd fucking love living up here if it weren't for all the Muslims and Niggers.

>please come live in our flyover shithole
No thanks

Texas is what's left of what America used to be. My buddy left California last year and moved to Houston. Has his own business just recently after doing some work. It's full of work, opportunity, and based laws. Living is cheap, women hot as fuck, and food great.

Don't get me wrong, though. California is great for vacation, but to say the worst of California is better than the best of Texas is ignorant.

>no offense but i rather be dead in california than be alive in any part of texas

Most Texans agree

Compare to Siberia but with more cattle ranches

I just moved here, It feels like someone took the population of an inner city ghetto and transplanted it into a middle class suburban white neighborhood.

Montana is cold but beautiful. Idaho is like my pic.

You must be in the south east corner.

Oh hey nice, yeah I always browse Sup Forums while I'm at work ahaha

If you're a pussy yes

Sounds like you are in some nigger town like wilmington. There are places that are still pretty white

How do that Germans succesfully assimilated? They dont even celebrate something like st. patrick.

South Carolinian, 100% agree

I've been around Black people all my life. While I don't always relax, it has more to do with context of the situation and the individual.

Most people that love to scream "Racist" are ironically from the least interracially mixed areas, at least in my observations.

It's only hot in the summertime. After August it's comfortable for the next 9 months, we get snow occasionally in the winter but recently it's been pretty mild

>They dont even celebrate something like st. patrick

everybody does here, black people wear shirts that say "kiss me I'm Irish"

Utah, Montana, the Dakotas, Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma and New Hampshire disagree.

new castle

>I'm black

You need to go back.

Also NewHampshire is god tier

having a boat

You might as well stand in the shower and rip up $100 bills. You get just as wet, and waste just as much money.

It is but since the population is basically 100% white you can be more left leaning without many of the side effects of having to prop up niggers.

Here in Arizona it was 115*F (48*C) on Saturday. You know why I live here? Freedom. And the winters are great. But mostly freedom.

I'm contractually obligated to say that Louisiana (When you get away from the goddamn niggers, that is to say, lower class chimps, not black people in general) we have the best culture in the country bar none, and food.

Hunting and fishing is fan-fuckin-tastic, and Cajun women have to be seen to believed.

However, the actual award goes to Texas, Due to all the other reasons in the thread. When Texas secedes, we go too, cause we've got the port. COME ON AND DO IT ALREADY GODDAMMIT.

Fucking niggers

>Texas is what's left of what America used to be.
Bullshit. Texas is to America what disneyland is to a European castle - a warped facade built by people who only had the haziest idea what the original looked like, covering a cheap and trashy reality.

Oooh that sounds about right. I never been there but I hear a lot of bad things about living there

Because Texans did their job in teaching Hispanic kids that they are Americans first. The beaners you seen in California are a product of white liberal cucks emphasizing ethic pride in minorities. In essence emphasizing that Hispanics are not same as white Americans and they should be proud of that, which only creates divided communities.

I live in rural Georiga and this is largely true. We hate niggers. Not decent black folk... At my old job I was dropping off a black girl from work. She sees a bigger nigging. Calls him a retarded nigger. Ask her why blacks tend to be more racist towards blacks than whites. "Cause we know how we be".... I couldn't help but laugh

Cali is the biggest piece of shit on the face of the planet. Literally on the entire planet.

Louisiana definitely takes second place.
>Cajun women/food
Damn fine

Born and raised Texan

I live near Houston

>visiting New York this weekend

> The Difference between Europa and America.
Try still being ahead of you in GDP, even thought we are exactly one country. Quit being mad uk-sama.

When I lived in Texas, there was niggers everywhere. Now I live in one of the whitest cities in CA and the only minorities are hard working beaners

Louisiana is an extremely degenerate state where almost all they do all day is drink and/or fish. It's literally just drinking and drugs. That's all anyone ever does. Music festivals and other "runs" are excuses to drink more so they don't feel like alcoholics. This is from experience - was born and raised in La Place and Louisiana, and everywhere inbetween.

All anyone does is drink. It's a pathetic state.

I would like that for peachlipstain also.

As to your question i don't know, either way you have to build wall.

I didnt mean that. They are complietly assimilated. They have no sign that they are German.

>15. most corrupt politicians.

they are mostly done fucking it up

That and a lot of us Beans here have been here before Texas was even Texas.
Real glad I landed on the right side of things.

Florida, really any state that has culture and stands out.

SEMI fucking it up for the rest of the mitten, as usual.