Alright Sup Forums is this music pol spectrum correct or am I just a normie, I'm showing this later to fantano

Alright Sup Forums is this music pol spectrum correct or am I just a normie, I'm showing this later to fantano

>Green Day lib-right

They're lib-left as fuck

Looks like total shit. AnCo authoritarian? Taylor Swift authoritarian? Lil Pump being on the chart?

Frank Zappa and Prince should be swapped

pol spectrums are incorrect per se

this is literally all wrong, what the fuck

>literally everything in the green is total trash
it checks out

tswift is definitely authoritarian, are you kidding me?

What even is this?

all my favorites are lib left, rest is full of trash for the most part.

seems good.

this chart was made by someone who has no knowledge about both politics and music.

yeah show it to melon boy he'll get a good laugh out of it

Bowie on the top right?

how fucking indoctrinated do you have to be, to be against individual freedoms and social programs?


some obvious people who are missing:

Crass (green)
The Clash (red)
Willie Nelson (purple)
Hank Williams (blue)

How do you even derive political leanings from some of these albums?

the level of indocrination that comes with the american education system probably


clearly a pointed performance, it's even implied in the first sentence

it guess it does make the picture correct though if you take that to mean the thin white duke rather than bowie himself

Clearly a political graph with popular artists is meant to be taken lightly, for fun, not as some super accurate political measurement.

Taylor Swift is a fascist

the op post is literally asking for an evaluation of its correctness
how am i supposed to hold a discussion with you if you can't even scroll up in a web browser??

>Far Left

>Hail to the Thief

Goddess Miley should perhaps be all the way to the right. She's in the correct box though.

This is retarded king crimson with out doubt is in the blue. Macintosh plus is on the opposite extreme of the y axis.

A retard could realize this you are garbage.

Ok well, I made the pic. It’s really not meant to be taken that seriously. A lot of it is just the **feel** I get from some artists. Something can’t be “incorrect” if it was never trying to be correct in the first place.

This must have been the logic of the retard who made it with 0 regard for the musicians and their personal beliefs.

>Something can’t be “incorrect” if it was never trying to be correct in the first place.
lol please save this and read it again in like four years when you're no longer in high school

lmao if you showed that book chart to /lit/ they would laugh you out of existence

the only thing these charts ever seems to do right is put certain rappers in the libertarian right, and even that's debatable but at least there's a logic to it.
OTOH,how dense do you have to be to put woody goothrie in red,and kanye at the top of auth-center?

if you'd ever been to /lit/ you'd know they're fans of all three texts listed...ulysses is akin to itaots for /mu

they're intended to be definitive archetypes for the medium described anyway, moron

It was made in jest and now I’m being called a retard for making something that expresses a subjective take on these artists?

How about you stop being angry and learn to not take everything so seriously?

I’m most concerned about king crimson
Like what the fuck??? A lib left would give away there music not demand everyone pay for all music.

>how fucking indoctrinated do you have to be, to be against individual freedoms
I'm not
>and social programs?
Social programs 4 times out of 5 fucking cancer

I'm swedish you retard. I've been indoctrinated into and lived in the green field since birth.

Being on the left doesn't make you a far left SJW or some shit.

yeah, welcome to the fucking internet kiddo
try not to get your feelings hurt

SJWs aren't far left, they're more fiscally conservative, socially liberal types
Far left are tankies

>SJWs aren't far left, they're more fiscally conservative
>fiscally conservative
Fucking what? Explain yourself.

>has (existential) in the popular section if literature, but has Seventh Seal (artistic).
Pretty stupid

The Left isn’t exclusively “SJWs”.

Radiohead was part of the anti-war, anti-authoritarian Left. They advocate ecological / environmental groups, oppose corporate power, and were part of the Free Tibet movement in the ‘90s.

everyone i've met who I'd describe as an SJW was very passionate about gay marriage, equal rights, universal healthcare etc but they wanted low taxes and were fine with big corporations, isn't that the whole irony of them? they want stuff but they don't want to pay for it

The majority of sjws aren't actual socialists, they're the kind of people who think they're socialists because they want national health care and voted for Bernie

i mean the camus is clearly part of the bait, agreed
but seventh seal is a formalist accomplishment in art, even ignoring its "message"
whatever, i'm not trying to defend the image or its creator

>Social programs 4 times out of 5 fucking cancer
The Internet was a "social program". And the computer. Gates and jobs didn't invest into American universities that worked hard for almost one century in order to devise the digital revolution in the 70s-80s, American society and the state did in the first place. All they did, they privatized the intellectual commons of American nation and capitalized on it, these corporate "creative geniuses".
Oh, and it's funny to see Jobs-worshipping Apple users with peace signs on their laptops, they clearly don't know about Apple's military connections in past.

How indoctrinated do you have to be to think the green square is real?

no lol
talking about low taxes in sjw circles makes you a right libertarian which means you're probably a racist too
you're very right
Too bad whoever made it can't explain themselves

>talking about low taxes in sjw circles makes you a right libertarian
nah that would be saying things like "the state shouldn't interfere or exist" or "all taxes are theft"

Please explain how King Crimson are blue? I don't know much about them, but seeing they are a 70's prog band I'd imagine them being anti-war hippies.

I don't think I've meat a single "SJW" who are for lowering taxes. At most they're for keeping the taxes the same for the middle/working class,and making the tax on "the 1%" percent astronomically high.

ancaps are not sjws

I didn't say they were?
I don't think you've met many them, look at the whole of California

Social programs come at a cost you know.
If single moms arent paying for it, someone else is.

I'm not american. My country's version of them definitey ae economically left wing.

Nxt level satire with a post ironic twist, bravo

>The soy virgin vs the vitamin chaD

what is this shit op?

not the music the concept in general

cuz it looks completely fucking stupid

and you're like a serious idiot for creating it if you did i hope you didnt
