Why would sending Terminators back in time make any difference since, even if they succeeded...

Why would sending Terminators back in time make any difference since, even if they succeeded, the new timeline would be in a different universe than the original Skynet? John Connor is still in THEIR universe, so they're fucked anyways.

it's a timewar, op. thier rules are different

Because otherwise there wouldn't be much of a movie without that threat of time being rewritten

also the idea of not believing in fate goes for both Skynet and the humans, Skynet believes he can stop John Connor from ever being born and destroying humanity, while the humans also think that not only can they preserve John Connor but also ultimately prevent Judgment Day

Does time just split and create a new timeline? Can you prove that?

>kills Sarah Connor before she is impregnated by Whatshisname from the future
>John Connor never exists
>all the things that lead to Skynet still happen
>there's no John Connor to lead the reistance
>T2 never happens
I seriously don't see the problem.

Skynet is just a child having fun

Terminator doesn't operate under the multiverse principle until the 5th film, so the new timeline would be the only timeline.

John Connor from T2 isn't the same who sent Kyle Reese back in time in T1

Jim Cameron is a hack user.

But Reese was sent back by John Connor who wouldn't exist if he was never created. What do you mean?

For reference I've only ever seen T1 and T2.

u wot

delet this

The past changed, and another timeline was created, the John Connor from T2 and the resistance leader aren't the same person.
Kyle Reese killed the original John Connor when he emptied his nutsack inside Sarah

quantum theory predicts infinite universes i think. saw it in a Ted video

Wat. What movie is that from?

T2, when they changed the future and Skynet was destroyed, but if that can change of events can happen, then the original John Connor's father was another person.
Unless we are talking about a time-loop here, then they never could prevent the Judgment Day and Skynet creation to begin with.

His fucking ass

Because the resistance leader was born before he sent Kyle, hence the idea of a timeline split after Kyle impregnates Sarah

it'd make a difference because everything that'd happen in the new timeline after Skynet sent the Terminator back would be happening in an alternate universe, which could mean Skynet's survival.

The thing is, I don't think Skynet was expecting the human resistance to be able to send someone (reese) back in time as well, let alone be able to destroy the Terminator with 1984's gay weapons

desu Skynet should've just sent the Terminator back to when Sarah was just a shitty toddler then torch the crib. Fucking computers

Did you not see the movie? Kyle says lots of files were erased in the nuclear war and they only know sarah was living in LA in 1984 or some shit; the terminator didn't even know which Sarah was he just started killing random people named Sarah Connor.

Oh I see. That doesn't change that the kid John Connor has the necessary DNA from Reese though, and John Connor was the leader of the revolution. Reese is his dad even though Reese may never exist. It's a paradox.

What ever happened to Reese's body anyway? I forget if it was mentioned in T2.

Doc Emmett Brown said that changing time is like a wave, it takes time for changes to take place.

there are just fuckloads of terminators, johns, summer glau, all traveling around raping the timeline all the time so judgement day is both happening and not happening at any given moment

Because no franchise has fucked up timetravel as hard as terminator

no one knows kek. The only direct mentions of Reese in T2 are in some deleted scenes where Sarah dreams about him telling her that John's in danger and shit

I think that if we only had T1, it'd be sorta plausible in a way. But then T2 and so on happened and it was a shitfest of a clusterfuck

We terminator time travel rules in here boys.
Leave your "I just watched a 7 minute Neil degrasse Tyson video on YouTube and am now an expert on time and space" bullshit at the door.

what does it matter when time travel is impossible to begin with?

>what does it matter when time travel is impossible to begin with?

But user, you're time traveling right this very second.

Winter is coming

fuck off faggot.

The second movie tied out the timelines and none of it ever should have happened. They didn't explain why at all, they just said "it merely delayed it" ... fucking lame, never should have been a 3rd film.

>saw it in a Ted video
oh well case closed


are you telling me that sarah conner just happened to show up in front of that mexican kid wearing the exact same clothes and being the exact same age in both timelines?

Why did Kyle Reese dump his load in Sarah Connor anyway? What if he wasn't supposed to be John's father and just fucked the future up because he wanted to get a quick nut?

He was just a horny virgin

better question

why didn't skynet sent some terminators to the middle ages or further back in time to dominate humanity and start building skynet factories there?

>has sex
>doesn't blow over her tits/ass/face
fake and gay

>terminator vs guy in full plate halfswording

The Terminator is as good as dismantled. Them medieval guys were mean fuckers.

spotted the virgin.

>1984's gay weapons
>can purchase a fully automatic Uzi nine miluhmeetuh day one
Fuck you Ronald Reagan. And thanks for the gender identity bullshit.

Maybe Skynet is so advanced that it's playing 4th dimensional chess... practicing multi-dimensional survival strategies, similar to how certain species evolve to help out the entire colony/family/species &c. I mean just the basic premise that you should understand Skynet's logic is ridiculous (or even what human understanding/physics would constitute in Skynet time). People in the medieval ages understand this shit for fucks sake, if God is doing something that doesn't make sense, you don't say "God is an idiot and is doing things that don't make sense", you say "well I'm clearly not in a position to understand". You're a fucking fly running into a pane of glass.

Nihil cavum sine signo apud Deum

The flick doesn't go by multiverse theory.

>waah waah why doesn't this timetravel movie conform to MY idea of how timetravel works!?

I fucking hate timetravel autists who can't embrace different stories having different workings.

People dis, and skynet being so means it probably doesn't care that it dies in a current timeline if it survives in others.

Don't call me "Jim", user.

This is not dragon ball.

Also time travel was retconned several times in the movies. First, you could change the future, then its inevitable and can only be delayed, then you could change the future, then terminator 5 whatever the fuck that was.

What he is trying to say, is that there was a john connor leader in the future before the time travel shit, before he sent his friend to impregnate his mother. Before the paradox starts, in the first path before the loop, someone fucked Sarah and she had John Connor, the first resistance leader. This John Connor sends his friend to fuck his mother, so a Connor with a different father was born.

Do you think he really believes all this shit?

I'm assuming in the original timeline John Conner didn't exist. The humans won the war anyway. Since Skynet had a time machine they sent a Teminator back to alter things so that Skynet could win. The humans were able to send one man, Kyle Reece back to stop the machine. Once there, he met and fell in love with Sarah Connor, and John Conner came into existence. From then on an endless cycle of time travel began.

It's possible that Skynet was more concerned with killing humans than ensuring its own survival. It assumed, correctly it seems, that the singularity was inevitable but that the human's only hope was that one dude.

The latter part was undoubtedly bullshit. I don't think John Conner was all that integral. He might have even been a figurehead, or a Tokyo Rose only for the resistance. The later movies kind of fucked this up though, but who gives a shit about those abortions?

while I believe in infinite universes, it's sort of pointless to mention it since there's currently no way of proving the existence of multiple universes.

The first movie made it look like a closed loop. It was only the end of Judgement day that made it seem like time travel actually made a difference.

It's entirely likely. Conversely, when the picture taken at the end matched the one Reese remembered from earlier its apparent that it was a loop and as such had no beginning.

In the first movie alone. After th second time travel started changing shit and then there was no real reason for John to worry too much about keeping Kyle Reese alive. If you catch my drift?

Not so. There's a way to prove it just for yourself, but not for long and not for anyone else. It involves a random number generator and a whole lot of suicide.