Hey guys name my band

hey guys name my band

the cucks lol

captcha shall name thee

12/03/17(Sun)17:03:03 No.76661138

The Bland

the kiddie diddlers

The Soyboys

I'm genuinely saddened that Modern Baseball broke up, their last album was fantastic

Lewis and His Band

syndrome of a down


it's Modern Baseball, m'man

Antiquated Futball


The boys of soy

ancient hockey


Wtf how do you get the old captcha

I really liked some of Modern Baseball's songs, but I saw Brendan Lukens live a couple months ago, and he was so bad, and the audience was so obnoxious, that it honestly made me like them a lot less.

Did they actually break up? Last I checked, they'd just gone on hiatus as Lukens went to deal with his bipolar disorder. I haven't checked up on their status in months, though.

"The Betas"

Somewhere in the site settings/preferences there's an option for it but it I think it's an elaborate joke because it doesn't actually change anything