Nick, what's going on, big guy? You just tripped my wife

Nick, what's going on, big guy? You just tripped my wife.

What's this haircut called?

Can someone explain to me what was funny about this sketch?

I think it was a parody of haughty wine guzzling upper-middle class people.

No it wasn't. There is no message. It's a dumb thing to do and it either makes you LOL or it doesn't.

World Peace isn't a funny show.

I think the guys are great performers, I also like the counter to leftwing comedy, but the actual material is a bit weak.

You can only stretch irony and inside jokes for so long before it becomes tedious to watch.

sam hyde rapes 15 year old girls.

Nick intentionally threw Sams wife through a glass table. Leaving her seriously injured.

The humor comes from the fact everyone handled it very calmly and quietly and the punchline is when Sam agrees that Nick would never do such a thing and risk his decor and smirks to the camera.

Some other subtle jokes sprinkled in there include the fact that Sams wife proposed to him. A social commentary about the feminisation of society harshly contrasted to the womens irrelevance once something important actually happened.

At least for me it is because he puts shit in a way you don't really predict and that makes it comedy gold for me, like the fact that Nick just starts talking shit about his brother's wife and they get into those non-sense discussion and Nick just trips his wife and bashes her with a beer bottle out of nowhere, then it cuts to fish-eye lenses and the blonde woman is dead (?) for some reason, then then calmly argue while she is bloody on the ground and he just agrees with him in the end, it's anti-climatic, non-sense and slapstick.

I laugh at fucking Scary Movies, so it's not like I have a refined taste in comedy.

Modern comedy isn't supposed to make you laugh mate

agreed. my favourite bits also tend to be the surrealist ones

>remember where I found you? that place?
>that disgusting place with those people?
>remember that?
>i was pukin'

Y'all are forgetting the GOAT line from that sketch

its called absurdism ya faggot

theres literally books on it

but wiki is a good start, fag

I hope youre all watching hydewars

World Peace mostly wasn't supposed to be ha-ha funny.

90% of MDE skits

I don't think that's true aside from the serious and truly absurd sketches.

Most of the sketches I laughed out loud at.

Sam isnt funny.

Nick and charls make the show what it si

be honest
do people ACTUALLY unironically watch this show?
it's boring
and some edgelords think it's saying something profund

I love how detractors never give any example what they dislike about the show.

It's hard to not write you idiots off as butthurt liberals that can't stand something that doesn't pander to them.

Calm down, kiddo.

He said it was boring.