Post only TRUE Kino movies

post only TRUE Kino movies

>be dunston
>check 'em

>He's about to turn a five star hotel into a three ringed circus
Why would Dunston be a prick like that? I'm sure the busboys work very hard to maintain and manage the upkeep and standards of their hotel?

Bed Time For Bonzo > Dunston Checks In

its true REAGAN KINo

Post your ideas for Dunston sequels.

>Dunston Checks for Lumps
Follow Dunston in the wonderful world of endocrinology as he checks really unhealthy people for cancerous lumps, moles and anything else in that area of medicine. How did a monkey manage to gain employment as a doctor? You'd have to watch to find out.

>Dunston Checks Em
Dunston points at the last two digits of this post

>Dunston, Watches it!
Dunston tells random people on the street to watch it while adopting the mannerisms of Paulie from The Sopranos.

>A proposed sequel co-starring Tim Robbins, Dunston Checks In To Therapy, was later scrapped as market research found that fans of the franchise weren't interested in a tonal shift towards a more serious take on the character. Producer Todd Black was disappointed that his fellow investors were reluctant to fund the film despite movie-goers' opinions on a turn in the series. "I can certainly understand that no one expects the movies to go that way, but why not defy expectations, y'know?", Black said. "I've always wanted Dunston to continue on in the same way the Beethoven films have. And just because the original Dunston film is considered 'low brow', it doesn't mean that we couldn't transition into something with more substance. Tim (Robbins) was really enthusiastic about the project so I'm still hopeful it'll happen some day."

>Dunstan says check this 11

>dunstin checks trips

the best of the trilogy tee bee aich

>Dunstan checks this 800

>Dunston is jelly of these #'s

>Dunston checks these quints
>Dunston only knows one thing on Sup Forums. To check those numbers. He comes across one post he'd only dreamed about, starts flinging his shit at the screen and jerking off from how excited he is

>Dunstan calls 000

Dunston is dead.

what do you call that pose?

>Dunston grooms himself
Dunston finds two insects conjoined together while grooming himself, two hours of nothing but Dunston rummaging through his hair as he smacks his lips like Heath Ledger.

Why are they trying to make him look sexy? That's what I want to know

Dunston checks my 8

dunston finally pulls the trigger and is sent to heaven where he gets some sick dubs

right here senpai

Is this the movie with the smoking hot latina?


>Dunston Cuts His Cock Off

The story of Dunston cutting his monkey cock off.