Is this Kino?

Is this Kino?

Why post this daily?

lol mass murderer so funny xD

I wonder if Dylan Klebold would have been pleased with this if he could have seen it.

I bet you weren't even born when this happened

Dylan was a depressed faggot with no friends. Eric was the mastermind behind it.

how can americans be okay with guns after shit like this happens literally every single year

guy kills 20 children? no problem, muh gun rights

Eric was a good boy, he dindu nuffin. It's society that conditioned him to lash out his frustrations.

gotta break some eggs to make an omlette

you'll understand when you get older

>a small percentage of gun owners use their firearms illegally

>a small percentage of Muslim immigrants commit terrorism

The US is the most retarded country on the planet.

>Dylan was a depressed faggot etc

And I'm pretty sure he'd have been pleased with that still of his posturing idiot self.

>every single year
>non american complaining about guns
Hey fuckface over 100 million gin owners didnt shoot anybody today or yesterday, you dont take away everyones right just because some people are criminals.

>maybe if we made killing illegal people wouldnt kill

>over 300 million guns

good luck

that's a tiiiiiiiiiiiny minority of murders, meanwhile you can kill 80+ people by just stealing a cargo truck and driving it down the street no guns needed

The guns used in Columbine were already banned. The killers illegally modified them, which is a felony. Banning the guns didn't stop the massacre. You can make a gun from scratch with $40 and a hardware store. Better yet, a 3D printer. All a gun is is a tube closed at one end. The genie is out of the bottle. The only reason why America has such high gun violence rates is inner city gang shootings. If you take niggers out of the equation, America has gun violence rates comparable to Western Europe. America has a nigger problem, not a gun problem. As Muslims swarm Europe, gun violence there is already skyrocketing and will be on par with America in a matter of years.

Oh boy, don't know where to start with this retardation

how can liberals be okay with niggers after shit like homicides and robberies happens literally every single year

dindu robs 20 liquor stores? no problem, muh minority rights

Spot the Sup Forums user

protip me on the bottim right


That's because your beliefs are wrong.

I wish the propane tanks worked yet its kinda cool because we got this harrowing story of reb and V walking around around the halls and looking through the windows and terrified students

the absolute power and control they must of felt would of been intoxicating and then dylan watched his friend blow his top and then he himself pulled the tec on his temple

what a glorious day for those two

nice excuses you got there.

your right to own a gun should end when it starts to conflict with my right to LIVE.

i lol at the fact that more nigs killed each other by illegally obtaining guns in chiraq than the troops in the war for the past 15 years
we was motha fuckin kings and queens fuck white people

You libshits are worse than any murderer out there. Kill the traitor before the enemy.

how can anybidy be okay with alcohol after shit like this happens literally every single year

guy beats his wife then kills a high school kid while drunk driving? no problem, muh alcohol rights

>The only reason why America has such high gun violence rates is inner city gang shootings. If you take niggers out of the equation, America has gun violence rates comparable to Western Europe. America has a nigger problem, not a gun problem.


>We are only unable to control the poor population which lives in Ghettos we created
Yeah, no industrialzied country ever solved this problem.
Wanna know some other countries with Ghettos and low social mobility? India, Brasil, South Africa come to mind.

>New Doom game and Marilyn Manson album came out recently

>No one actually got mindfucked into masterminding Columbine 2: The Reckoning

This is progress as a society right?


For 20 what?

how can anybody be okay with people breathing oxygen after shit like this happens literally every single year

guy crashes a school bus and kills 6 kids while breathing oxygen? no problem, muh oxygen rights

an autistic chink doubled their score all by himself, I don't think they got the feeling they wanted from it after they killed the last person because the school still had a lot of people in it, and they just gave up and anheroed they shouldve just killed themselves away from the school in some gay suicide pact instead of wrecking the school and killing innocent people but lel crazy teenagers amirite?

They didn't had sex with girls, this way the wanted to kill the school