it's actually funny

>Having to ask if the death of a communist dictator is bad

Somehow I dont think that moral conundrum ever passed through Trump's mind.


>assuming he meant it as a good thing.

it could have been astonishment.


He was a commie dictator. What exactly is complicated about it?

Literally the """mindset""" of all liberals.

>people hate trump so much they start putting a commie dictator on a pedestal
liberals are sick

Well he did slightly better than Batista I guess

>It's actually really complicated
>But Drumpf is literally Hitler with a bad haircut and a puppet of Putin

Refresh my memory, how thousands of his own people did Batista kill?

Really. I don't know.

i don't know about his own people but mostly guys like randy orton and triple H

He literally worked with the Mafia if that gives you any idea

he batista bombed some peasants

theyve been doing that long before trump

>Conservatives: Enough is enough! This PC culture where people get offended over jokes has to end
>Liberals make a few jokes about Trump
>Conservatives: How dare you! Disgusting!

Honestly Fidel Castro was the extreme reaction to the world that Batista had created. Oligarchs owned Cuba and used to pay people next to shit to do slave labor (they were barely paid and worked to the bone).

Castro did enact some education and infrastructure reform that were definitely put his country first, but his reaction to any decent was public execution. There's a reason people weren't allowed to leave and why those same people would build boats out of literal trash and try to float 90 miles to the states.

>Drumpf (racist connotation towards his heritage) is literally Hilter and we should rise up and fuck his wife to death and kill him that fucking cheeto!

Wow dude fuck you your fuck-


Liberal logic.


Do you remember when Bush was president? POTUS was a SACRED institution according to conservatives, how DARE liberals make fun of him? Then the exact same people who held those views did a complete 180 when Obama was elected.

Now just watch, soon the office of president will "demand the highest respect" or some such garbage from people that called Obama a foreign muslim ape.

Isn't Batista a wrestler?

He turned on Triple H and Ric Flair.



they're already doing it

You aren't joking about Trump though. That's the difference.

Not setting the bar very high there lad.

he used to be, but then he took a communism in the knee xd

His loyal Cuban voters are celebrating

Remember when Bush was president and EVERY liberal relentlessly mocked him for eight years? Remember how as soon as Obama got into office every liberal suddenly shut up and never badmouthed him even when there were gigantic controversies like Snowden revealing that the Obama adminstration was having the NSA spy on millions of innocent people? I remember.

Yeah, and I remember when the media covered for every scandal that occurred under Obama and insisted that all criticism of him was just because white conservatives couldn't handle having a black president

>He turned on Triple H and Ric Flair.

Twitter's UI Triggers me.more than anything ever posted

I don't want to sound like a fence sitting faggot but I'm sick and tired of both sides ignoring the fact that they're both hypocritical. When Bush was in power conservative pundits defended the presidency and liberal pundits shit all over it, then things shifted when Obama won and now things are shifting again. Stop pretending that only one side is biased.

Wait Castro dying is a good thing?
Show me those fucking commies

Meanwhile the prime minister of leafland fucking praised Castro

But Trump is repudiation of both parties. He stole the republican party from the far right. Supports Gay marriage? Anti War? Anti Common Core? Non Religious?

That isn't a Republican. That's a new Republican. We aren't hypocrites, I've never supported this party before nor any other. I support Trump, and unless it comes out of his mouth I couldn't care less.

>cubans celebrating castro's death in miami
>some white liberal cunt thinks there's any gray area
Yeah nah Trump was in the right 100%

If that's what you got from that tweet, you might be retarded

This. Dubs of truth.

Underrated dad joke. You deserve at least one acknowledgement.

He's a guardian of the galaxy.

You're not wrong, but isn't being a talking head shill literally a pundit's job?

holy fuck this.

The fact that so many people praise this monster is inexcusable.

Miami filled with millions of Cubans who fled the horrors of Castro's Cuba

Hollywood and Liberal Faggots
>Castro was a hero

Cuban Americans on hearing about his death
>Street parties and hurrahs

Fucking hell... Liberalism is a mental fucking illness

honestly, he was. I've been redpilled. Fuck leftists pricks. And I wanted Hillary to win but fuck this noise. Fuck socialism/communism and leftists assholes.

How does someone look at this, and think liberals love Fidel?

Really it blows my mind. I guess I should expect that from the poorly educated

i hate leftists too but i still think some sort of nationalist rather than globalist socialism could be made to work. and if it could work, it'd be the best available system.

He got rid of an even worse US-backed dictator and managed to build Cuba into a decent country with good education, housing and medical care (especially by latin american standards) despite the US embargo. All the while the US was trying to kill him and put another fascist dictator in his place, as they did all over latin america.

Too bad you couldn't kill him americuck.

who the fuck is freddie champion?

People always root for the underdogs, Sup Forums has become a religion of underdogs, why conservationism has become "cool" since 2008
trump is gonna be pres and liberalism will become "cool" again just like 2008 and prior


Lmao an intern probably wrote that, drumpf BTFO

consider though that the rest of the internet is still very liberal. the deciding factor will be whether Sup Forums's contrarianism is more sensitive to the online world or the real world.

>these fictitious hypothetical people I invented for the purpose of this conversation are such contradictory hypocrites
>their political positions (which I have plucked from my overstimulated imagination and have zero basis in reality) are completely absurd
It's neat how in 2016 people willfully brainwash themselves instead of having somebody do it for them

are you proud of this post

Jeus Christ this guy fucking hates latinos


television and film

how the fuck do you get that from the post?

did you even fucking read it?

and he's only had issues with illegals, you'd know that if you didn't get your info from headlines

Castro objectively did some good for Cuba and defied American imperialism while other countries in Latin America were destroyed by it. Acknowledging that he wasn't the cartoon villain that US-born "Cubans" paint him as isn't the same as saying that he was a great person.

Even trying to be fair about it it's pretty ridiculous. anti trumpfags were all saying Trump was so horrible because he was going to be a guy like Castro. Now they're getting upset that he said mean things about their commie faggot. so silly

indeed, actually

The difference is that liberals have basically the whole MSM [except for Fox] and the whole of Hollywood sucking the dicks of their presidents. Republicans only have Fox and some talk radio dudes who are mostly ignored and treated like they're all a bunch of loonies and heavily discredited because of this label, a treatment that doesn't happen to liberals when they're in the opposition.

When Bush was president the MSM constantly shat on him, from reasonable criticism [he was a bad prez after all] to infantile namecalling [oh he's sooooo stupid LOLOLOLO]. When Obama was prez his dick was sucked by the whole media, he could do no wrong and any criticism aimed against him was a sign of racism, never mind that he also was a terrible president.

Your straw man argument notwithstanding, the groups you are comparing are literally not the exact same people. The old establishment conservatives (McCain types) had tepid reactions to Obama since outside of pandering to identity politics, his policies were virtually the same as theirs. In fact the Bush family voted for Hillary. Trump's base (those who were actually enthusiastic to vote for him) mostly consists of people who reject Bush and Obama's globalist policies that didn't put the American people's interest first. You're welcome btw.

>POTUS was a SACRED institution according to conservatives, how DARE liberals make fun of him?
Nigger, no one remembers this.

Because it didn't happen.

that's exactly what's happening

jk youre retarded