So what was so great about this?

So what was so great about this?

Why don't you develop your own opinion for once and make up your mind?

I liked the music

Ultimate betacuck fantasy. Of course this whole site will be all over its slobbering cock.


i think it was relatable for alot of us autists. we like qts and we say retarded things to people like 'want a toothpick?'

>I dry

Going back to it disappointed me. It's decent, but nothing amazing. It lacks a lot.

I stand by Only God Forgives as by far Refn's best film.

I still don't know if he cracked onto that girl or if they only held hands.

Any cinematic expert care to answer?

Honestly, its simplicity
It's such a simple story, told so beautifully and minimalistically

A real human bean all us autists can relate to and wish to be.

literally me

If you don't feel it, then it wasn't meant for you.

I drive

The main character was literally me. Until True Detective came out at least.


>Until True Detective came out at least.

You're a closeted gay cop? How do you even manage?

>you will never be driving around at 2 AM listening to Nightcall for the first time again

>tfw professional driver

It's a comfy feel

>drive for Uber
>fare gets in the car
>You give me a time and a place, I give you a five minute window. Anything happens in that five minutes and I'm yours. No matter what. Anything happens a minute either side of that and you're on your own. Do you understand?
>they get out and say they'll wait for the next one
>currently sitting at a 1 star rating

Never understood why he says "a minute either side of that". Is he gonna leave them if they take 4 minutes? What an ass.

He means a minute before and a minute after, dumbass.

Movie would have been so much more realistic without the cuck side story. A dude like the driver would never have fallen for a used up race traitor whore with a mutt kid. His defining characteristic is being a loner with no attachments. There's no way he would have wanted to get involved with that bitch and her dumb kid.

I don't believe you.

Which is why it doesn't make sense. He says five minutes, not 4 minutes.

Fuck that line still bothers me.

It shouldn't, it makes perfect sense.
If something happens during the minute before or the minute after the 5 minute window, then it's nto his problem.

Take a basic fifth grade reading comprehension class you fucking mongrel. God the fact that there are people this STUPID on this board RIGHT NOW makes he shake at night.

The antisemitism

I liked this character better in A Place a beyond the Pines.