Why does everybody hate these two (Russ and J. Cole)?

Why does everybody hate these two (Russ and J. Cole)?

J. Cole has backpacker fans but why is it the new meme to hate Russ?

>caring about twitter memes

Have you ever heard a Russ song

he said some real shit about peep dying and got mobbed by a bunch of people who had never even heard of peep until he died because "too soon" i guess

because russ acts like some self-made asshole whos making ground breaking music. when his stuff is garbo
he was glorfying drugs not too long ago and deleted those tweets like a pussy. hes a fraud

doesn't make any less asinine that white girl twitter ran to peep's rescue for woke points

>J. Cole has backpacker fans
does he? most of his Stans that I know irl don't really listen to "spiritual lyrical metaphysical" type rap.

Have you seen the Russ twitter?

she isn't famous. russ is

don't know who russ is but j cole is glorified trash and is a mockery to black people who like making actually good music

J. Cole is half black/half insecure cracker. I've never seen someone who's mixed race be so ashamed of their white side. It's hilarious.

what the fuck are you talking about
i'm saying every white girl on twitter who had never listened to peep suddenly fell in love with him and started trashing russ for retweets

deserved. russ is trash

Only reddit and twitter hates J.Cole

I've literally never seen him talked about in a positive light on here at any level

More proof hip hop is the weakest genre of music

he might deserve the hate, but the reason it ended up coming about is fucking stupid

Literally every famous black/white mixed person. They're black but weren't raised in a "black" environment and heavily overcompensate

Who the fuck is Russ?

Well, it's Twitter, it's stupid per definition.

why is this manlet even a thing lmao

who the fuck is russ lol