You think you're some kind of Jedi, waving your hand around like that? I'm a Toydarian. Mind tricks don't work on me...

You think you're some kind of Jedi, waving your hand around like that? I'm a Toydarian. Mind tricks don't work on me. Only money. No money, no parts, no deal!

>that hat, beard, nose and greedy nature

What did Lucas mean by this?

exposing the jew

You know that he HATED the studio system, right?

how did a fucking Jedi not know about Toydarians

Qui-Gon really was the worst fucking jedi ever

Why would he?
Is he supposed to know every race in the galaxy?

Well just the ones that could resist Jedi powers at least
You'd think those useless fucks would have an archive of hundreds of years of research on the subject

Why would they? They were all clearly incompetents of the highest order.

point made asshole

There are many species that can resist mind tricks. (Hutts, Toydarians, etc)
Jedi aren't supposed to go around mind tricking people so they probably don't memeorize races like that.
Plus, Hutts are bigger galactic players than Toydarians.

stop mansplaining

I /think/ Lucas was trying to establish that the galaxy was really, really big and information dense. He failed, but you get inklings of it. Like in real life if you specialize in say rocket science, you're likely only going to have hobby level knowledge in other fields, and so on. In Lucas' universe it stands to reason that there is so much shit to potentially know, you don't have enough lifetimes to gather it all.

Still, you'd think Toydarians would come up in Jedi 101.

>He failed
Not at all.
The prequels are on par with the OT.

But WHY doesn't it work on these specific species? That's the main thing I dislike about Star Wars, they make up random shit and expect you to just roll with it without explanation.

>you'd think Toydarians would come up in Jedi 101.
Jedi aren't supposed to mind trick people.
Yoda would not be ok with teaching what races are and aren't susceptible to mind control.

and now its crumbling and he isn't there to enjoy it

>they come here how do they find me
>they come here and mess up my store RRAUUUGGHHH

>strong influence on the weak minded
Obviously Hutts and Toydarians aren't weak minded.

Star Wars is fantasy is why. It follows rule of cool and plot>logic. The plot needed a wall for Qui Gon and Watto was it. That's all.

So why was it ok when Jabba was immune to Luke's mind trick but Watto being immune was racist?

Hell isn't that a compliment? That the proxy Jew species is resistant to manipulation of typically white Jedi?

>Jedi aren't supposed to mind trick people.
Which raises the bigger question of how a random swindler stuck on a backwater planet could even know what Jedi mindtrickery is.

If a species was immune to Jedi influence, they would make it known amongst themselves.
Watto has obviously heard stories about Jedi waving their hands around.

What makes them specifically not weak minded? Don't they have mental illness in the Star Wars universe that afflicts these races too? Does one's race specify one's intelligence?

IDK mang
This started in the OTwith the Hutts though, so you can't make this a prequel thing.

Just genetically superior. Like the Jews.

>Does one's race specify one's intelligence?
I guess Star Wars isn't science fiction after all


I always assumed it had something to do with their biological and evolutionary history created a sentient race whose brains worked in a way that made their consciencness work in a way that made it immune to psychic influence

>But WHY doesn't it work on these specific species?
Blood parasite immunity.
The "force" is just minichlorians influencing one another. Can't influence something that simply isn't there.

>The "force" is just minichlorians influencing one another.
Wrooooong faggot! The force didn't change just because we learn what fosters it in living beings. You're just retarded.

Yoda in ESB:
>Life creates it. Makes it grooow.
All Phantom Menace did was expound upon what it was in life that made it grow.

Hate the trilogy for being the poorly paced horrendous messes of movies that they were all you want but holy fucking shit at least know what you're complaining about when you complain.

>You'd think those useless fucks would have an archive of hundreds of years of research on the subject
Obi-Wan literally needed a child to tell him what coordinates missing on a map mean

Well how about i cut your fucking head off with my lazor sword cunt?

Go ahead, tell the Hutts, I dont give a fuck

Jedi are a religion of peace!

>lucas literally puts the word TOY in the name of his alien species he can sell as a TOY

bravo george

Fuck you Jew bird

>Kills Watto
>Takes his shit
>Come on everyone, im taking these parts and freeing these slaves because its the morally right thing to do
>/Goes back to Jedi Temple, no one gives a fuck

the end


Who would win in a fight.

Watto or Quark?

Dexter Jettster

It comes down to their biology and how that interacts with the Force. That's literally it. You're over thinking it.

No you bigot! "force resistance" is a social construct.

Obviously the toydari-centric tests are biased against species of colour which convinces them that they are susceptible to force persuasion when they're not.

stay woke my gungas



What would you order from Dexter's diner?

I fucking miss george

>and now its crumbling and he isn't there to enjoy it
He can read the news can't he?

I just hope Rogue One fucking bombs. Not because I hate EVERYTHING that Disney is doing.

I did like Kylo Ren, the Knights of Ren, Finn, Poe but Rey was badly written as we all know and I so hope that Episode 8 is very original and isn't a complete rip off of Episode 5.

>Sheev gets a force ghost
Will Anakin freak?

Not even memeing how the FUCK did Lucas get away with this?

Lucas had a lot of Asian artists drawers working on his prequels and he gave everyone the absolute freedom to draw whatever they wanted.

Sorry goy, this hyperdrive is for G-d's chosen people only

You listed TWO species that can resist Jedi mind tricks. I think they could have covered that sometime during doing gay back flips and not having sex. The Jedi are incompetent.

he didn't. disney has star wars now, they got the last laugh.

Watch it Watto

Wookipedia autists know every race in the galaxy, why can't Liam Neeson?

Boo hoo. A slimy girl in my Star Wars autism fort. Get out reeeeerreeeeeree. This is what you sound like, wokkypaedianne. Kys.