Risk Thread


Bonuses allowed after 3 turns
Russia not play-able
Can't attack after picked you have picked your country, wait one turn.

Other urls found in this thread:


Also, remember to put your bonuses in your name or I won't notice.

Greece please

Claiming The Netherlands.

It begins, you are welcome to join midgame.

take over Constantinople

The Kingdom of The Netherlands invade Belgium!

Invade Denmark

I'll take Spain.

Ill take Norway.

claim Latvia

take over portugal

Claim Ireland

Claiming Britain

Claim Britain

claim turkey

Claiming Russia



Claim Belarus

Fixed Trip.

Give Ulster and we wont need to war and can ally.

>russia not playable

but why

Then I claim the other Russia, Ukraine.

Ulster is part of Britain

Take Portugal.

claim Estonia


Russia not allowed because it's OP
Bonuses ready in 2 turns

attack portugal

Take over Lithuania

Continue in Denmark

Fuck Italy then

Invade Finland.

You didnt mark me as claimed



Take Portugal, again.

Take the rest of Ireland

Defend if attacked, Take Ulster.

>This article is about the nine-county province of Ireland.

Attack Belarus

Claiming Malta.

The Netherlands continues to invade Belgium, spill into Luxembourg and northern France.

forgot to add +1 to my attack

Claiming France ofc


keep attacking turkey

>69 isn't a nuke

I will not accept your roll if you don't have a tripcode GET A TRIPCODE PLEASE.

Why you do this?

OP dont be a fag and accept our rolls. We have IDs.

I'm Spain.

Claming moldova

Hello slav potatoman.

claiming poland

also nowhere in the original post or pic did it say to have a trip.

You were gonna attack me later anyways,
I had nowhere else to spread
I could only take Estonia and then sit with my +2 and wait for you to attack me with your +4
i had no choice, bro

If you're gona do a rp name do "NAME" [COUNTRY]

Rude. You could have gone North to Finland and I could have gone to Poland.

Claiming Serbia. Remove Kebab.

i don't think they are connected, i could only get to finland through Russia

Mupdate: People will be mad edition

Get a tripcode.
RP names are fine but do a [So I don't have to waste time reading through text]

Some stuff will not be rolled as OP is confused by the million rp names and no tripcodes

Forgive me you faggots.

Bonuses are in action now, put bonuses in name if you have bonuses if you don't too bad.

Fill Portugal, Spills to Morocco

invade kaliningrad russia

Kick these shits out of Britain

Keep taking over Turkey

England's bonus is now negated.
Take Scotland

you forgot my attack... continue attacking Belarus

I said claim Malta you fucking nigger. Invade Tunisia.

Excuse me, but how did my pali roll only made me expand like two territories?
"spill into Luxembourg and northern France."

take over France

I'll take Ukraine please

Holy shit, Invade Finland, again. Count this last roll too OP. We have IDs for christ sakes, its not that hard. Dont fuck me.

Take Lithuania and Kaliningrad, then spill to Latvia since he aims to kill me anyway.

You enjoying that head start bonus you got there too OP?

didn't mark me as occupied, invade kaliningrad

Invade Kosovo and Montenegro, spills into Bosnia and Herzegovina. Remove Kebab.

Claiming Russia.
Annex Armenia and Georgia

>2222 - 1

So close to world domination early on.

Pali and Spill to Finland

Hello, big brother.

op said russia's too op so it's not allowed

it will be as strong as OP's nation in a turn because once he has Sweden he will be +15.

you can't claim Russia you fat fuck

Mupdate: Read the rules and get a [Country] in your name edition

I gave myself too high bonus but fixed it.

Ok Ukraine then

Attack Latvia.

Move into Ireland

Nigger what? UK doesn't have a bonus. Attack and remove Anglo scum.

Fill Russia

please give me Ukraine, you didn't add me last time
I'm already Ukraine you fat fuck

Get the rest of Tunisia and spread to Italy.

Finish Finland, Fill North Russia.

you missed both of my turns, what the fuck dude

attack Belarus, if I can get my first 2 turns included also

Finish off Montenego, spills into Bosnia & Herzegovina and Croatia.


And then continue to march to Paris and invade France.

kill off that 1 andorra territory then take over france


you ned a trip, put ## th a word

OP you arent even calling out your moves GOD DAMNIT this is horseshit.

Fucking listen, the OP should not play the games, he should just run them fairly for everyone to have a good experience.

And by the way, why do the bonuses also count for the country you start with? Shouldnt it be that the bonus only counts if you conquered that country?
Kind of OP this way.

>OP you arent even calling out your moves GOD DAMNIT this is horseshit.

And this.

hurry up with mapdate I want Kievan memes

Taking over Austria, Switzerland and half of Poland.

Sorry dudes, I've never had so many people. Please have patiance, I'm trying my best here.