I'll remake A New Hope!

>I'll remake A New Hope!
What did he mean by this?

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This guy is worse than Snyder and bay
Prove me wrong

He's even worse than Lucas himself.

now you've gone too far

Not him, but at least Lucas actually thinks creatively. Abrams takes what was the best and recycles it fresh.

It's like pottery

>I'll take one of the most hotly anticipated movies from one of the biggest series and make it a soulless contrived piece of shit that will still make billions and morally devoid millennials will praise me because it's a good strategy

should I watch 7? Is it just going to be them playing it safe, going off the "prequels are bad" meme and just paying fanservice? I know Mark Hamill is in it, so do they masturbate too hard over having Luke in it, saying his old lines, winking to the camera?

Up until this movie came out, all you neckbeards did was cry that the prequels weren't exactly the same as the original trilogy. Fucking hilarious.

>thinking creatively
The original Star Wars is literally a rehash of every other sci-fi opera movie made before, Flash Gordon sans Queen music, the monomyth made into screenplay by a 12 year old.

>George Lucas creates a brand new fresh space fantasy franchise
>user thinks it's a literal rehash of older shit

>Abrams remakes A New Hope
>user tries to justify its giant shit stain

Thankfully, I've heard they got smart and planned these new Star Wars movies to be made by directors that cycle out every film.

>George Lucas creates a brand new fresh space fantasy franchise
he is proud that everything he does isn't organic and new, he doesn't care that he's a hack, why should you?
he did "good special effects" in the late 70s on one movie

Why is 3 different directors better than 1 that gets used to the job?
>well point to any franchise that had more than 2 good movies in a row
shut up

He definitely cares about his work. His inability to help heal and ease the tensions of butthurt manchildren throughout the world forced him to retire and sell Star Wars to "white slavers". If there's one thing that separates JJ from Lucas is that the latter actually tries to create something, whereas the former recycles more than your local recycling plant.

C3PO is literally the droid from Metropolis
The Jawas are the Munchkins from Wizard of Oz
The attack on Death Star - oh well, see this youtu.be/lNdb03Hw18M
I could go on and on. There is very little originality in Star Wars.

It prevents any one of the directors from doing too much damage, or gaining to much power for anyone to question any of their ideas.

That's what created the problems everyone has with the prequel trilogy.

Imagine a Star Wars episode 8 directed by JJ Abrams again. Now imagine the movie by not-JJ Abrams. Which one of those two do you have more hope for?

>forced him to retire and sell
he's george lucas, he's not forced to do anything. he decided he wanted more money and made more star wars movies, he fucked himself up. leaving the story alone would have been better

Pity he can't remake the prequels

None, he's going to play it safe to not upset the fans. I'm not sure if he's seen star wars, he admitted he hadn't watched star trek at least but he directed that. I think that guy is in it to make money, not to shake things up and maybe make star wars better. it's too risky, the fans too many to accept big change

m8 you should search his 2012-2015 interviews which explain his motives to sell. He was personally affected by the prequel backlash and couldn't find a way to help them realize that their beloved franchise is simply for children

Like I said, that was on him. Saying "it's for children" just means he wants something easy to make and sell merchandise. He monetizes every single thing he can and invents things for that reason, that's not commendable.
It's a business now, don't lie and say "I'm back into star wars for the story, the day I was born I knew it was going to be two trilogies"
you know why people like VI the least? because george was turning into that guy who made jungle spear chucking teddy bears a threat to the empires trained force with vehicles, backup, and blasters
god damn I hate ewoks. It wouldn't matter if they were COOL but they're not, and George Lucas admits it. He just wants money.

Surely they will, once Lucas is dead?

He remade a film that had already been remade twice. Can't fault him for knowing what would make money