I don't get it. She is literally richer than him, more famous than him, has a better personality and funnier than him...

I don't get it. She is literally richer than him, more famous than him, has a better personality and funnier than him, and above all else way way way better looking than him. I thought girls only go for guys about their status. I don't understand this couple. What's her end game here?

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She fucks black guys every night. There's your explanation, for everything.

Maybe, i do no... maybe she has feelings for him?

>i do no
i dunno*

not only that but he seeded her TWICE
fuck this goddamnearth

Im a huge Kristen Bell fag and want to hate Dax but you're tripping. Dude is crazy handsome and charming. He just gets shit roles.


Why are knees so fucking disgusting?

>implying Dax isn't funny

He's underrated. He just can't seem to get any good roles

Big cock + self earner + sense of humor = gets the girls.

>has a better personality
Do you know them both personally or something. Dude is probably hilarious.

Well, he is tall, handsome(to her and to probably hundreds of other girls) and they must have chemistry. Kristen Bell obviously doesn't care about status or money, because if she did lets face it Dax is a C lister.

Seems to me, you like Kristen Bell but you find Dax annoying and somehow you think that it doesn't make sense for them to be together. Just drop your autism. They're one of the few hollywood couples that don't seem to be in it for the fame and status. Like Chris Pratt and Anna Faris.

There's a quote about him saying he doesn't mind if she is away for a while and falls in love with someone else.

I can finally use this word without memeing in the slightest, he is a legitimate cuckold.

I don't know what happened to cause it but Dax looks like someone you'd expect to have a cameo in To Catch A Predator. You're right though, if he wasn't tall he wouldn't have shit.
Guy looks one of those warped people from Tim and Eric.

My first instinct is to call you a faggot for looking at her knees, but DAMN those are some ugly knees!

according to the blind items from AGC Dax has a huge cock. that pretty much explains it

You never go full retard, and Dax has, that's why he doesn't get good roles.

Sounds familiar

It's his personality, something you'll never have


There was this one movie where he tried to get people to stop using gay as an insult

Ugh, you're the worst

He's over one head taller, he has clown game, and she is really fucked up when it comes to sloths.


I don't maybe he knows how to fuck her just the right way.


I like money

go away I'm 'batin

>being married to an insufferable leftist woman
Hard pass.

He's tall. Manlet pls go back to your gym and overcompensating.


migets aren't sexy
also notice how her nasty knees aren't visible

For Kirsten Bell it might be worth it

Lmao no. just let her fuck on the side until you get sick of her pussy then dump her ass

He's tall. And funny as a bonus.